13 government agencies release report on Climate Change

Yeah and scientists don't rig the results. Check out the scientists that claimed to have created cold fusion.
Just because a person claims to be a scientist does not make their word facts.
If I were a scientist that was getting p0aid to research climate change, I bet I could find something to perpetuate the grants.

What do scientists and the DNC have in common........they will rig things if they feel the need. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
When they rigged the results on cold fusion they got caught. That is how science works. Studies and papers are peer reviewed and that is how they get credibility. When scientists could not get the same results, they called bullshit on it.
All that is total nonsense. None of that is going do squat do lower the earth's temperature. The Electric car is the funniest. The average person can't even afford an electric or hybrid vehicle. Obama didn't do anything realistic he just blew smoke up everybody's ass.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Okay scientist Jim, cars produce 25% of all emissions in the USA. Electric cars are becoming affordable. I am not talking Tesla, Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt are around 30k. Every car manufacturer right now is working on electric cars and hybrids. Just like flat screen tv's and computers the price goes down after people buy them and they lower production costs. Electric cars and solar, wind energy will definitely cut down emissions. The problem with electric cars is what you are making the electricity from. If you are burning coal to generate it then it does not have as big as an effect. BTW, solar energy and wind energy is causing huge problem for the power companies. They don't have enough money to invest in their plants to update them.Even solar panels for houses are becoming cheaper. You can get a roof now from Tesla made out of solar glass to power your house. I would love to not have to pay the electric company or oil companies to fill up my car.

Vivienne Rey's Avatar
I wonder how many people here would refuse cancer treatment because they found out their doctor was a liberal. Fascinating.
I wonder how many people here would refuse cancer treatment because they found out their doctor was a liberal. Fascinating. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
They believe politicians over scientists. If the Republican party told them the earth was flat, they would not go on any cruises.
0.59 cent per/gal around in the 1980s and now around $2.00 per/gal or either fossil fuel / corn etc per/gal Originally Posted by T_H_O_R
No, Gasoline was averaging well over a dollar in the 1980's. Now in most places it's over 2.50 for regular.

JCM800's Avatar
Of course Trump and the rest of the republicans will say the govt is lying.

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/07/c...ing-trump.html Originally Posted by Greenflag
Sir, good luck in trying to convince Trump supporters to belive in any kind of scientific research. Once Trump or Fox News calls something fake that's all the research they need, lol.
It is comedy to me. Seeing how stupid these people are, that is how a guy like Trump got elected. They discredit scientists,professors and education but believe everything their politicians say. We are going into the dark ages again. We have climate change deniers, anti vaxxers and the list goes on. We elect the leaders we deserve. I did not think it could get worse than Bush but it did. Who knows who they will nominate next time. It will be some other crazy person.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is comedy to me. Seeing how stupid these people are, that is how a guy like Trump got elected. They discredit scientists,professors and education but believe everything their politicians say. We are going into the dark ages again. We have climate change deniers, anti vaxxers and the list goes on. We elect the leaders we deserve. I did not think it could get worse than Bush but it did. Who knows who they will nominate next time. It will be some other crazy person. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Most "anti-vaxers" are lib-retard jackasses like you, greenfag, and your rejoinder "climate change deniers" is nothing more "#Grubered" mantra fed to your unintelligent ilk for regurgitation, greenfag. The majority of the people that you label as such actually disagree with the asinine, unilateral solutions your ilk proffers, you lying, fuckin' lib-retard.
Okay scientist Jim, cars produce 25% of all emissions in the USA. Electric cars are becoming affordable. I am not talking Tesla, Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt are around 30k. Every car manufacturer right now is working on electric cars and hybrids. Just like flat screen tv's and computers the price goes down after people buy them and they lower production costs. Electric cars and solar, wind energy will definitely cut down emissions. The problem with electric cars is what you are making the electricity from. If you are burning coal to generate it then it does not have as big as an effect. BTW, solar energy and wind energy is causing huge problem for the power companies. They don't have enough money to invest in their plants to update them.Even solar panels for houses are becoming cheaper. You can get a roof now from Tesla made out of solar glass to power your house. I would love to not have to pay the electric company or oil companies to fill up my car.

http://www.ucsusa.org/clean-vehicles...g#.WYsKJ62ZPUo Originally Posted by Greenflag
Me too, getting off the grid is one of my future goals. Global warming is not what I think about as I ponder that idea. It's saving money.

