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Sensual Sophia's Avatar

Weight training is actually more important than cardio for long term weight loss / weight maintenance - as any professional will tell you.

That's why circuit style weight training where you get an aerobic effect along with the resistance training effect is the ideal scenario. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler

I have to agree with this. I used to do mostly cardio and never lost any weight. Since I started regular weight training with some short sprinting intervals in between, I've really toned up. I'm actually exercising a lot less and seeing better results.
I have to agree with this. I used to do mostly cardio and never lost any weight. Since I started regular weight training with some short sprinting intervals in between, I've really toned up. I'm actually exercising a lot less and seeing better results. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I have disagree on this..maybe for others who cant lose weight or maintain their physique quite well, I am toned already,.. so weights are not needed for me to keep my body the way I want it..
I have not touched a weight in 10 years and I look pretty dam good!!! 190 pound, lien and mean!!! I am just special... ( :

I have great genes..thank goodness for my parents...
I'm a huge advocate of weight training for everyone because the human body loses muscle mass dramatically after age 27 unless the muscles are exercised regularly. Go into the locker room of any gym and see what most men after the age of 35 look like, even if they're not fat. It's gross! And this is what our girls often have to look at, so for the sake of the girls let's all try to retain our muscles a little and they will thank us!

All the "cardio" anyone needs can be gained from weight training, although I'm convinced that the heart is actually the ONLY muscle which does not deteriorate with age, and health is not benefited by strengthening it. "Heart desease" is usually desease of the coronary arteries, not the muscle. When the muscle is deseased it's because of infection [by pathogens] and has nothing to do with the strength of the muscle. Plenty of athletes with low heart rates [the stronger the muscle the lower the beats per second] have croaked from infecteous desease of the heart.

Weight training increases feelings of well-being, counter-acts depression, and enhances mood dramatically.

The only criticism I have of the early Atkins diets are that they stressed replacing carbs and sugars with meats, and I think the science has shown that it's better to replace with vegetables while leaving the meats constant. Humans can digest meats, but are not cats or buzzards, and do not function optumally as carnavores.

In the future genetic therapy might make it possible for everyone to have as much muscle as they desire at all times, but till then we just have to work at it. It is a creative process, building and improving your body, and people that focus on it can tend to be a little narcisstic, but that's okay.
Go into the locker room of any gym and see what most men after the age of 35 look like, even if they're not fat. It's gross! Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Huh...and I thought she was smiling because she liked what she saw (for my age), not that she was thinking to herself, "gross!"
Go into the locker room of any gym and see what most men after the age of 35 look like, even if they're not fat. It's gross! And this is what our girls often have to look at. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Luckly at that age what they loose in muscle tone they gain in brain matter!
And while I'm on the subject let me add that although the gyms I worked for required us to push suppliments, there isn't a shred of evidence that any suppliment has any fitness benefit whatsoever.

The largest commercial enterprise in fitness, Joe Weider Publications, bribed Arnold Schwarzenagger [sp] for many years under a sealed contract paying Arnold 2% of Weider publication's gross revenues for NOT expressing any opinions regarding the suppliments they advertized. That's what turned out to be the source of Arnold's vast wealth, not the "canny businessman" he claimed to be. And of course recently he had to admit that during competition he used anabolic steroids. He also had to have a heart valve replaced, perhaps because of it.

The worst myth around is that protein suppliments add muscle. Look around at any zoo and you'll see that huge, muscular beasts such as zebras, giraffs, etc. are all herbavores. One of man's closest relatives, the gorilla, is massively muscular by eating leaves.
Ergo....vegetables, leaves and grass have ample protein needed for whatever tissue growth genetics determine.

The present understanding is that muscle tissue growth from weight training is largely carbohydrate-derived. This is the reason why I recommend that clients who are dieting not strength train, but wait till their weight reduction is completed before trying to add muscle.

Maintaining a target weight through diet is not difficult because you can eat as much volume as you wish, so long as it's low or absent in carbohydrates.
You can go all you life feeling quite full eating two or more meals a day of vegetables and meats alone. Civilization was founded by the cultivation of grains, which are a highly concentrated energy source. But through history people used to eat only one meal a day, and that meal nurished them with the calories dervied from cultivated rice, wheat, or corn. Eating two or three meals a day of such however, and then adding sugar-laden drinks or desserts as people have recently done, is excessive in calories.

As for the much touted "fruits," they are loaded with fructose, a sugar so rapidly taken into the blood that hospital patients fed fructose as their energy source via IV actually suffered kidney and liver failure and died.
Eating fruits loaded with fructose is hazardous for diabetics too. The much maligned cain sugar however is much more slowly taken up, and is actually a better source of energy than fructose.

So much for dietary myths and gym-rat urban legends.

The fact is that there is so much money to be made in the diet, fitness, and medical industries that those areas are loaded with false claims and fraud. In order to find objective information you have to turn to un-biased sources such as acedemic research, and even animal husbandry and veteranarians.

