Journalism LOL

lustylad's Avatar
The NSA and CIA keep warnings us that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea are trying to influence the election. Shouldn't the FBI be warning us about CBS, NBC, CNN, HuffPost, Yahoo News etc. trying to influence the election. Originally Posted by littlerichard

They should also arrest the top executives at Google, Facebook and Twitter for tweaking their algorithms and rules to suppress conservative views and openly using their "platforms" to promote dim-retard propaganda.
  • oeb11
  • 09-12-2020, 10:10 AM
My question was directed at eccieuser9500, not you. He keeps mumbling about his "little dick". Originally Posted by lustylad

LL - Thank you

I have nothing to add at this moment.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

You seem quite unhappy about it. Have you looked into penis enlargement surgery? Originally Posted by lustylad

Had not really considered it. There seems to be enough “big dicks” on here already. People who can’t even intelligently respond to an accurate assessment of the state of journalism in this country. Originally Posted by littlerichard
My question was directed at eccieuser9500, not you. He keeps mumbling about his "little dick". Originally Posted by lustylad
  • oeb11
  • 09-12-2020, 04:43 PM
well - in solace to 9500- when One gets down to the crux of the matter
women are much more interested in the size of the pocketbook than the size of the 'member'
A shame for those who have a large 'neither'!

9500- reminds me of an urchin with nose to the glass in a candy store
The NSA and CIA keep warnings us that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea are trying to influence the election. Shouldn't the FBI be warning us about CBS, NBC, CNN, HuffPost, Yahoo News etc. trying to influence the election. Originally Posted by littlerichard
Now that "60 Minutes"(CBS) has had their interview with Woodard do you think next week they will interview Biden. Ask him why he criticized Trump banning Chinese from entering the US.
They can disprove my original post. No, I don't think they will either
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now that "60 Minutes"(CBS) has had their interview with Woodard do you think next week they will interview Biden. Ask him why he criticized Trump banning Chinese from entering the US.
They can disprove my original post. No, I don't think they will either Originally Posted by littlerichard

nope. not a chance. mostly because Joey's handlers don't want him stumbling through any interviews. notice the "bombshell" from two weeks back has faded into nothingness? the unverified bullshit that Trump called military losers? i recall someone here stating even the NY Times began to doubt it. but that's the tactic of the leftist media, put out some "bombshell" of the week, all based on anonymous sources and treat it as absolute fact.then do it again. where are these sources? Mattis? Kelly? both former Generals and no longer in the administration.what's holding them back if either had heard any comments by Trump like what was reported?

it looks even worse when Walrus face Bolton's own "bombshell" book confirmed the official reason Trump didn't visit. i guess the Atlantic forgot to read it? so how did Bolton cover his ass? by claiming he never heard Trump make those remarks but "it sounded like something he'd say". if the Walrus says so!

but of course the funniest part is the leftist tards in this forum crowed about it as absolute fact.

HoeHummer's Avatar
shows how deluded are the acolytes of the DPST narrative .
Get some help - DPST's - life is better when the false narrative of teh marxist DPST's is seen for what it is - a False totem! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yous are all for limiting the public’s right to know, Ramboebsy, just like your fascist, terrorist, racist WSND bosses.

Yous don’t need to get help, Ramboebsy. Yous needs to Lawyer Up!
HoeHummer's Avatar

They should also arrest the top executives at Google, Facebook and Twitter for tweaking their algorithms and rules to suppress conservative views and openly using their "platforms" to promote dim-retard propaganda. Originally Posted by lustylad
When they came for the WSNDs...