Are the Democraps trying to incite another Civil War?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you say so GI Joe Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, that was a pretty good one if I do say so.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Of course they want a civil war. They are confident they can win it. That is what they are portraying with Jan 6 Fedsurrection. But to accomplish it, they need to create multiple segments/divisions of the whole in order to squish them individually easily. It's that simple.

Don't fall for it. You can smell the fear on them as they near the mid-terms and Trump popularity grows. Take a moment to reevaluate your friends and choose wisely..

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Historians have always said that Lincoln never talked about the southern states being in rebellion. He always guilded the lily and spoke of "wayward relations", "departed kinfolk", and "the southern faction". We are already in a state of civil war according to the democrats. Anyone of 78 million who voted for Trump is a terrorist, a deplorable, a racist, and whatever you can throw like a monkey. Those sound like fightin words to me. As for January 6th, no one has been charged with treason or insurrection but that is all the demo/media can say about it. Why? An article in the Constitution says that anyone who supports an insurrection against the government can't run for a federal position. That's the dirty play right now. Disqualify their political opponents from running for office by charging them with insurrection and convicting them in a kangaroo court.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can throw a monkey?

The rage whining is strong in this one.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course they want a civil war. They are confident they can win it. That is what they are portraying with Jan 6 Fedsurrection. But to accomplish it, they need to create multiple segments/divisions of the whole in order to squish them individually easily. It's that simple.

Don't fall for it. You can smell the fear on them as they near the mid-terms and Trump popularity grows. Take a moment to reevaluate your friends and choose wisely..

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Lock and load, tough guy!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Other commentators are starting to say that a civil war already exists. Just because no one is fighting yet, doesn't mean it has not begun. We have government bodies using the power of government to imprison political enemies or to take away their jobs. We have those same people threatening to use force against people who oppose government policies. The MSM is part of that tyrannical group along with big tech and entertainment. What is happening (why we are noticing this) is that people are waking up to hypocritical sports stars, overpaid celebrities, and lying politicians. We are starting to talk back and that makes them crazy. The bad guys are starting more shit in an effort to quiet the masses. Look at how the bad guys react to "Let's Go Brandon". It's pathological and indicative of how scared they are.
Violence? We have reports of antifa types being spotted at rallies while carrying pipe bombs. We've already seen Antifa shoot people whom they thought were Trump supporters (also known as Americans).

Some people can't get away from the Civil War when they think of a new civil war. Let me remind you that the southern states started to secede after the election and Lincoln was not president for months yet. Another thing to think about. The democrats based their actions on the fact that one man got elected to the office of president just like today. It was not a wholesale reaction to slavery but just one man that the democrats could not stand. Sound familiar?
winn dixie's Avatar
Other commentators are starting to say that a civil war already exists. Just because no one is fighting yet, doesn't mean it has not begun. We have government bodies using the power of government to imprison political enemies or to take away their jobs. We have those same people threatening to use force against people who oppose government policies. The MSM is part of that tyrannical group along with big tech and entertainment. What is happening (why we are noticing this) is that people are waking up to hypocritical sports stars, overpaid celebrities, and lying politicians. We are starting to talk back and that makes them crazy. The bad guys are starting more shit in an effort to quiet the masses. Look at how the bad guys react to "Let's Go Brandon". It's pathological and indicative of how scared they are.
Violence? We have reports of antifa types being spotted at rallies while carrying pipe bombs. We've already seen Antifa shoot people whom they thought were Trump supporters (also known as Americans).

Some people can't get away from the Civil War when they think of a new civil war. Let me remind you that the southern states started to secede after the election and Lincoln was not president for months yet. Another thing to think about. The democrats based their actions on the fact that one man got elected to the office of president just like today. It was not a wholesale reaction to slavery but just one man that the democrats could not stand. Sound familiar? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Well written
HedonistForever's Avatar
No need for any war, shooting kind or not. This will all come to an end come Nov. when Democrats suffer a defeat they won't likely recover from any time soon.
TechPapi's Avatar
The Jan 6 hoax with Joey Bribes vile, disgusting speech on Thursday are certainly dividing the country further. Originally Posted by bambino

I can see how hearing the truth can be divisive for dipshits that don't believe it.
Who you calling a dipshit??...from behind a computer screen.
That is as far as you'll go...
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
He almost got it correct but missed anyway. Is a war necessary? Imagine it's the day after the November election. Everyone you speak to is not convinced that the democrats held the House and Senate by a fine margin. Allegations of election fraud are everywhere and being tamped down by the media. No one knows anyone who voted for a democrat. The models don't work. Exit polling crashed. Then the White House starts issuing orders based on the idea that anyone who disagrees with the election results must be a parent (a terrorist).

This was to be my post before I read the latest posts. Is a war necessary? It is up to the White House and the powers that be, will they escalate? Escalation? What does that look like? Australia for one thing. Covid mandates are another. Biden (or his handlers) start issuing orders that cost people their jobs and the ability to feed themselves. They issue orders that you will get the vaccine, no choice at all. The media backs the White House play with denunciations of those who think freely. The police are presented with a choice; enforce unconstitutional federal laws or go home. If the local police attempt to enforce federal mandates then they become the "enemy" of the people. People get arrested or shot refusing to comply (that is the ultimate power of the government). The federal government with the tech giants tries to quash communication to keep facts away from the people. Media does its part by disparaging any who object. Now and then, someone in media, government, or tech would be red-pilled but they would be quickly and ruthlessly taken down. At that point in time I don't see a way back other than the complete capitulation of the administration to the judgement of the people. State governments like New York, California, Illinois, and Michigan would be caught up in it as well.