Dorothy the no show queen

But I said channelview palace inn you dont which one so its no appt...I didnt respond back to you 15 messages ago and you still drive to the area?
Jumbo_mumbo's Avatar
Let it goooo..let it least she didn't get your money.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
If by 15 messages you mean the 2 I sent then yes... I'm happy to take a screen shot and show it off if you would want to play that game...

It's over and done with... I don't really care about it anymore, just don't try to play games like we didn't have something setup already...

Grow up little girl.
But I said channelview palace inn you dont which one so its no appt...I didnt respond back to you 15 messages ago and you still drive to the area? Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Let's see, you gave him the hotel, but not room number, didn't answer his call? You NCNSed him!
By not answering you were the epitome of a time waster.
How hard is it to send a text saying "I'm sorry, something came up and I can't make it"? It has to be quicker and easier than debating whether you NCNS'd the guy.
bc7274's Avatar
I never gave you a physical address so its not a ncns... i told you the area but no address which means we didnt have an appointment... Grrrrr Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

That has to be the most pathetic excuses I have ever seen.
OP, you asked her if she wanted you to bring Chinese take out, didn't you?
That has to be the most pathetic excuses I have ever seen. Originally Posted by bc7274
^ this.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-02-2014, 04:42 PM
I never gave you a physical address so its not a ncns... i told you the area but no address which means we didnt have an appointment... Grrrrr Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

She must REALLY be able to suck a dick, don't know why anyone would try otherwise.

Really wish people would quit making these threADS for her though, YES we know she's a pain in the ass to schedule, meet with AND get along with, QUIT TRYING AND QUIT WHINING!!!!
Oh, and yes, I know, I'm now on the DNS list and I'm fine with that.
pyramider's Avatar
Are you Asian?

I apologize for making another thread, I am in houston on business, I'm from new Orleans and I didn't realize this was an on going thing with her... not trying to beat a dead horse.
She comes on here blaming you for her bs behavior. Childish was the correct term for it, not accepting responsibility for one's own actions. She could have just as easily apologized.
I'm trying to look away .... but it's hard to.

..... even the medication doesn't help.
Russ38's Avatar

..... even the medication doesn't help. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I gotta Dr. you need to check out GS.....js.....