GneissGuy's Avatar
This is the internet. Just like every other board, this one will sink to the lowest common denominator that the owners decide to allow.

It will become more and more of a monkey shit fight as time goes on.

If you don't like it, especially the ladies, write a polite note to the owners expressing your opinion, especially if you don't feel like participating any more.

The owners will decide if they want a friendly board, or a hog wallow.
Ally; some guys were raised with animals, some were raised AS animals.. Ironic he choose the appropriate handle to fit.. Originally Posted by nuglet
LOL, i love u nuglet, so appropriate!
Whispers's Avatar
I know that some of you guys or people consider sex workers sub human. But we are people. You all can go ahead and laugh at me, call me a crazy bitch (wouldn't be the first time) take shots...whatever.

You are correct in that statement. I know a lot of dehumanizing goes on in this business.
Over the years here was surprised that for many ladies, they prefer it as it allows them to detach from the experience. I know some HATE the whole GFE.. just want to lay down get fucked, collect and leave...

How do you thing that first review of a lady sits for some girls that are at home in a hot shower and their skin is bright red because it is the 3rd one in the 2 hours since she turned that first trick?... The guy has his review published and it;s a great review and he's getting his back slaps... She's got the Lava soap and a stiff brush scrubbing the smell off her.... But the smell is in her head and not going anywhere.

Honestly. You KNOW this is true. I know you have been around and socialized enough to know it.

So why not a crusade against the reviews?

Now, I can only speak for myself, but things said on here can really hurt people.

I agree. "Feelings" though are something people can choose to involve or not involve for the most part. Any woman that cannot separate her emotional side from what this website involves has no business doing anything here than posting an ad. She should have an assistant even to read and respond to PMs to isolate her from the harsh reality of what occurs.

Personally.... I get subjected to some of the meanest and cruelest things people can come up with to say to me trying to get a reaction. Stuff that if the RTM button was hit and it was someone else being said those things to a MOD would be issuing points and banning people and threads would be edited....

Every time that happens I don't think "Hey. Foul. That hurts". Honestly the first thought that comes to mind when it happens is "Cool. I own you" because they are now acting and responding in an emotionally driven manner... a puppet who;s strings I can play... Dance Puppet boy... dance.... they no longer have the ability to debate rationalize....

I know some ladies can be bitches or highly opinionated on here, but it is USUALLY WHEN PROVOKED.

I disagree. There are CERTAIN Ladies here that are pretty good at stirring the pot and need no provoking at all. They have usually taken an opinionated stance when someone calls them on it.

How would one of you feel to know the girl you are making fun of started using or drinking again? That her eating disorder she overcame has come back. Or that she is teetering on the edge of depression and looking at one more hurtful thing sent her over the edge and something terrible happend?

I would feel sorry for her. I would also suggest though that she and she alone needs to take responsibility for her sobriety. A problem in the thought process that something is "coming back"... An addict is and will remain an addict. Sober ones know that and live with it guiding their actions each and every day.

What goes on here is not a lot different than what life entails but her participation here IS a choice she can and does make. I will also state that although I am empathetic to her situation I will not accept any responsibility for what she herself does. Nor will I modify how I live my life or share my opinions on these subjects to adapt to her problems. She does not belong here if she is in that frame of
If she is an alcoholic I am not going to go to one of her meetings with a sixpack and offer her a drink. If she is sitting next to me in a bar I AM going to offer her a drink. Whether she chooses coke or a double shot of crown the outcome is on her. If she makes the wrong decision we can't hate on the bar for selling booze or a guy for offering her a drink. She does not belong ion the environment.

Now, there will be an argument that we are only responsible for our own feelings and actions. Of course. It is not an argument. Just a simple fact.

But all of this meanness and hatred is just like picking on a child at school. You know, the ones who end up dead from bullying. No. It is not picking on a child in school. That is a cop out. Everyone here is an adult or they claim they are when they click a tab and log in. The material discussed in each and every forum of this board is very adult in nature.

We laugh and screw around on here, but do any of you give any thought to what you might be doing to PEOPLE (another human being) and do you care?

Yes Scarlett. In MY case I do give it thought. Yes. I care. But there is a very small percentage of those that are as fragile as you describe and in my opinion they do not belong here and the fact that they ARE here should not really modify how others act.

Are some of you really that cold? Not at all. But arguing some point with a 40+ yo alcoholic with a bottle of wine next to her keyboard and a glass in one hand while typing with the other is who's fault in all reality? Really? We need to be nice to the drunk because we don't want to push her to that NEXT drink? In her Showcase is a list of favorite wines even?

I am not being mean or smart. I am really serious. I know some of you know, because you were picked on or bullied. But it doesn't give anyone a free pass to go around inflicting pain on others.

