Question for the Gentlemen of Eccie

Cpalmson's Avatar
Face pics are not a deal breaker; however, they can be a deal maker. As mentioned ad naseum, body pics are more important. It lets me know several things (most already mentioned). One that hasn't is body art. From a body shot (unless photoshopped out), I can tell if a provider has tattoos. I'm turned off by a provider who has a lot of tats and in particular if she has a "tramp stamp". That's just not my thing and I've turned down seeing smoking hot provider because of this.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
You are quite right & I look forward to your new shoot...

I hope you can appreciate how threads have a way of straying...& in your case the irony is the one unsolicited pet peeve (covered stomach shots) is another one that applies to you...

Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Alt, yes, lol, I can completely appreciate that as I do respect and value the thoughts, opinions and input I have asked of everyone here.

gimme_that's Avatar
I voted in favor of not seeing a lady if a face pic wasnt provided.

This is only on the condition that guys did not in unison point out in a review her facial appearance and how it was, Some guys just dont touch upon it well or opt to just be overly nice and not say she so so or ugly. I may be partial to slightly facially blurred pics, but usually after I'm screened I will ask for a face pic. If she does not feel comfortable giving one its not a make or break persay, but when booking 12 hours or more her facial appearance is imperative for me in addition to others especially visually.

I understand some providers wont or cant provide this info....even some so far as to not have reviews not speaking of specific services they wont do within the realms of normal GFE. After I'm screened I feel like a wall should be down and the lady should be more comfortable divulging. If not I take it as sign to pass on her because she was not accommodating to something so simple as that. Not always, but I go with my gut.
Face pics are not a deal breaker; however, they can be a deal maker. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Agree, they can certainly sway me when deciding between possibilities. My pet peeve is the "glamour" shots. I know providers want to look good in their photos, but the artful makeup, professional lighting, and (sometimes) airbrushing tend to make me pass, because I know I'm probably going to be somewhat disappointed when I see her.

We (men) are extremely visual and (me anyway), very "expectation" oriented. My expectation (from the photos) is fixed in my mind, and when reality doesn't measure up I'm not happy. Therefore, I tend toward providers with more realistic pictures, even though they may look less "gorgeous" than another provider with "glamour" shots.

Do your own makeup, fix your hair yourself, and have a friend take the pictures. There's a lot to be said for "truth in advertising". For me at least, WYSIWYG is pretty important.
I know I know, this was posted for the guys but I just wanted to add a little something something from my point of view.

The pictures I post and the ads I write are intended to attract the type of gentleman that I feel I would be most compatible with and thereby ensure a better time by both of us.

I don't post pics of my body (dam right I got something to hide, I'm an excessively curvy gal LOL) so I tend to NOT attract guys who are just looking for a hot body to have sex with. I tend to attract the gents who are more interested in the overall experience to include conversation, gazing into each others eyes, the cuddling, etc.

I also won't write ads like "Cum see me, I'm so HOT for you!". That tends to attract the gents who think much more with their dick than their brain and aren't interested in me as a person.

Yes, there are flaws to this and yes, I'm sure more have passed me up than have actually called me. But that's okay. Only a very few clients have walked away from me disappointed and this system works well for me and those who choose to see me.
ANONONE's Avatar
I wasn't sure how to vote on this so i picked that option, however I really don't like the pics that are blurred, pixilated, or have those "cutesy" hearts across the face.

I understand the need for safety and discretion, however if you need to hide your face be creative. Take a page out the Veronica Lake guide to modeling and turn away slightly from the camera or let your hair cover part of your face.

I am kind of an eye person, so sometimes, having just your eyes and brow mixed in with a few subtle body glamour shots works too.

I have also done some amateurish, but not bad photos for ladies wearing masks or other disguises when they have asked me to do this for them in a session. They say i have a good eye, but by know means am I a pro or as good as some of the guys on this site that are really talented.

I think it is more I have an eye for what is sexy and a knack for finding the best attributes, angles and poses that accentuate the inner sexuality of a woman and what highlights her special beauty--call me corny, but I can find something to love and gaze at in ALL women.

I suggest if you don't have the budget in this current economy to hire a pro photographer, at least find a gent you see regularly and trust to experiment with a camera the next time you do a session. It won't cut too much into your play time, and may make it even hotter.

The worse case scenario is that all the pictures suck, but you can just delete them. The best case is that you might get lucky and catch lightning in a bottle and get so horny during the "photo shoot" you end up fucking each other's brain out.
A face with a smile is essential.
I have booked ladies without even looking at their pics at all.

As long as she is reasonably attractive; it's more about personality for me. I don't book women to see them once. I book them for repeated visits. Over time personality becomes more important than superficial stuff. We need to be able to relate conversationally.

Of course sometimes this can lead to surprises. I booked a lady back in November for the first time. I had deliberately avoided looking at her pics and had booked purely on my impressions of her character, intellect and her personal interests.

The door opens and I'm absolutely flabbergasted. I've seen a lot of women; but she was so pretty I was practically speechless.

What's funny is that sometimes I use providers I already see to sort of "sanity check" any new ones. And a provider I was already seeing had met her and basically told me to expect that. I thought she was just being kind to the lady. LOL
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
Face pics are not a deal breaker; however, they can be a deal maker. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I also concurr with this. I have booked well reviewed providers without face pics before. But I noticed that If I go TOFTT, its usually one with a face pic. I guess she had a really good face and body so I couldnt stay away.
simplegent's Avatar
Some sort of contour of her smile is alway nice - even if the eyes are blurred. Or better yet - a private photo to one's email works also.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-30-2010, 08:17 PM
We (men) are extremely visual Originally Posted by colels
Guilty as charged. With that however, as i alluded to in my previous post in this thread, i'm more forgiving of the facial imperfections than the bodily imperfections. Which isn't to say i want someone with a perfect body - i'm just not smart enough at the moment to have a more accurate way of putting it.

In a general sense, i look at facial attractiveness as little more than dumb luck in that it's a God given trait and little else. Whereas people have much more personal control over the appearance of their bodies so i've just conditioned myself to take heed of that. Putting in some effort to being attractive is something i can respect to the point of allowing me to overlook areas where the person may not be so lucky in a purely genetic sense.

I liken it to the difference between a person born into money, and a person who worked their own way into money. I would find a person who earned it on their own to be more attractive than a person who happened to fall into a large inheritance.

And besides, from an attractiveness standpoint, i think i have more to offer from the neck down than from the neck up (and no, i'm not referring to that) so that's what i look for in return.
pyramider's Avatar
Unless you want your face posted all over the internet do not show your face in your hobby photos.
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 04-30-2010, 11:03 PM
Good thread Kelli....I have a question for you, as well as the other providers...

Is there any difference between posting face pics and sharing them privately? Is this something most ladies are willing to do?

TexTushHog's Avatar
No choice on the poll is quite right for me. Without a face pic, I need some assurance by way of a reliable review that there will be no unwelcome surprises in that department. That being said, I otherwise understand the need for privacy.
vantruck's Avatar
Face pic is a plus but not necessary. Body part pic is more importance to me to make selection.