
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
By the way, anybody reading the link to the OP might come to the conclusion that the idea that President Obama's current vacation cost $20mm dollars is complete bullshit. Nonsense and lies, just like everything else you idiots post up.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-04-2013, 08:00 PM
....a black man with money....trumps drunckin sailors. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Thats just it DL, it is not "his" money. It is OUR hard earned tax dollars, being wasted on that lowlife cocksucker, and his whole fucking entourage......!!!!!!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2013, 08:07 PM
He did not spend 20 fucking million dollars on ONE GOD DAMN VACATION.... This cocksucker is totally out of control. And what goes round comes round. Originally Posted by seedman55
The plane is paid for, the crew is already paid for. The only real expense is the fuel. Settle down you Tea Pots. It ain't like we pay our Presidents like we pay the Captains of Industry. This from the article.

The $20 million figure is based on estimates of the cost of the four Hawaii vacations the Obamas have taken during Christmastime 2009-2012. According to a detailed breakdown by the Hawaii Reporter, the annual excursions in 2009, 2010, and 2011 cost about $4 million, much of it attributable to the expense of taking Air Force One, at an hour rate of about $180,000, on an eighteen-hour roundtrip journey to Honolulu and back.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-04-2013, 08:09 PM
Your wrong WTF, if he did not make the fucking trip, the money would NOT BE SPENT.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2013, 08:18 PM
Your wrong WTF, if he did not make the fucking trip, the money would NOT BE SPENT..... Originally Posted by seedman55
No you are wrong. First it was not 20M on one trip, you were wrong there and two, if I had a plane and crew paid for 24/7 , all it cost is fuel to go somewhere.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seedy is blind, deaf and dumber than shit.

The only cocksucker I see in this thread is him... And he's pretty good at it.
Just like healthcare. Opromqueens vacations are free....fuggers
cptjohnstone's Avatar
And he's pretty good at it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
and you know this how?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why the hell, Timmy and others, think that because I criticize Obama, that I approved of everything GWB did? What a stupid strawman you have there. If it is wrong for Obama, it was wrong for Bush. Have I mentioned that Bush was the second most disastrous President in history, second only to Obama? Have I mentioned that GWB and his administration should be put on trial for war crimes? Yes I have, numerous times.

When have I EVER shown any sympathy for GWB? I may bring him up to point out your own hypocrisy, but I can't stand the man, and he should NEVER have been President.

What Obama does is what Obama does. If it is wrong, I'll say so, the same as any President. Gawd, you people are idiots!
Why the hell, Timmy and others, think that because I criticize Obama, that I approved of everything GWB did? What a stupid strawman you have there. If it is wrong for Obama, it was wrong for Bush. Have I mentioned that Bush was the second most disastrous President in history, second only to Obama? Have I mentioned that GWB and his administration should be put on trial for war crimes? Yes I have, numerous times.

When have I EVER shown any sympathy for GWB? I may bring him up to point out your own hypocrisy, but I can't stand the man, and he should NEVER have been President.

What Obama does is what Obama does. If it is wrong, I'll say so, the same as any President. Gawd, you people are idiots! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And so...a response to my inquiry? The President doesn't get to go on vacation? Or he travels business class with his secret service agents and related security requirements? Or, we just let him travel without requisite security? You're a fool without answers, only criticisms from the cheap seats. As usual you take cheap shots that don't take into consideration the economic realities of a POTUS traveling in the real world. You just make yourself look stupid with these kinds of responses.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You obviously didn't read my response, Timmy. That's sad. I said we need to protect him and make sure he has requisite communication ability. He should pay his own lodging and recreation.

If he goes to Camp David, we foot the entire bill. Anywhere else, and he needs to pony up for part of the expense. At least.

And I've defended Obama's vacations on here before, you just don't pay attention. I have also said the President, regardless who he is, is never really on vacation. But when we're in the economic crisis that we're in. it would be a good show of faith for him to at least pay some of the expenses, or choose a less exotic and remote locale.
You obviously didn't read my response, Timmy. That's sad. I said we need to protect him and make sure he has requisite communication ability. He should pay his own lodging and recreation.

If he goes to Camp David, we foot the entire bill. Anywhere else, and he needs to pony up for part of the expense. At least.

And I've defended Obama's vacations on here before, you just don't pay attention. I have also said the President, regardless who he is, is never really on vacation. But when we're in the economic crisis that we're in. it would be a good show of faith for him to at least pay some of the expenses, or choose a less exotic and remote locale. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I read every bit of your response but you clearly haven't contemplated mine you dimwit. How does a POTUS go on vacation without SS security, related vehicles, related pre-trip planning and everything that goes along with it? What your saying is that President Obama shouldn't be allowed to go to Hawaii because it's a bit further than Waco or the Western White Houses that Reagan and Nixon enjoyed. It's absurd. Sorry, but Hawaii is where President Obama was raised and where he likes to vacation when he's not working his ass off. The job description he accepted, and that the American people ratified when they elected him FOR A SECOND FUCKING TIME put that type of vacation in play for him. Sorry if you don't like it, but so it goes. President's going on vacation and traveling are expensive.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know he's going to, regardless of what I say. But I still have the right to say it. I don't give a damn if he was re-elected. I didn't vote for him, I don't support him, and I will continue to oppose him even when I'm indefinitely detained without due process.

Millions of Americans can't go on vacation because of the economy, which he is making worse. I think it's pretty crude for "Our Dear Leader" to take a luxury vacation when the rest of the country is hurting. He has a government owned vacation spot. It's called Camp David. Anywhere else, and he should foot part of the bill.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 10:11 PM
He did not spend 20 fucking million dollars on ONE GOD DAMN VACATION.... This cocksucker is totally out of control. And what goes round comes round. Originally Posted by seedman55
sure he did like I said, the Olympics in CHINA .. 20 mil wouldnt even cover the tips
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-04-2013, 10:23 PM
Seedy is blind, deaf and dumber than shit.

The only cocksucker I see in this thread is him... And he's pretty good at it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I may be deaf, dumb, and blind, but i do use your chin to rest my nuts.....lmao

No you are wrong. First it was not 20M on one trip, you were wrong there and two, if I had a plane and crew paid for 24/7 , all it cost is fuel to go somewhere. Originally Posted by WTF
Where did I say 1 trip cost 20 million? Nowhere.... his 2 trips alone did cost over 6 million, according to YOUR numbers. I am just sick to death of this COCKSUCKER WASTING MY GOD DAMN TAX DOLLARS, SO HE AND HIS FUCKING FAMILY CAN PARTY..... Did bush go on vacation yes, to Crawford, tx, did not cost near as much....... You fucking libtards are all brainwashed, like i have said before when they start trying to take YOUR STUFF, what the fuck are you going to do?. Me, I'm not goin down without a fight.