Darlin. That is the world we live in. There are ALWAYS people that will pick on other people. But some people CHOOSE to be victims and those that know their flaws learn how to not place themselves in a situation where they will not be victimized if they want to.

I know when I act out it is usually because I am hurting inside. It's pretty basic....those who put down others don't feel good about themselves when they engage in this behavior. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I understand your point but what I do not agree with is that much of what you consider "someone WANTING to put someone down" is being done because they WANT to hurt someone or feel bad inside. A lot is being done in the simple name of entertainment here.

I am being serious here... I feel sorry for people who are mean to others, because they hurt the most. But again, not a free pass to Lash out at others, imo.

I used to let the board effect me. It would make me cry sometimes, make me feel down about myself, etc. But when you can see past all the dysfunction, you realize the people being mean may be hurting too. They may not realize the damage that can be done or....

I think you need to step back and rethink that statement darlin. It is apparent that you ARE letting the board effect you as the tone and emotion in this post seems to indicate it. Maybe it is not you. Maybe you are concerned for a friend....Someone needs to unplug the computer though.

You just realize that you can't make sense out of something crazy and that some people just can't be fixed or wont look at themselves. They do not have the ability due to whatever personality disorder or other emotional issues.

And we ALL have issues. I just wanted to say that. OK. And you are correct. We all have issues. SOME keep those issues in check

For the most part, it doesn't hurt me anymore. I will get on here and play psychological chess and act a fool! It amuses me at times, but sometimes this shit gets taken too far.


Scarlett Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
I really think you captured the mindset some are in when they are interacting here. People sit back at their computers at times and crack their fingers, take a drink and start typing because today is the day they get Whispers!.... A few hours later they have 5 more points on the way to being banned and look the fool.... because they lost their game face. Believe me. It amuses me at times as well....

Yes Scarlett. It does in deed get taken too far at times. But once again, there is nothing happening here that is not apart of dealing with life on a daily basis.

Think about me and what you know of me for a moment. because unlike some of the other ladies YOU actually DO know me to a small extent through personal friends and acquaintances that we share.

You know, for example, that I am an old fat man and tend to date a lot of young women. Well that tends to draw attention not just to myself but to the lady as well. I enjoy comedy clubs. As a pretty fat fellow I know that if I am going to sit in the front row I am probably going to be made the butt of a few jokes. The comedian on stage is going to single me out and just about everyone in the club is going to laugh at what he has to say even the other fat people in the club. Take that a step further and say I am on a date with some attractive young lady that is 22 and has not experienced much. You know damn well that everybody in the room is wondering what the fuck is going on between the two of us and every act on stage is all over the fact that I am fat. I am old, she is young and hot. She is going to be painted a whore and me a man that patronizes whores on top of them ridiculing me over the weight issue,

So... WHERE do I sit? Much of the time I sit towards the back of the room in an area where I am not as easily noticed. Not for myself as much as for the lady with me. Whether they pick on her or not picking on me may make her uncomfortable.

But you know darlin..... If you and I were to walk into a comedy club on a date I would NOT be opposed to sitting in the front row.... I KNOW you are going to draw some attention just as I also know you are probably spunky enough to actually have a little fun with it. I KNOW I am quick enough as well as prepared enough to make more than a few comics sorry they open that particular subject with me and I've tested my wit with theirs on more than a few occasions simply for the challenge.

Now bringing what you are saying into this analogy..... Can you walk up to the stage in a room of 300 people and ask the comic to please be nice to your friend because she is kind of fragile? Probably not.

No. If you are responsible and you care about someone that is that fragile you take her to the movies instead.

This website by it's very nature dehumanizes women every day. It's purpose, to analyze, evaluate and rate your performances as well as value is of that nature.

Scarlett.... I think you currently have a responsibility here to your friend if there is someone that you worry about in regards to this thread.. You are not going to change the people or the place.... Her behavior here will dictate how others respond to her.

You know girl.. Some people don't know how to or want to be happy. Some prefer wallowing in self pity so that they can use it to justify their behavior.....

They are an alcoholic and are going to drink.... So they post something and get ugly responses so they have their reason to drink because they will not simply deal with it being who they are at that moment in their life.

You need to steer her away from here.

Because there will always be a reason here....

In a best tit thread she will not get mentioned and get drunk
In a best kisser thread she will not make the top 5, and get drunk.....
In a best BJ thread she will get no mention and start drinking and get drunk....

She will find her reason here no matter how people behave.

At some point she will recognize where the problem really exists and look in the mirror and she won't complain to you. She will deal with it.

or not.

