Pandemic sucks Who is gonna take care of us sex workers now

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-22-2020, 09:20 PM
Alyssa, you make it sound so simple.

Very few of the ladies I know have a spouse or SO--many are in this business precisely because their SO walked out, abused them, or got them pregnant and she never saw him again.

This is also not the time that a lot of places are hiring in case you had not noticed.

Additionally, an hourly rate is only worth much if there are enough hours.

While I agree no one is obliged to help another, that was not the point of this thread as far as I can tell. So I am not sure why your hostile take on it.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Alyssa, you make it sound so simple.

Very few of the ladies I know have a spouse or SO--many are in this business precisely because their SO walked out, abused them, or got them pregnant and she never saw him again.

This is also not the time that a lot of places are hiring in case you had not noticed.

Additionally, an hourly rate is only worth much if there are enough hours.

While I agree no one is obliged to help another, that was not the point of this thread as far as I can tell. So I am not sure why your hostile take on it. Originally Posted by Old-T
Not hostile at all. Not everyone that is in this industry has a messed up sob story either.

Fyi: Only believe about 5% of what you hear or think you know about a Provider...

You are entitled to your opinion as well, you do post it everywhere after all. Have a good evening.
DallasRain's Avatar
I'm sorry if I caused harshness with this post

Stay safe n sane all!!
One thing to remember is that no SWs job is being permanently eliminated. Many others are facing that sad fact. Companies will go out of business. People will lose their jobs. Sex work will always be there. It might be tougher because of the economy and less disposable income, but that just means you will have to work harder and do with less for awhile.

Plenty of places are hiring right now. Amazon, all the superstores, and every supermarket. Doordash and UberEats are a good match for many displaced restaurant workers.

Also, if you've been doing the right thing and paying your taxes, most will get the stimulus eventually, maybe even disaster unemployment benefits.

There are many options and everyone is going to be negatively affected. Not just SWers.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-22-2020, 10:22 PM
Not hostile at all. Not everyone that is in this industry has a messed up sob story either.

Fyi: Only believe about 5% of what you hear or think you know about a Provider...

You are entitled to your opinion as well, you do post it everywhere after all. Have a good evening. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
No, not everyone in this business has a problem filled past--never said everyone. But significantly more than not would be my educated guess.

As to how much I know of the ladies, that varies case by case, as is true for most people I am sure. For some, 5% is an overstatement. For some I do indeed know very much more.

As to my posting my opinions--isn't that the purpose of boards like this? You last comment is confusing.
DallasRain's Avatar

The economy is gonna be in the dump after this thing!

I will survive..I've always been a strong woman and loving friends n family...and that will help me get through this..I really feel sorry for the small time business owners who are basically on their own in financial crises... my brother owns a small sign company in the hill country...I know he has already been stressing on what his future will hold

My neighbor is a self employed painter..he hasn't worked in 3 weeks... I actually shared some of my food supplies w his family today... like I said,it is gonna take us all being compassionate and helpful to each other to get thru this!

Scared times indeed!

I send everybody big hugs n well wishes!!

The economy is gonna be in the dump after this thing!

I will survive..I've always been a strong woman and loving friends n family...and that will help me get through this..I really feel sorry for the small time business owners who are basically on their own in financial crises... my brother owns a small sign company in the hill country...I know he has already been stressing on what his future will hold

My neighbor is a self employed painter..he hasn't worked in 3 weeks... I actually shared some of my food supplies w his family today... like I said,it is gonna take us all being compassionate and helpful to each other to get thru this!

Scared times indeed!

I send everybody big hugs n well wishes!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Keep cash in your sock drawer. You may laugh but if the banks ever decide to close and electronic transactions cease you'll think of this post. Nothing just simply happens it's always planned.
Alyssa's Main point is this:

Lets look at her for an example. On this site alone she has since 2013, 39 pages of 10 displayed reviews. The 40th page has 8. 398 reviews. There have obviously been more encounters but if she puts into savings $100 for every reviewed encounter, shes looking at near 40 grand in saving as a result of her relentless hard work and treating this profession she's in serious.

