Ugh! No PM notifications AGAIN.

CasanovaJJ's Avatar
I actually switched my emails over to my gmail address and it worked fine for about a week or two. Now I'm not receiving any notifications again. Perhaps I'll try the filter like you said. Frustrating for us all since I try (emphasis on try) not to spend all my time on here and I have no idea when the ladies respond to my pm's or when I get a new one. Frustrations I'm sure you're aware of.
Euphemia's Avatar
Also not getting notifications on emails. I have a domained email and have for years. Has worked in the past. Was about to post again and I see that it is happening again.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its really on you guys and the email services you choose to use.

Too many of them are censoring messages from and not delivering them to you. The system sends them out, but if they don't get delivered to your inboxes, its really out of our hands. An old fashioned uprising by many of their customers (you) may get some attention. Or a loss of your business to them.