Anyway. I have a little work to do.... If you are still feeling down and want to get cheered up put a low cut top and a short skirt and fix your hair and I'll take you to the Comedy Club and we sit in the front row. I'll break out the safe box and put on enough jewelry to do a fair Mister T look and we will sit in the front row.... When the opening act takes his opening shot we will decimate him the ensuing laughter will be for us and not about us.

good thread,,,,
Whispers's Avatar
Yes , it's a shame that some extremely loudmouth providers can provoke such actions, then disappear, leaving ones that have done nothing to deal with the shitstorm of their making!

Although I can agree that the Loud Mouths do tend to provoke the negative attention they receive, those that are on the sidelines do not necessarily need to shit upon

However there are no guys taking up drinking, eating themselves into oblivion, cutting, having suicidal idealization, those are purely female emotional responses.

I can't agree here either and I have stopped and self evaluated my extreme distaste for cats to make sure why I am stating it..... There are situations where guys become so enamored and emotionally involved here that they do exactly that..... Say a guy that is fat like me and has dealt with rejection much of his life books a date with a hooker who then goes off on him because he is fat and she don't do no rolly pollys.... There are ladies that don't....... For a man of low self esteem to be rejected by a hooker for being fat..... that could create quite a break in his psyche..... I have a very good friend that is very self conscious of his weight and only sees girls I prep for him so they are more than OK with him.

Scarletts points can be applied to men here as well.

I know a guy that reads every review here, has seen a couple of hundred girls over the years, he reads CoEd and the Mens Locker Room and Strip Club Section.... He calls mo as well as texts me often with comments but he will NEVER post because he does not feel he can take the criticism.... At times his thought ARE a bit off base and he knows it and I think he's afraid of someone like me tearing him up....

None of the guys are hurting, and striking out at you, that's not the way guys are wired. Don't you ladies pretend you do not know why these threads and post are happening.

If they don't pretend not to know then the WK will not champion the damsel in distress. I don't fault them for the act. They need the reinforcements when they start a little skirmish they realize they will not win.

Occasionally when you are two faced loudmouths talking shit about people behind their backs, you get held accountable for your actions.

Let me give you a pointer.... Rewrite THAT sentence as " Occasionally when THERE are two faced loudmouths talking shit about people behind their backs, THEY get held accountable for THEIR actions. "

Replace you with they and it is no longer an attack on Scarlett and a general statement about a certain group of people. If Scarlett is emotionally charged when she reads it the way YOU wrote it then she takes personal offense and strikes back....

If she reads it as I rewrote it.... that there is some group... well she has to pause and consider if she is a part of that group or not.

Your choice of words could incite her although I don't believe though that you were attacking Scarlett

None of the loudmouthed ladies have called for a truce,

Come on now. You and I know that a truce is not an options. Unconditional Surrender is their only choice.... If you are not committed to the battle man take the armor off and let others handle it! LOL

Did you read that SL? Truce?

those cowards just slink off and hide. Unfortunately a lot of you ladies whom were not part of this, and a bunch of WK's and lurkers who no nothing about why this is happening, make your comments in full ignorance.

I agree but see my point above for style.... simply "the ladies" creates a group that the reader has to decide if they are a part of or not. YOU insinuates the reader IS the target audience.

There are approximately 8 players in this, and they know what is going on, the rest are insignificant, commenting on shit they have absolutely NO idea what they are responding to. Make no mistake Scarlett, this has nothing to do with thinking providers are subhuman, this is and will continue to be retribution for the loudmouthed two faced cowards who start wars, then flee. Originally Posted by puddy tat


Man I wish you did not use that word.... I think in doing so you just painted a target on your back

You know I offer low cost Spin Control and have a class in "Posting to incite and Agitate while making your point and winning the debate" I will soon be teaching....

For $200 Admin Fee and $59.95 a month I will filter your posts and show you how to get tremendous results without repercussions.

As it sits now I think you probably have earned a warning and/or a point or two but are on the radar to see what agenda you have....

Take it from the man they love to hate....... You can create as much havoc and tug their strings all they want with total freedom if you learn to navigate the rules.... It's not hard to remain polite and non aggressive and still get the results....

My last 2 points fell off a few days ago and I have a fresh warning today to consider....but the most points I have ever accumulated was 11... That's with 13 years of being Whispers...

Hermosa's Avatar
I respect that and yes there are many naive providers. For me, I always have them PM me on eccie before I see them or have them p411 me. Yeah, I might see u sometime by accident and not even know it, I can be clueless and naive but thats not the point. We are discussing the two faced, hateful guys that put us "providers" down.

I am not just a provider. I am a woman, I am a friend, I have a brain, I have beliefs and thoughts. I have emotions and I have/had issues. I am a normal human being just like u.

