The Kings ruling on the tranny thread

Sexually is what I mean.
Got to love the spectacle that a good meltdown is ! Been there done that .
sixxbach's Avatar

What does a beef with Space or any member have to do with one's involvement with something that is supposed to be done as an act of giving back?

Why are y'all so judgemental even in this environment? Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
If you go back and read the whole tranny thread you'd have a better understanding. I wasn't insulting or jUdging gayness. I was agreeing with a premise that a gay act makes u gay or at least bi. Space closed the thread so I started my own then he pointed me. I sent him a pm telling him what I thought about his points and what my post was. Space is very black and white and inflexible about points but I thought he at least had some integrity. But then he banned me for my pm to him. He's a coward and a liar. No matter what I ever say to him all I will ever think is he is a piece of shit coward liar with no integrity.

What does a beef with Space or any member have to do with one's involvement with something that is supposed to be done as an act of giving back?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

how is not going to any more functions have anything to do with giving back? It just means I will not attend anymore functions that he is a part of or drink with him anymore or associate with him in anyway. Two entirely separate things.
teyeger72's Avatar
I've been wondering when someone was actually gonna step up and stop that convo in the tranny thread. I have never seen so much drama coming out of the mouths of grown men in my life since joining this board. Play how you want to play and leave the judgement and immaturity on the other side of the login. Isn't that why most of us come here anyway? I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, or sideways. What and who you play with is your business and you have just as much of a right to review without fear of judgement as anyone else. Just show a little human decency rather than resorting to this animalistic cabal. In other words, GTFU!
knotty man's Avatar
im sorry. but calling gay people "fags" is very disrespectful.
just as bad as using the "N" word or any other racial slur.
we're supposed to be a community of open minded individuals. our biggest fears are being judged for our "deviant" behavior. so much so, that we use fake names and discuss our activities in coded acronyms. we come in here expecting to be accepted along with our particular kinks.
now, trannies arent my thing. i just dont swing that way,and i prefer not to read them. so i just usually just pass them over once i know what the thread is about (if its not included in the title).
but, ill be damned if i ever condemn someone cuz their sexual fetish is different than mine. those were some big rocks you were hurling inside this glass menagerie we call the hobby
I agree with you Knotty , as far as the name calling is concerned . Point could have been made with less vibrato . But also agree with homer's point that if you do partake in that , you might have some tendencies you may be unaware of , or not ( live and let live ) . But let's face it sometimes hurling big rocks in a glass menagerie can be a hoot ! Not sure it was 90 days of a hoot . But then he only had 24 points for these insults , last point was due to a private message . In this whole fiasco the only name I resorted to calling was Texan's , and it was in context of a joke .
knotty man's Avatar
lol. glad to see you back. i was gettin to confused on who to call you at the socials
Agreed , introductions were getting troublesome, even for me .
im sorry. but calling gay people "fags" is very disrespectful.
just as bad as using the "N" word or any other racial slur.
we're supposed to be a community of open minded individuals. our biggest fears are being judged for our "deviant" behavior. so much so, that we use fake names and discuss our activities in coded acronyms. we come in here expecting to be accepted along with our particular kinks.
now, trannies arent my thing. i just dont swing that way,and i prefer not to read them. so i just usually just pass them over once i know what the thread is about (if its not included in the title).
but, ill be damned if i ever condemn someone cuz their sexual fetish is different than mine. those were some big rocks you were hurling inside this glass menagerie we call the hobby Originally Posted by knotty man
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
The king doth protest too much, methinks. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Yeah, sometimes it best not to poke the bear.
MARTlAN's Avatar
im sorry. but calling gay people "fags" is very disrespectful.
just as bad as using the "N" word or any other racial slur.
we're supposed to be a community of open minded individuals. our biggest fears are being judged for our "deviant" behavior. so much so, that we use fake names and discuss our activities in coded acronyms. we come in here expecting to be accepted along with our particular kinks.
now, trannies arent my thing. i just dont swing that way,and i prefer not to read them. so i just usually just pass them over once i know what the thread is about (if its not included in the title).
but, ill be damned if i ever condemn someone cuz their sexual fetish is different than mine. those were some big rocks you were hurling inside this glass menagerie we call the hobby Originally Posted by knotty man
Well said sir.
how is not going to any more functions have anything to do with giving back? It just means I will not attend anymore functions that he is a part of or drink with him anymore or associate with him in anyway. Two entirely separate things. Originally Posted by Fuckspacepussy
Interesting. Homer13 is going to take his toys and not play with the terrible Spacemtn!! Amazing. To my knowledge, we have never shared a drink, met for lunch, happy hour or otherwise so this won't be such a very big deal, at least to me.

Sigh, why can't we all just get along?

sue_nami's Avatar
I maybe a polly anna but this is Austin and that crap doesn't fly here. As a city, we accept all folks and try to keep the judgmental types at bay. Our town is known for it's tolerance and diversity and I for one truly value that about Austin. Peer pressure is a good way to control folks who think it is acceptable to display homophobic behavior in our town and I am proud of those of you who stand up for tolerance. Just because it is not your deal, doesn't mean you get to make fun of them and ridicule them for their desires. think about what the close minded people think of your hobby behavior, they view all of us as deviants and part of the perceived problem. there is no room for a closed mind in Austin, maybe you move to the sticks where such attitudes are somewhat more accepted but I find it offensive and uncalled for in a civilized society. . .So fellas, let your freak flag fly, it is AUSTIN and we accept you for who you are.