Rates UP - Quality DOWN, WTF?

joecholo's Avatar
Wakeup, yep, you know them Hot Wheels, they hurt when your toe gets run over by it, so I had no choice but to sue Mattel, you know what I'm saying esse. So $999 for toe injury, that's not bad at all...10% of $999 is $99.90, and yep that's my budget. Any taker?
You noticed that, too, huh, Ivan? I don't gett he price increases either, but I will say that Houston's economy is doing much, much better than most of the rest of the country, so I would not expect deflationary rates, either. I suspect demand is up; I cannot prove that, but the ladies probably could vertify. I sometimes look at Dallas's section with envy. The other problem in Houston is it is so spread out, so add drive time and gas to go 50 miles in traffic, and it adds even more "investment" and is a big discouragement if you are so ticked off/stressed from traffic by the time you get there (ie, not in the mood anymore). But, I guess this is not discouraging very many if demand is up. Yes, the sugardaddy arrangement is starting to sound better and better to me, too, but again, it has to be within 15 or 20 miles from me for convenience.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Damn, wakeup, beat me to it.

I'm still waiting.on the big three to chime in.
Hmmm...Yeah...interesting that ppl are now starting to speak up about it.
Look back a few years and check out all the BS additions the girls have added while increasing the rates....
Heard of GFE lite..?
Whats all this CBJ only BS...that used to be a walk out/bad review...no question.

At least we are now talking about getting some value back in the hobby.
Maybe the guys that are good at working the game will start posting again...if we will listen.
rockshox69's Avatar
I'll chalk it up to inflation under Obama policys and gas prices.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
You gotta be pretty desperate to be paying 200 for some snatch ever.Honestly i never pay more 100 ever and ive traveled the world.And theres only a handeful of Females n houston thats even worth that crisp 100 bill, sorry between the attitutes and the lack of looks they just aint worth it. Originally Posted by bTrucker
Well.... You sound like a real peach... I'm sure Houston providers are excited when you call!
Goddessmaria's Avatar
Lol Abigail
Why all the bitching about price? If she is charging more than you want to pay shop elsewhere. Some people like Neiman Marcus while others choose Wal-Mart. I'm a Costco guy, guess I should be buying by the pound.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
The market in Houston is going to SHIT. At this point is probably wiser to invest in a sugardady type of arrangement.

Girls that started at $200 not long ago, are now at $300-$350 and I see entry points for new ones anywhere between $250 and up. WTF? And some, if not most of them, looks like crap as well. Why are you guys paying that? If we keep paying high dollar for low quality and poor looks this market won't change, it will just get worse. Is up to us to regulate this market since we have control over "demand". Choose and negotiate wiser next time.... Originally Posted by ivan
I'm sorry, but I see lots of girls advertising and have even heard they offer sessions for $100, sometimes less. And many are attractive, though not a high dollar hottie. I have been at 200 plus 30 for the room ever since I can remember. Even when I was a provider some 5 years ago, I was making that per hour.

I have to disagree and actually think that the opposite is true. So many providers offer huge discounts due to the increasing volume of new providers.

I offer discounts for regulars in the form of more time for the same amount of money. That way, I keep some good clients from straying.
my rates are fair for what I provide. haven't raised them yet.
I just checked bp, I think the going rate is still 50-120 bucks so I'm sure whatever your budget is, there's someone for you. The great thing about this hobby is we all have a choice and free will. I thought they had a superthread sticky on the main page to fuss about rates and discounts?
joecholo's Avatar
I don't haggle on provider's rate. I lurk here and see if any provider is offering any discount (i.e. Father's Day, Veteran's Day, MLK Day, Cinco de Mayo, LGBT Day-just kidding, etc...Day) and will check out their review and pics (if any) and will make that call. Maybe it is just me, but if I haggle on price, it just makes me feel like a cheapskate (I am actually very generous).

If I can't afford the provider's rate, I just browse some more (there are so plenty of providers to be found and had), find the right provider with the right rate, and then make that call to set up an appointment, and not bitch about rates. If the provider is new and start off with high rate equivalent to veteran providers, then I will wait for more reviews and then make that decision to call because only you, the hobby person, can make that final decision to either go low budget, fair market value budget, or high maintenance budget. See what I am saying esse?
One thing I've learned, a higher rate doesn't equal better service or hotter provider. Alsmost the opposite is true.
landon's Avatar
It sounds like some of you guys are paying too much for pussy.

Here is what I been paying: x stripper doing for about 4 yr $100-$200 (avg $150) she is top of the line both looks and performance wise - heisman trophy fuck winner. Others - housewife off SA $100, x stripper who came back to town from Ariz (did her when she danced at Ricks South) $60-120.

If POP over $200 thats too much IMO unless she is real hott or Porn Star. A friend of mine in LA paid $500 to do a porn star but i think it was ego thing for him. I have had several gals off SA for 100-150 one a 24 yo college gal who was a real screamer.

I don't haggle with providers, I want to treat the lady with respect and will pay her rate if she is what I want and someone who can perform well. I shop around and take my time.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Last thread you started on this subject you mentioned getting all you want for the rate you liked so I don't get your beef. Landon is doing just fine as well within his comfort zone, so are many others so I don't see where the problem is.