Puddy, I just find some of ur posts a lil too honest and demeaning to us "providers". I do respect thats who u r and maybe ur just to honest for me. I am still neutral with u and do enjoy ur input. I just wish that me n u could switch shoes for a day and see it from ones another opinion. I think that might change a lot. Originally Posted by SpinnerAllyRay
I saw an interesting show talking about sex. In it, it asked "what percentage of women fake an orgasm?" The answer was 75%. I don't know how reliable that study was, but I found it interesting. That's telling us all two things. First. most guys think that they are all that. They have a big dick, have lots of skills and know what it takes to "Please a woman". Secondly in light of that, it tells us a lot about women. It tells us that they are compassionate enought to feed our egos and let us continue to pretend that we are "all that". I think that makes them pretty special. Don't you think so? Some tear down because they are little people. Some insult because they are little people. Some seek to destroy others because they are little people. Bless all the ladies who still put up with us and feed our illusions. Some are our SO's and some are providers. Thank you ladies for being who you are. Ignore those who neither understand you. Maybe it's because they don't understand themselves. Just thinking out loud.
Whispers's Avatar
Ignore those who neither understand you. Maybe it's because they don't understand themselves. Originally Posted by Hermosa
Ignore those who neither understand you ........ OR?......
neither understand you or?
Still Looking's Avatar
I saw an interesting show talking about sex. In it, it asked "what percentage of women fake an orgasm?" The answer was 75%. I don't know how reliable that study was, but I found it interesting. That's telling us all two things. First. most guys think that they are all that. They have a big dick, have lots of skills and know what it takes to "Please a woman". Secondly in light of that, it tells us a lot about women. It tells us that they are compassionate enought to feed our egos and let us continue to pretend that we are "all that". I think that makes them pretty special. Don't you think so? Some tear down because they are little people. Some insult because they are little people. Some seek to destroy others because they are little people. Bless all the ladies who still put up with us and feed our illusions. Some are our SO's and some are providers. Thank you ladies for being who you are. Ignore those who neither understand you. Maybe it's because they don't understand themselves. Just thinking out loud. Originally Posted by Hermosa
Actually the ones that ignore are the ones who are understood. The ones I don't understand I ignore. The ones that ignore me I don't understand why? Shit now you got me doing it!

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I will get on here and play psychological chess and act a fool! It ammuses me at times, but sometimes this shit gets taken too far.


Scarlett Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi

Y'all go ahead an' play chess. Ah'm a-stickin' with chinese checkers. But if one o' the l'il fillies h'yar wants to rattle mah bones, we kin play dominoes instead.
I understand your point but what I do not agree with is that much of what you consider "someone WANTING to put someone down" is being done because they WANT to hurt someone or feel bad inside. A lot is being done in the simple name of entertainment here.

It is almost Christmas. Big tax break on that charity, huh? Entertainment...I get. Taking it to such extremes...I don't get. I agree that we have free will and are responsible for our own actions. It is a person's choice how they react to others' behavior. I think you misunderstood, to some degree.

Back on topic. I am not an alcoholic, have an eating disorder or do drugs. I do get emotional, at times. I am a woman... part delicate, fragile and strong. Part of why you guys like us? Eerrr maybe not?!

Why do I or any of us get so emotional about some of these things? Call me crazy, BUT WHY WOULDN'T WE?

I think that is the better question. That is just my opinion.

I think some of you boys have a fetish for ruffling girls feathers. I see that you really get off on it.

My ex- hubby used to tell me I was so cute when I was mad. We are no longer married, btw!

If questioning things, taking a moment to examine things in an objective way, I thought, and being serious at times, makes me bat shit crazy than call me crazy!

My post was just something to think about or not. Nothing more.

I am not out on some crusade to change you all. Lawd knows that is futile. Just playing a little Devil's Advocate on behalf of people in general.
One other thing real quick...There was a time when I felt de- humanized by some of my clients. I fucking hated it. I was not a happy camper. So I fired those certain clients and got ones that I actually like. Win=Win Now, when I take shower I feel no need for bleach or wire brushes as I once did, at times, when I was a naive youngn'!

Being in love while in the hobby will do that to some girls....make them not like to provide etc. But that is another topic all together.
knotty man's Avatar
how bout that voice screamin' in your head as he is on top of you,,,,,,?
have you learned to quiet that... "screaming of the lambs, Clarisse" ?
hehehe jk
I could handle him, just not Buffalo Bill! "It rubs the lotion on its skin".

knotty man's Avatar
I could handle him, just not Buffalo Bill! "It rubs the lotion on its skin".

Hahaha! Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
dang! nothin happened ala"Joe Dirt"
Still Looking's Avatar
Your A Hooker? Jesus I forgot, I just thought I was doing great with you. Dudley Moore / Arthur

Not on here much anymore.
Sorry things aren't the best for some, but it is a beautiful day today in Austin.
Do what I plan to do - get outside and enjoy it.
My best to all on this special day.