Heroin dealer gets a White House send off...

Come on Barley everything you post is political.............
And Timmie dear boy, you're a thug. Pointing out what happened (fact) is not political unless YOU feel that it is. Another Freudian? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your every post is positively dripping with politics. Either overt or what passes for subdued, in your case. Then you hem and haw, squawking about how you meant no political overtones. You're like a guppy; we see through you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Come on Barley everything you post is political............. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Now you know that is not true. (mistake or lie?) I have been taken to task (or attempted to) by members of the left wanting to know what political element is in some of my posts. So not everything is political. When I try to add a political element you lefties scream like bitches, when I post something that is NOT political you scream like bitches. What it is EVA, on your period?
And Timmie dear boy, you're a thug. Pointing out what happened (fact) is not political unless YOU feel that it is. Another Freudian? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I swear to god, you get more and more stupid as the days roll by.....let's review, shall we?

Here is what you posted:

>>>>>Yep, Obama puts it out there again. We have to celebrate the lives of thugs like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray (I wonder what their street monikers were) and the White House sends people to the funeral. A hero cop (that means he had many citations for meritorious service) gets shit. Still, I think the cops would rather not have someone from the White House or Justice Department at this time.

And, this is not political? Right? Say it again so you can double down on being a fucking idiot.
  • shanm
  • 05-11-2015, 01:32 PM

And, this is not political? Right? Say it again so you can double down on being a fucking idiot.
Originally Posted by timpage
He doubled down the day he decided to post in this forum. Since then he's "doubled down" more than 13,000 times.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm giving up on some of you guys. You're just too stupid to have a conversation with. Kind of like walking away from an moron in real life. You just work too hard to be stupid.
I'm giving up on some of you guys. You're just too stupid to have a conversation with. Kind of like walking away from an moron in real life. You just work too hard to be stupid. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm giving up on some of you guys........ Kind of like walking away from an moron in real life. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don't let the door hit you in your worthless ass on the way out!

Adios MoFo!
Now you know that is not true. (mistake or lie?) I have been taken to task (or attempted to) by members of the left wanting to know what political element is in some of my posts. So not everything is political. When I try to add a political element you lefties scream like bitches, when I post something that is NOT political you scream like bitches. What it is EVA, on your period? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is easy to see you are on your period judy, this is the political forum right?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
It is easy to see you are on your period judy, this is the political forum right? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Not an original thought in your shit for brains head
JD posted this yesterday in this thread
Heroin dealer gets a White House send off...

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Come on Barley everything you post is political.............

Now you know that is not true. (mistake or lie?) I have been taken to task (or attempted to) by members of the left wanting to know what political element is in some of my posts. So not everything is political. When I try to add a political element you lefties scream like bitches, when I post something that is NOT political you scream like bitches. What it is EVA, on your period?

there is not an original thought in your shit for brains head

btw we in Oklahoma consider the Arbuckle Mountains as a hill and the only people who live there are park rangers and what did you say "swung and missed again"

you need to change your avatar to this
Not an original thought in your shit for brains head
JD posted this yesterday in this thread
Heroin dealer gets a White House send off...

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Come on Barley everything you post is political.............

Now you know that is not true. (mistake or lie?) I have been taken to task (or attempted to) by members of the left wanting to know what political element is in some of my posts. So not everything is political. When I try to add a political element you lefties scream like bitches, when I post something that is NOT political you scream like bitches. What it is EVA, on your period?

there is not an original thought in your shit for brains head Like there is in yours LMAO.

btw we in Oklahoma consider the Arbuckle Mountains as a hill and the only people who live there are park rangers and what did you say "swung and missed again" Hillbilly

I need to change my avatar to this Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
]Lookie the Okie hillbilly stalker has crawled from under the porch to babble bullshit once again. You really are working on the dumbest mother fucker on the forum award hillbilly.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
]Lookie the Okie hillbilly stalker has crawled from under the porch to babble bullshit once again. [Fucking hillbilly. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
"babble" another word you stole from me
"babble" another word you stole from me Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No stones, you silly hillbilly you have a very pathetic life if all you have to do is stalk me on this hooker board, and make your simple little comments. You sound like the word babble is one you invented like Gore did the internet. You are as stump dumb as your hero chicken dyke.