Goodbye to all my friends and foe's!!

sixxbach's Avatar
Statement was meant generally! Not about you specifically. You might be an SOB, but you are always a fair SOB! LOL!! I hope that you do get the see her before she rides into the sunset. Originally Posted by Spacemtn

sorry spacemtn,

i did not take that as a negative...... not at all........ sorry for not clarifiying....... i sure i hope i get to see her before she leaves us.....
Just wondering, based on your post if you are *truly* retiring or taking some time away for *personal* reasons? Or is it a semi-reitrement? Don't know and don't care about whatever drama you are referring to, just wondering if you are gone for good or just going under the radar? Originally Posted by dammit
Sorry, but I am busy servicing her crystal ball. All questions about the future cannot be answered at this time. Seriously now. Coming as a girl who was a full time provider, then retired, then part time agency girl, then part time UTR, then retired, then UTR, then retired, then whatever I am now, I can say that this provider thing is awfully dynamic. I mean sure, the girls who "retire" twice a year get on anyone's nerves, but this is hardly the case. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! of luck Marley! Hopefully with your announcement some positive guys, both new and old, will come out of the woodwork and offer a lot of support and make you feel appreciated and pretty and all of that. It's nice to feel appreciated and pretty and all of the other things. And of course, congratulations on the job! It's equal parts challenging and exciting when you start a new career path, so good luck with that as well.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar

You will be missed by many. You have always been one of the sweetest girls on the board and things won't be the same without you. I hope you'll pop into the ladies area every now and then to say hi.

I'm so happy that you were able to find a new job in these difficult economic times. Best of luck in your new found career!
I love you pretty lady! I am glad to know you and wish you all the best this world has to offer! We will all miss you very much! Kisskissluffluff!
thanks yall. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. This is expected to be a full on retirement. It's been great... Worked hard to make everyone happy... Accomplished that for many years... Only 1 bad thing can ever be said about me... At least it isn't on my BCD skills. Thanks again... Love you ladies so much!!! I will keep in touch with you girls... I've got a big event coming up... Hope yall will be there
Best of luck Marley!
EllaInAustin's Avatar
You brightened up the board and will be missed - all the best to you!
Guest062716's Avatar
Farewell, Miss Monroe.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and well wishes for your success in your new career and in life.

You will be sorely missed and we will be joyful to see you pop in here from time-to-time.

A crisp salute as we bid you farewell.

Very Respectfully,

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Good luck, pretty Marley! Счастливого пути тебе, и лёгких посадок.

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
dammit can kiss my ass and keep his questions to himself! MM can be completely sincere in her retirement: a month, a year, or ten years can pass and it's her prerogative as a Woman to change her mind without notice so if she says she's retiring then she's retiring. AND, I'm sure many of the ladies here, myself included, envy her for her courage. If we could enjoy bcd without having to deal with the haters (not saying you are a hater, dammit), oh what a wonderful world this would be.

Good luck girlie, I wish you nothing but lots of happiness and wealth, in that order. I will always keep telling the story of camping with you and Taylor from Mint for your birthday last summer and how it was like camping with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. You two are the only two Diva's I'll probably ever meet who get their nails and eyelashes done to go camping!!!!
BoobsmanBoobs's Avatar
Wow invite me on the next camping trip. That would be heaven.
That's a damn shame! Sounds like there's some real charmers on this site. Marley, I haven't had the opportunity to meet you yet and do wish you the best in your future endeavors.

It has been a joy getting to know you. You were one of the 1st Austin Adorables that I saw BCD and well worth the price of admission

Most guys already know Marley is adorable with a smoking hot body! Don't forget to thank your mama for that! LOL But, allot of you folks may not know that Marley is one of the sweetest, sensitive and good hearted gals on the board. I consider you one of my hobby friends. We've shared some deep conversations and some good times at a few socials and even a car accident (that poor gal that hit us will proabably never forget you )

Marley I wish you the best of luck to you in your new career and you will be sorely missed. See you on the Civie side sometime.

Keep in touch and don't forget we have some unfinished business

Love ya baby!

harkontume's Avatar
Marley, Good Luck.

Love ya.

You gave me Joy!
sixxbach's Avatar
dammit can kiss my ass and keep his questions to himself! MM can be completely sincere in her retirement: a month, a year, or ten years can pass and it's her prerogative as a Woman to change her mind without notice so if she says she's retiring then she's retiring. AND, I'm sure many of the ladies here, myself included, envy her for her courage. If we could enjoy bcd without having to deal with the haters (not saying you are a hater, dammit), oh what a wonderful world this would be.

Good luck girlie, I wish you nothing but lots of happiness and wealth, in that order. I will always keep telling the story of camping with you and Taylor from Mint for your birthday last summer and how it was like camping with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. You two are the only two Diva's I'll probably ever meet who get their nails and eyelashes done to go camping!!!! Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

The price of gas to go camping 60 dollars............ camping supplies 100 dollars....... going camping with gals who get their nails and eyelashes done beforehand...... PRICELESS!!!