Maria has changed her number

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-05-2013, 01:09 PM
You suckers. She is full of it. Go look at my initial review and you will see others have had problems with her. Make your appointment and find out. Come on Codybeast and Toyz, put your money where your mouth is. She does not have a worry in the world, I would not give her the time of day. Stalker, no I tried to warn you. You want to believe a BP girl over one of your fellow menbers, then go see her. Originally Posted by buck14pt
Obsess much?

You turned one NCNS into a fucking melodrama. You made your statement, you backed it up. But by continually posting you brought unneeded attention to you both.

I was going to respond to your PM which states the same thing, but since you want to hash it out here, that's fine. Lets just keep it respectful agreed?

I've had NCNS. I've posted them. I've followed them up with respectful "hey shes been good for some, but she shafted me"...then you let it go after a time or two...particularly if the girl is working to get better & other mongers are having good experiences....TWICE the initial or subsequent NCNS was made right by providers who both have become personal friends...sometimes things work out that way, sometimes not.

You were countered very respectfully by Maria. Are you NOW saying everything she posted is a lie? Cause if not, you sure are not looking too good in this arena. She just wanted this to die & go away. She felt bad that things didn't work out at first between you too...then you just wouldn't let it go and she had no choice but to come forward with her side of the story. (Yes, there are always two sides).

Sometimes two personalities don't mesh...doesn't make you bad, doesn't make her bad. I've had several I really connect with & we've taken our "friendships" beyond the eccie borders. Others we just see each other in the provider/john scenario. Others where it was "Meh, we just don't click".

And what in the world makes you think I HAVEN'T seen her & don't know her? Or that I didn't just get off the phone with her just talking about general life stuff?

I don't post more than 1/10th of the girls I see & write reviews on. Only when I am motivated to do so or the I take advantage of a "review speshul" do you see me talk about my personal hobby 'speriences...I just don't feel obligated to post every single thought I have here...

So tred lightly...I have nothing against you personally other than you seem to obsess in both directions (we all do sometimes-its not a sin). But you don't seem to know when to let it go, and that concerns me.
buck14pt's Avatar
Who made you Dr. Drew. I stand up for what I believe in. As far as the rest of your BS that is all it is. I am done with you partner.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-05-2013, 02:31 PM
Who made you Dr. Drew. I stand up for what I believe in. As far as the rest of your BS that is all it is. I am done with you partner. Originally Posted by buck14pt
What do you believe in, Partner? Come on, you waged this discussion...what parts are BS? Why are they BS? What defense do you have to Marias assertions? You called her out, and everyone who politely tried to get the situation in the proper frame.

Where is the alert? Where is the NCNS? If true what was said, she made it right...met you...YOU WALKED THE FUCK AWAY. If that is true my friend, it is YOU who did the NCNS and basically shafted a provider out of her funds without so much as an explanation.

Come on, step basically have worked to trash her reputation at every opportunity...even going so far as stalking her new number and posting it as a fucking alert...if she deserves it then tell us WHY.

Defend your actions or just STFU, you are wasting a perfectly awesome Sunday afternoon replying to your bullshit.

The floor is yours good sir....
wiilyp613's Avatar
Just like the young lady said in her initial post, she has a FULL-TIME job and only does this for fun. You decided to take it upon yourself to post her new number as an alert, when all she was doing was changing it to get away from a stalker such as yourself...

If all it takes is bad TCB to get on your bad side, I would hate to see what it would take to really piss you off...Get over it, and move on!!! Is it that hard really???We have all been stood up before, but you seem to take it a little more personal..Sounds like someone who is emotionally unstable.....ijs

Who made you Dr. Drew. I stand up for what I believe in. As far as the rest of your BS that is all it is. I am done with you partner. Originally Posted by buck14pt
Not Alert worthy so moving to Coed which is as close to the correct Forum as we have, besides the Recycle Bin which is where we put the trash.

John_Dough's Avatar
Now I'm planning to see her. Thanx !!
Buck, there's something genuinely wrong w you.

Mods, please do us all a favor and keep a close eye on this one. My Spidey-sense is going off. This is the kind of guy who (sooner or later) ends up hurting someone.
fun2come's Avatar
Now I'm planning to see her. Thanx !! Originally Posted by John_Dough
Now please be nice and get in line. THX
Dang this guy took it jilted to a whole other level. I have been Ncns a couple of times but didnt even bother posting a review on it as way i see it, it saved me dollars to spend on provider who would take appointment seriously. The length buck is going to is definitely a red flag on his character. Maria the fact you took time to explain your side does good for credibility in my book.
In Buck's defense he has posted 18 reviews which makes him of value to the board. It's just a shame he is who he is.
I have met Buck14pt a few times and will say that he is a good guy that is extremely sweet and generous. Not a stalker or any of that shit.

Buck, dust your cowboy hat off and move on darlin, this is just ridiculous.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 05-06-2013, 09:33 PM

Kendra, could you please move that bottle. You have my permission to take a drink. :-)
Only if you're taking a drink with me!