10-11 days until......

ICU 812's Avatar
To boil it down to the central concept or that essay:

f a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examination of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if that is what they, themselves, stand for.
Your obsession with what democrats believe and the Democratic Party is sad. Focus on republicans. Make them Better. Improve them. It’ll be far more fulfilling for you. We democrats don’t care one bit about your opinion of democrats and won’t spend an iota of time reevaluating our party or our beliefs.
VitaMan's Avatar
If Trump loses, likely a high ranking member of the Republican party will make an announcement, with many Republican congressman standing beside him, and announce:

"Our long national nightmare is over."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your obsession with what democrats believe and the Democratic Party is sad. Focus on republicans. Make them Better. Improve them. It’ll be far more fulfilling for you. We democrats don’t care one bit about your opinion of democrats and won’t spend an iota of time reevaluating our party or our beliefs. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
More, please explain why anybody should join the MAGA movement? Nobody has made a case for that EVER. Trump only appeals to the worst instincts of Americans.

Actually, since he's running for a second term, wouldn't this be MAGA movement #2?

Tell us what you like not who you hate.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
3 more days till the obnoxious ads, teles, and texts stop.
Almost a thou tele #s added to my block list in last few months
ICU 812's Avatar
Your obsession with what democrats believe and the Democratic Party is sad. Focus on republicans. Make them Better. Improve them. It’ll be far more fulfilling for you. We democrats don’t care one bit about your opinion of democrats and won’t spend an iota of time reevaluating our party or our beliefs. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Well, I pretty much like the way the Republics party is moving right now. If we can get Mitch McConnel to retire and replace a few other "moderate" or country club Republicans it will be better. I'd like to have another Senator Cruse replace Senator Cornen here in Texas. Elsewhere, I'd hope that Sen. Dan Crenshaw is replaced with a true conservative.

In writing and posting the essay on the changes in the Democrat party, I was directing my remarks at those Democrats who have voted that way since the 1960 and '70s; folks who grew ujp in union families who perhaps go to church, belong to the VFW or participated in the FFA in high school. These may very well be people whose values are no longer congruent with the Democratic party of 024.

I have posted the text of that essay on other forums and other platforms. I welcome and encourage anyone to repost it in whole or in part, whether verbatim or in paraphrase, to any other site, forum or anywhere else they feel it should be seen.
Precious_b's Avatar
To boil it down to the central concept or that essay:

f a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examination of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if that is what they, themselves, stand for. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Don't do the straight line bit at the ballot box (once by accident.)

Going through the League of Women Voters guide, which btw alot of republicans did not bother to answer, definitely a Libertarian i'm going for. Haven't went through all candidates yet.
ICU 812's Avatar
The way I look at it, if we get a less-than-ideal Republican into a local or state office, we can bring in a better person through the primary process before the next election.
ICU 812's Avatar
More, please explain why anybody should join the MAGA movement? Nobody has made a case for that EVER. Trump only appeals to the worst instincts of Americans.

Actually, since he's running for a second term, wouldn't this be MAGA movement #2?

Tell us what you like not who you hate. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As Lucas McCain has pointed out . . .and I agree with him on this . . .one does not need to be all-in for a candidate to vote for them. He has said that what is importsnt to him is policy. I am wholeheartedly on board with that. I have never considered myelf to be a "MAGA Republican". I voted against Mr. Trump in his first primary, voting instead for the Libertarien.

I am thinking that Lucas and I may disagree on this or that specific policy isue, but we both feel that the consideration of policy fsar outweighs considerations of personality.

Lucas: I say that with respect and without intnt of being confrntational.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
.....Mr. Trump is put in the dust bin of American politics. Originally Posted by VitaMan
We won't be going in to that cold dark night. So get over it.

A-n-d we're brining our women-folk with us.

In full disclosure: We also took out a little insurance policy...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...really only have to answer 2 questions before they vote this year:

1. Am I better off today than four years ago?
2. Can I survive four more years of this disastrous mess?

Anything else is noise, i.e. chattering monkeys.
4 years ago, October 2020, we were in the midst of a pandemic which Trump mishandled. People were dying every day. The economy was crashed. I don’t think we were better off.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The pandemic was handled pretty much the same as everyone else. Stupidly, in terms of shutting the economy down for the flu, but pretty much boilerplate other than a couple wise countries like Sweden that said fuck that shit, we’re not going to ruin our economy for no reason.

The only fair assessment is to discount Trump’s last year and Biden’s first, when the whole of governments around the globe were reacting like a multinational idiocracy . The standard of living for Americans was clearly better under pre Covid Trump than post Covid Biden by any measurable standard.
ICU 812's Avatar
Back to the topic at hand:

Vote for policy.
Vote for immigration control.
Vote for economic growth incentivized by lower taxes.
Vote for inflation control through lower fuel costs (drill baby drill)
Vote for parental control of education.
Vote for a ban on gender reassignment hormone therapy/surgery on minors.
Vote for The Second Amendment.
Vote for full funding for law enforcement.
Vote to keep career criminals in jail.

Above all:
Look at the progressive liberal agenda of the Democratic party today and evaluate that in terms of what you, yourself stand for today . . .then vote your conscience.
The pandemic was handled pretty much the same as everyone else. Stupidly, in terms of shutting the economy down for the flu, but pretty much boilerplate other than a couple wise countries like Sweden that said fuck that shit, we’re not going to ruin our economy for no reason.

The only fair assessment is to discount Trump’s last year and Biden’s first, when the whole of governments around the globe were reacting like a multinational idiocracy . The standard of living for Americans was clearly better under pre Covid Trump than post Covid Biden by any measurable standard. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Nope. Now you want to grade on a curve. You asked the question. Are we better off that 4 years ago and the answer is no. We aren’t. The person that was President 4 years ago failed to handle a crisis and that’s the measure of leadership and judgment. 4 years ago was worse than today.