why so many providers discriminate

loverlove17's Avatar
To prevent brain damage.

Question for you ll17: Do you discriminate against black providers? Do you see black providers? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
And to answer these two questions I do not discriminate against black providers and yes I do use black providers honestly all providers are the same to me because their all women
Equal opportunity lover
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
And to answer these two questions I do not discriminate against black providers and yes I do use black providers honestly all providers are the same to me because their all women
Equal opportunity lover Originally Posted by loverlove17
I love that last quote! You sound like a true gent
loverlove17's Avatar
First of all,have you met the English language?

Except vs. accept

"Compound questions"?

The search button is your friend, this issue has been talked to death ......and then some. Originally Posted by disilene
You right typo Accept

And A compound question can be objected to by opposing counsel since it is confusing to the witness, who is entitled to answer each question separately. If the objection is sustained the question must be withdrawn and asked in a series of separate questions. IJS 😶
ll17 some handles belong on Ignore. The Ignore feature Is your friend. That way you don't have to read their bullshit
RichardNixon's Avatar
When this is legalized, there's going to be some interesting civil suits filed.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I Dont look at color of skin but rather at how men treat me and speak with me. I Dont care what race you are if you are a gentleman you are fine in my book! And don't worry about the hateful girls there are plenty who wouldn't mind seeing you! Enjoy the board!
BR-8's Avatar
  • BR-8
  • 11-05-2015, 11:51 AM
As already stated, this subject has been discussed many times... to the point of ad nauseam!
The FACT is that a personal service is being offered and the person offering that service has 100 percent of the control over to whom that service is going to be offered.
If your intent is to find out which providers in the area see black men, then place a post asking that question in "Requests and ISOs"... or whatever other event or pleasure that you are looking for.
No disrepect intended, however, you have to remember that your not walking into the local cafe and ordering a burger.
Personally, way... back in this hobby a couple times I was turned down because they didn't know of me or didn't recognize my reference. So, I offered to meet for coffee or a drink with a gratuity offered.
The short of it is, everyone has personal likes and dislikes.
Rjames's Avatar
QUOTE=loverlove17;1057405312]I find of strange why so many providers discriminate against my kind aka African Americans. I don't understand; I thought we are all the people, but apparently some providers still see skin color as a thing. Can any of y'all providers tell me why you don't except AA Hobbyist

Again already? So you're telling me that everything on this site or what providers do is normal, and NBA is what seems strange to you? They either don't like black guys or just don't want to see them, and both are their choices. I find it strange that white women would see black men. Post like this one are the reason I'll never see another provider that sees black men and I'll pay a premium plus tip for those NBA providers.
  • grips
  • 11-06-2015, 06:43 PM
I Dont look at color of skin but rather at how men treat me and speak with me. I Dont care what race you are if you are a gentleman you are fine in my book! And don't worry about the hateful girls there are plenty who wouldn't mind seeing you! Enjoy the board! Originally Posted by Jessika Sweetz
Don't you have "no Mexican" on your BP adds?
Post like this one are the reason I'll never see another provider that sees black men and I'll pay a premium plus tip for those NBA providers. Originally Posted by Rjames
May you rest In peace
Ok unique30 am new what do I do
myren1900's Avatar
They either don't like black guys or just don't want to see them, and both are their choices. I find it strange that white women would see black men. Post like this one are the reason I'll never see another provider that sees black men and I'll pay a premium plus tip for those NBA providers. Originally Posted by Rjames
The providers should only take clients they feel comfortable seeing. Some may be too heavy, too old etc. After all a session is a very intimate experience. I will agree with you on that.

On the other hand, I do not get why you would care what type of clients a particular provider will see besides you. As long as she is practicing safe sex -no BBFS obviously, she should see whoever she likes.

On the other hand, I do not get why you would care what type of clients a particular provider will see besides you. As long as she is practicing safe sex -no BBFS obviously, she should see whoever she likes. Originally Posted by myren1900
Probably because he believes to his core that all black men stink, are smelly apes, unclean, uncircumcised, savages, prehistoric and cavemenish in nature.. He probably believes that he/she will get some sort of lice or crabs from a provider who sees black guys. Due to his hardcore and deep fundamental disdain for ALL things black he is willing to pay a premium to ensure that a white lady of the night doesn't defile her body by allowing that stinky and infested black penis to touch her.. I love guys like him.. Especially when they believe that they are paying a premium and laying with a "pure" lily.. You know the one who puts on her ad "no disrespect, but do to my personal preference, I do NOT see AA". Why not put that on her ad when you have a brilliant genius such as the poster above to pay her TWICE her rate to keep black dicks out of her? I mean she needs to earn that premium so that she may help pay bills in her bi-racial relationship that she has with her BLACK boyfriend in her personal life. She needs the premium to pay for the diapers she needs for her bi-racial kids... Some of you guys really do live on fantasy fucking island.. The only thing missing from that stupid ass post he spewed is "boss de plane boss.. de plane".. you mental midget Tattoo!
myren1900's Avatar

That was some rant Bigpapa!
I expect the reason for his insecurity is a little less dramatic.

I expect the reason for his insecurity is HE HAS BEEN FUCKED BY A NINJA BEFORE.... Originally Posted by myren1900