Shit is called savings for a reason we are grown adults. You work, earn, and save. Occasionally you stare into that mf and figure out what you could live off of In case income slows down and you keep pushing.

All these encounters are 1-sided and a provider's earning potential is through the roof. A put back of $50 a day for 300 days worked in a year gives one $15k to sit on. If that is in your bank account where the foreseeable future is a 3 month hiatus with likely rent/mortgage/utility forgiveness, you shouldnt be begging or seeking sympathy.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-23-2020, 08:35 AM
That arithmetic is correct of course. But the assumptions are just that--assumptions. I do not know Alyssa's business, and those numbers may be accurate for her, and some others, but it is not accurate for many ladies--most, I would guess but I don't have vast data.

Most ladies do not work that volume consistently, and for many the expenses are significantly more than men want to understand.

I think we would all agree that in an ideal world every lady--every person--would have financial reserves. But that is not reality for many reasons.

I think almost all would also agree that people here have no obligation to help others in need.

But if some here do choose to help people in a bad situation, I find nothing wrong with that either.
DallasRain's Avatar

I think almost all would also agree that people here have no obligation to help others in need.

But if some here do choose to help people in a bad situation, I find nothing wrong with that either.

fred_flinstone's Avatar
I actually booked a trip to Dallas for next week, just to play. I know that's reckless and irresponsible on my part, but hey. Im gonna spend my money before it evaporates.
I think some providers forget the knife cuts both ways - last 2 weeks i saw the future and in order to preserve some cash asked for a bit of a discount- not 1 provider accepted or agreed - now they want help - REALLY? I am glad all my shit is paid for and i have cash to last me 15 years and i dont make $300 an hour ! only the good providers will survive and come out ahead.
That arithmetic is correct of course. But the assumptions are just that--assumptions. I do not know Alyssa's business, and those numbers may be accurate for her, and some others, but it is not accurate for many ladies--most, I would guess but I don't have vast data.

Most ladies do not work that volume consistently, and for many the expenses are significantly more than men want to understand.

I think we would all agree that in an ideal world every lady--every person--would have financial reserves. But that is not reality for many reasons.

I think almost all would also agree that people here have no obligation to help others in need.

But if some here do choose to help people in a bad situation, I find nothing wrong with that either. Originally Posted by Old-T
I get where you are coming from but this to me is a case by case basis and should be kept private. If we're on this site, trust, we're already thinking about it. But without me getting too deep into it, there's just a code. Out of the usual bonds between client/provider IMO should be kept under wraps and treated like private personal friendships/relationships. I DO NOT want to know who and what provider client is BBFS or getting free bees or discounts b/c they've got an understanding. That's none of my business.

I remember having a discussion with a wonderful traveling provider. She was a bit privileged in mindset and why not, she was early twenties and a knock out. She kept wondering why I'd never give in to her 5k a month sugar fee. We started going over scenarios relating to other men, age, profession, income, and ability to carry such a lifestyle.

When I brought up an example - What if said gentleman has a family crisis. Two kids lost scholarships and need a financial attention to continue med school and another family member is in the hospital with cancer, does he continue with his re-occurring $3k/month to his sugar baby? Does she in this difficult time provide him comfort and solutions to these family problems or is she going to just do what she does and buy clothes and mind her business in her expensive condo - fucking other guys too.

The argument stopped there.
As a matter of fact, that's a perfect example.

It's like saying: "hey ladies, a client has officially reached the $10k mark as far as spending with you, That's enough moved money to attract the feds, he's risking his well being in order to take care of you, it's time for discounts and freebies"

Like suckers you could chose to believe that he wired all $10k at once from one strange account to his or vice-versa. The same way to as suckers some of us could believe that a provider has no other income source or savings.
one thing that scares me about this is how mental health in this country took a big hit years ago and what all this isolation is going to do to those people who couldn't get the help they need then what's going to happen to them now?