Budman's Avatar
I wonder how many people here would refuse cancer treatment because they found out their doctor was a liberal. Fascinating. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? How many libs would refuse cancer treatment because they found out their doctor didn't buy into the climate change hoax? Or how many libs would refuse treatment from a doctor that thinks obamacare sucks ass?
Budman's Avatar
It is comedy to me. Seeing how stupid these people are, that is how a guy like Trump got elected. They discredit scientists,professors and education but believe everything their politicians say. We are going into the dark ages again. We have climate change deniers, anti vaxxers and the list goes on. We elect the leaders we deserve. I did not think it could get worse than Bush but it did. Who knows who they will nominate next time. It will be some other crazy person. Originally Posted by Greenflag

You are a fucking clown. Trump got elected because the libs put HRC on the ballot. Trump was not my first choice and I was shocked when it became apparent that he was going to get the nomination. However it was a given from the start that HRC was the libs choice and would be the candidate. You need to blame yourselves for Trump. He is 100 times a better president than the fucking cunt crooked hillary could ever dream about. I support Trump 100% because the alternative would have been then end for this country as we know it. He does shit that I don't necessarily like but all I have to do is think of HRC and I'm a happy man.

I see you are a failure. You couldn't find your brain with the 45. Try a 12 gauge next time.
It is comedy to me. Seeing how stupid these people are, that is how a guy like Trump got elected. They discredit scientists,professors and education but believe everything their politicians say. We are going into the dark ages again. We have climate change deniers, anti vaxxers and the list goes on. We elect the leaders we deserve. I did not think it could get worse than Bush but it did. Who knows who they will nominate next time. It will be some other crazy person. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Sometimes science gets it wrong. Doctors often misdiagnose patients. Nothing is absolute. Anybody who believes in politicians without question is setting themselves up for big disappointments.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a fucking clown. Trump got elected because the libs put HRC on the ballot. Trump was not my first choice and I was shocked when it became apparent that he was going to get the nomination. However it was a given from the start that HRC was the libs choice and would be the candidate. You need to blame yourselves for Trump. He is 100 times a better president than the fucking cunt crooked hillary could ever dream about. I support Trump 100% because the alternative would have been then end for this country as we know it. He does shit that I don't necessarily like but all I have to do is think of HRC and I'm a happy man.

I see you are a failure. You couldn't find your brain with the 45. Try a 12 gauge next time. Originally Posted by Budman
It was also a given from the start that team hildebeest wanted to run against someone they thought she could beat, and the lame-stream media left Trump as the last man standing out of a field of seventeen.
I wonder how many people here would refuse cancer treatment because they found out their doctor was a liberal. Fascinating. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
With Obamacare, that's the least of their worries.

Sir, good luck in trying to convince Trump supporters to belive in any kind of scientific research. Once Trump or Fox News calls something fake that's all the research they need, lol. Originally Posted by JCM800
Go fuck yourself. There's all types of scientific research and companies I support. Most of the money made in the past 20 years are the result of REAL scientific and technological achievements put in the hands of average people around the world. Global Warming? Scam. Ethanol? Scam. Smart phones, telcom and other innovations? Great investments.

I see you are a failure. You couldn't find your brain with the 45. Try a 12 gauge next time. Originally Posted by Budman
He couldn't pour water out of boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sir, good luck in trying to convince Trump supporters to belive in any kind of scientific research. Once Trump or Fox News calls something fake that's all the research they need, lol. Originally Posted by JCM800

so you implicitly believe everything the government says? and of course that wonderful bastion of liberal reporting, the NY Times?

so if the government tells you that your breath smells like cum and to fix it you need to gargle with your own urine, will you start pissing in your bottle of Listerine?