I thought I saw where KatyLeigh is moving to Jonesboro. Might be something to look into.
I live just outside the city limits of Jonesboro. Whenever you are ready to head this way be sure to let me know so I can clear my schedule!
Yeah she said she’s in town, but she hasn’t responded to me so…
Welcome to the new age of scheduling. Reach out and you might get a response in 7 days.
Yeah. I reached out like 3 days ago and *crickets*
Not referencing any provider in particular, but I hear about this a lot from clients and read it a lot on this board…

I just don’t understand the lack of TCB. Maybe they are only part time? Can’t explain others’ behavior... But I can say that I’m on top of my communications, always.

Good luck in Jonesboro, hon! I’ve heard that since the LE troubles there years ago it’s been kind of a dead area. Hopefully the new girl helps improve the situation for y’all! And I will do my best to visit eventully. :mwah:
I’ll be waiting!