
rachet3375's Avatar
Californias' gain, our loss. Sorry I never got to see ya Always thought you were a cool chick, just never could make it to Dallas. Good Luck Darlin' & keep your chin up.
CenterLock's Avatar
Dannie: Grrrrr..... (still too angry about that whole "bye" thing to comment further. No more drinking and posting for you. Go stand in the corner with Prolongus!)

Jules: No idea what happened, but I'm very sorry to hear that you might leave. You're a great girl and it would truly be Dallas' loss if you leave. I do wish the best for you whatever that may be. (Unless you post "not drunk" only when you're drunk... in which case Grrr to you too but glad you aren't leaving)
rex4998's Avatar
I don't see the unicorn
I have it on a very good authority that Dannie was referring to saying goodby to the contents of......never mind it's kinda gross.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
thanks guys i dont want to leave but looks like i may have to now... you just cant trust people these days!
well im hijacking to say goodbye myself for real... i may be moving back to california ='(

i love the hobby but something happened that really hurt me

(i am not drunk) Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

Don't punish yourself by living in California.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I am a native Californian
TonyStark's Avatar
I am a native Californian Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Well your a TEXAS gal now dang it!
pmdelites's Avatar
Good LORD someone please keep my ass off the computer when I'm stinkin' drunk!

Sorry, I'm still here to annoy and irritate with the best of 'em.

Look! A unicorn! Originally Posted by Dannie
i knew it - a trap laid by a drunken woman!!!
[hmmmmm noting the post time "Yesterday, 10:13 PM" i wonder if it was a comment about her mental state last nite??]

but i can live with that!!! or get laid with that :^) :^) :^)

anyhoo, dannie, keep on being the wonderful one you are!
Talked with THE DANNIE a few minutes ago. She has developed a loving and nurturing relationship with the porcelain plumbing but given the nature of our conversation I will make this bold statement "SHE'S ALIVE, SHE'S ALIVE!!!"
I confirmed She was alive today also.. Asked if she wanted to do Lunch, Not my best Move.. She may have returned to Worship at the Porcelain Altar...
rex4998's Avatar
I still don't see the unicorn
Rex.. you got to put your head deeper into the toilet... No.. Deeper... Deeper... See it now ?
Phrodo's Avatar
Dannie, met you last night, you are a doll. sorry if you don't remember me. Hope you feel better. He he!!
daty/o's Avatar
Always thought you had a West coast personality. Good luck from one native Californian to another, if you have to leave. You'll be missed.