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Seems to me if she was UTR she shouldn't have picks on p411. What's the difference in them being there or being here. She was going to get outed eventually. Also if Krissy didn't want you to share or post them she should have said something to you or not sent them to you to begin with. How are we to know who's UTR, it's not our responsibility. Sounds like Krissy's to blame here. From what I've read it's not a huge loss, Krissy's TCB was poor at best anyways and if the agency shuts down the ladies will go somewhere else or go indie.

So really it's just an adios, farewell hopefully of Krissy who's blaming others for her mistakes just like she does when a girl doesn't show up who it's later is found out to not even be in Austin and had Know idea she had an appointment. Originally Posted by homer13
If I had to guess, I would say the girl probably had no knowledge that her pictures were being sent out. I could be wrong though. I know my pictures have been sent out without my knowledge only to find out from clients later when I worked for an agency at one time. I feel sorry for the lady.
I also feel bad for her, however even if she didn't know they were being sent out,Krissy didn't pull them out of thin air. They were given to her by the UTR girl, who's responsibility was to make sure her identity was protected. I notice your a headless body there Scarlett, mmmmm , rarely are there face pics, and even rarer for them to be straight on . Oh and the dear family friend who just happened to have premium access on Eccie definitely should have known better than to out her,What A Dick!!!!!!!!!
You are right, they weren't pulled out of thin air. Some agencies ask for those types of photos for hiring purposes with the promise that they will not be released. I really shouldn't speculate as to what happened. It's none of my business and everyone knows there are 3 sides to every story. I just felt compelled to share my experience and empathy with the girl. Crawling back under my rock now
I suppose you could be right. And obviously I have no knowledge of being hired by any agency . But the cautionary tales of Agencies outing girls to keep them under their thumbs are out there . I can think of two such agency owners rumored to have used this tactic. And I'm not saying Krissy did this purposely, just that if I know these tales, certainly the UTR girl ( could have or should have ) done her homework and had her guard up? I wouldn't crawl under any rock, yours was an insightful post.
  • meow
  • 03-22-2012, 10:56 AM
I agree that the blame does fall somewhat on the UTR girl, but IMHO, more blame should fall on Krissy because she doesn’t seem to have any will to protect the girls she works with. She posted the pics on a public thread AND sent them to a potential client? Either the UTR girl wasn’t clear about her need for discretion or Krissy is blatantly disrespectful toward those she’s there to protect. Point blank, by default everyone should exercise discretion, especially the agency, whether they think they need to or not. If everyone treated each other like we were all fugitives or in hiding, then this kind of problem wouldn’t exist.

Imagine you as a client pull up in a very exotic car. The provider comes out and says “Oh my god! A Ferrari (like one of 100 in the world)! Do you mind if I get a picture with it?” Would it be appropriate for her to put it on Facebook and thereby risk your identity being compromised? No! Or say you take a picture together because y’all hit it off so well. Just because you aren’t explicit in saying you’re married and want discretion doesn’t mean you don’t deserve that discretion. It is a two way street.

In short, the info should be between you two only—the sender and the recipient. That way no one gets outed. Yes, the pics were already public but he added to the spread by reposting them—he could have just shared the link and then it would have all been on Krissy.
