Shared incall questions?

squiretuck's Avatar
While I am indifferent to shared in calls; a girls got to do what a girls got to do, I will say it can be quite embarrassing.
I was at a shared in-call having a wonderful fbsm time with a former beauty, A* Lil*, when a young beauty who used to go by a former handle called C*rr*n* walked in 15 minutes before our appointment was up because she had to prepare for her session. Talk about a boner crusher!!! She was understanding though, but still we had to cut our time short and skedaddle (do they still use that word?) .
russellevans's Avatar
I prefer to be alone with the gentlemen whose paying to spend time with me privately.

It just doesnt seem very professional. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
This chick gets it.

Shared incall = high volume ho = low dollar pussy

I want a girl who can pay for her own space and doesn't have to "shack up" to save on money.

Everyone is different though. A lot of guys are fine seeing that Motel 8 girl versus the Marriott girl to save money. It's a different league and quality of service.

Fuck no I don't want to run into some other girl.... I'm there to see my chick and do my thing.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I wouldn't say that a shared incall would mean high volume. She could actually be lower volume because of other ladies sharing the place.

I'm playing devil's advocate here....
If 2 ladies are using the same incall, then they may each be paying half of the rent, so it would be less expensive if they live somewhere else and only use the incall for appts. 3 ladies and it would be even less per lady. Maybe one lady uses it more than the others. Maybe one lady only takes one appt per week.
Some guys prefer an apartment vs a hotel. It may be that the lady can't use her place because of someone else is using it? Maybe she has family or friends staying at her place.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Shared incall does not mean high volume. Just to let you know. Also, it seems the opinion of the guys that it is a 2 bdrm. My incall is one bedroom so there is no double scheduling. Double lock on the door so there is no chance of another lady walking in on the session. Also, as stated before, use a calendar to keep track of who is using it. Only when someone forgets to put in an appointment was there ever an issue and that was awhile back. Things run pretty smoothly at my place now.
I think you are really off the mark with that comment.

The incalls I share are all luxury level and I have a shared incall because I am so LOW VOLUME that I don't want to invest in the rent and utilities of a solo incall nor do I feel comfy working out of my personal apt. The level of service a guy receives has a lot more to do with the provider you choose and how you treat her than the location she chooses.

This chick gets it.

Shared incall = high volume ho = low dollar pussy

I want a girl who can pay for her own space and doesn't have to "shack up" to save on money.

Everyone is different though. A lot of guys are fine seeing that Motel 8 girl versus the Marriott girl to save money. It's a different league and quality of service.

Fuck no I don't want to run into some other girl.... I'm there to see my chick and do my thing. Originally Posted by russellevans
The problem I always get is scheduling.
HunterGrace's Avatar

First of all, good luck. And don't feel bad if/when it ends because you may have to kiss a lot of frogs before finding a perfect fit. And when you find a good fit, she may a)retire, b) die, c) move to another city, d) find a better situation anyway, etc. There will be a lot of issues, your questions are important but you will see, are actually not that big compared to other issues, like scheduling and cleanliness, and laundry. Again, good luck.
Are guys comfortable knowing that an incall is shared?

They never say they are uncomfortable, as a matter of fact, if a lady isn't ready, it's nice to have another lady answer the door and visit with the gent while he waits for his date to finish getting ready.

Do you guys prefer that it's only the provider you've set an appointment with or does it matter if she has a roommate?

I don't think a bait and switch is ever a good idea unless he was asked before he got there.

How many would leave or not schedule at all if you know she has someone there?

No man has ever left because other ladies are present at the incall

Are ladies more comfortable with someone else around?

Yes, having a wingman in the other room brings a sense of safety to the equation

If at a house or apartment, do you ask the other lady to stay out of sight in another room or let her stay in the living room or shared area?

In the past the extra lady would "hide" in the dining room. these days, it's pretty much common knowledge that i have roommates at my incall and so it is not unexpected to see another lady or even hang out for a few before session starts with the other ladies. In fact it brings a unique experience because what guy gets to just "hang out" at a whorehouse? It's pretty cool actually.

For both - do you have problems performing or enjoying the session with someone else around?

At first, yes, but music give a little more privacy. A roommate style apt also adds privacy

Or does it turn you on?
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
So far, I have had no problems at all with shared incalls. No incidents. And if ladies feel safer,that's a good thing.
Also,it CAN be good marketing, when provider-roommates are introduced to the hobbyist.
BUT, I see a potential for problems, especially if the roommates' friendship sours, and they're locked into a lease.
Nightcrawler29's Avatar
Are guys comfortable knowing that an incall is shared?
Yes and no. I really prefer it when there is privacy and I'm meeting with the lady one on one.

What if another lady is there when you arrive?

I don't mind so much if another lady is there as long as there is privacy, safety, and a nice non-clock watching session. Sometimes it could be tempting to do a doubles, but then it would take some preparation to be able to handle the unexpected second donation.
Do you guys prefer that it's only the provider you've set an appointment with or does it matter if she has a roommate?
Generally I would prefer to meet with the lady by herself, but it depends on the gut feeling and the general environment.
How many would leave or not schedule at all if you know she has someone there?

If that someone is another lady then I might be ok depending on the general environment and gut feeling. If there's another guy, then all kind of alarms would ring and I would probably split.
Would you be interested in a doubles session if another lady is there?

Likely but would need to be prepared for the unexpected extra donation, which can be significant.
muybellaco's Avatar
Been with a provider who shared an incall. It was weird but exciting, as we were all walking around naked. Only my girl took care of me.
I wouldn't want to share an incall. Seems like a lot of hassle.
I prefer a split space and I have tried every imaginable incall scenario: my condo, my own private (second) apartment, a shared apartment, upscale hotels, my office, etc.

For me, I don't hobby enough to justify leasing a second space. I like having freedom to entertain when I please, without the stress of "working extra" to fund a hobby hideout. I'm also not a fan of inviting dates to my home because I like my privacy. No one wants to see my dirty laundry hamper or deal with pet hair, and I don't want to field questions from nosey neighbors. I have never "run into" another provider who shares while I am occupying the space: use a calendar. The volume isn't "revolving" because, again, a calendar helps those who share plan accordingly. I hate feeling rushed so I don't arrange dates into time-restricting spaces and I would imagine others operate in a similar fashion.

I think some are putting a little too much thought into the question. When I am invited over for fun I trust my date won't have any "unexpected" company dropping by, so I respect and reciprocate that trust by ensuring my time, in my space, is also uninterrupted.