All competitors know that in order to reach competition-winning levels that anabolic steroids are a must. Abused in that way they have heath risks, but these risks might be worth taking if lean muscle mass is needed for health. Many elderly men can be taken out of their wheelchairs and off their walkers by administering anabolic steroids. Taking them while training will increase muscle dramatically, but taking them without training will yeild a lean, muscluar result which supports weakened bones. President John Kennedy had a weakened spine from taking cortisone for years [therapy for colon inflamation]. To keep him functional he took anabolic steroids to strengthen the muscles of his back. During his autopsy it was noted that he possessed, "a particularly lean, athletic physique."
portion control pure and simple. you normally eat 6 slices of pizza? eat 4 instead.
normally eat a bag of chips with your sandwich cut it out. we all over eat. slice
down slightly what you currently eat and your appetite will adjust to it. It works.

cutting all carbs and such work as well but never long term. you have to find healthier food that you enjoy eating and not eat it to excess. you can still eat the garbage junk food just cut it down if you eliminate it totally eventually you will break.

exercise 3 days a week minimum, eat well and don't overeat and you will lose weight.
It's simple but it does take discipline though not as much as some people make it to be.
Now if you want to be ripped and shredded and make womans panties wet just by taking off your shirt like Ralphey than more work is definitely needed but I don't think thats what was asked
nuglet's Avatar
I'm not actually concerned about being "ripped", or losing any of the weight I fight so hard to gain. I am 5'11" and 145 lbs. I was looking for advice for a lady, not me. I already got good info from Tess and Sophia. Considering how they look, I think I'll follow their advice.. Thanks guys.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

I humbly disagree. I do agree that the average male loses 1 to 2% of his muscle mass each year starting in the mid-30s. We may disgree about the percentage and the age but we agree that it does occur.

I disagree that weight lifting is the only cardio a person needs to maintain weight and overall body health. The definition that I go by for aerobic exercise is to get your heart rate up to 80% of maximum and KEEP IT THERE for approximately 30 minutes minimum. The average person lifting weights cannot do that -- the heart rate spikes while lifting and returns to close to normal inbetween sets. But I do not disagree with you that weight lifting has many positive benefits.

Aerobic exercise is what strengthens the heart, lungs, and the cardiovascular system. Running, cycling, swimming, walking fast, and distance skiing are most often cited as effective aerobic exercises.

From the, these are the benefits of aerobic exercise. I might add that increased sexual stamina is a benefit of a strenuous aerobic routine.
  1. <LI class=doublespace>Keep excess pounds at bay. Combined with a healthy diet, aerobic exercise helps you lose weight — and keep it off. <LI class=doublespace>Increase your stamina. Aerobic exercise may make you tired in the short term. But over the long term, you'll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue. <LI class=doublespace>Ward off viral illnesses. Aerobic exercise activates your immune system. This leaves you less susceptible to minor viral illnesses, such as colds and flu. <LI class=doublespace>Reduce health risks. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of many conditions, including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer. Weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as walking, reduce the risk of osteoporosis. <LI class=doublespace>Manage chronic conditions. Aerobic exercise helps lower high blood pressure and control blood sugar. If you've had a heart attack, aerobic exercise helps prevent subsequent attacks. <LI class=doublespace>Strengthen your heart. A stronger heart doesn't need to beat as fast. A stronger heart also pumps blood more efficiently, which improves blood flow to all parts of your body. <LI class=doublespace>Keep your arteries clear. Aerobic exercise boosts your high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and lowers your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad," cholesterol. The potential result? Less buildup of plaques in your arteries. <LI class=doublespace>Boost your mood. Aerobic exercise can ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension associated with anxiety and promote relaxation. <LI class=doublespace>Stay active and independent as you get older. Aerobic exercise keeps your muscles strong, which can help you maintain mobility as you get older. Aerobic exercise also keeps your mind sharp. At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three days a week seems to reduce cognitive decline in older adults.
  2. Live longer. People whoparticipate in regular aerobic exercise appear to live longer than those who don't exercise regularly.
you also get muscle maturity with age... I will always look more lien(lean, sorry the the typo) than a 20 yr old will....
nuglet's Avatar
hmmm or perhaps "lean"... professionally skewed..
hmmm or perhaps "lean"... professionally skewed.. Originally Posted by nuglet

sorry, habit now for being in the lending biz for 13 yrs.. I meant lean..
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-16-2010, 03:44 PM
I'm not actually concerned about being "ripped", or losing any of the weight I fight so hard to gain. I am 5'11" and 145 lbs. I was looking for advice for a lady, not me. I already got good info from Tess and Sophia. Considering how they look, I think I'll follow their advice.. Thanks guys. Originally Posted by nuglet
Good thinking. If you want to get bigger, squats and milk. If you want to get better-looking... Tess and Sophia, right.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Muscle maturity. I like that!! At my age my muscles must be VERY mature.
nuglet's Avatar
hmmmm "maturity".... how about "experienced"? I'm REAL experienced!@@!