CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If it hasn't been ratified by the Senate, it is not a treaty. It has no force of law. It will be interesting to see if the SCOTUS is able to grasp that simple concept.
Classic SLOBBRIN thread.

Straight cut and paste, followed by him hijacking his own thread.

Yawwwwnnnn! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Show us how much relevant stuff you ever posted... Shit Eater

Come on boy, we are waiting... Come on boy, we are waiting... Come on boy, we are waiting... Come on boy, we are waiting... Come on boy, we are waiting... Come on boy, we are waiting...



By Doug Book, editor

Among the terms of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) are the following mandatory provisions:

1.) Civilians are not permitted to “own, buy, sell, trade or transfer” “[any] means of armed resistance including handguns.”

2.) Also prohibited is the ownership of ammunition/munitions.

3.) All countries participating in the Arms Trade Treaty “shall establish and maintain a National Control System” with a list of all weapons including “their current owners.”

This makes the registration of all firearms–that is, the National Arms Registry dreamed of by American liberals–a Treaty requirement. The registry will be used to enforce the prohibition against civilian ownership of firearms by making certain all gun owners have surrendered their firearms to the state. What the far left has been unable to accomplish at either the state or federal level has become possibly by means of International Law applying to all nations which have ratified the ATT. Should the U.S. Senate ratify the Treaty, each provision would ostensibly assume the force of law in the U.S. as well.

However, just as Harry Reid made it clear that the present Democrat-controlled Senate would not ratify the ATT, a particularly important fact will also prevent any future anti-gun Senate ratifying the Treaty. Two centuries of precedent and the decision in a number of Supreme Court cases have determined that no law may be passed in the United States which conflicts with or serves to change the Constitution. The terms of the Arms Trade Treaty obviously disagree with the 2nd Amendment. That being the case, the Constitution must either be radically altered or the Treaty rewritten. Neither of these is likely to take place.

But why would Barack Obama send delegations to 5 years of Treaty conferences, making certain the document language met Administration approval, if the Treaty terms could not be imposed on the American public even if the document were at some point ratified?

“The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) is a treaty concerning the international law on treaties between states.” Sometimes described as the Treaty of Treaties, it was adopted in May 1969 and entered into force in January of 1980.

Under Article 18 of the Convention, “…a State which has signed or ratified a treaty has the obligation to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of that treaty prior to its entry into force.”

The written Object and Purpose of the ATT:

Object and Purpose: The Object of this treaty is to—Establish the highest possible common international standards for regulating or improving the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms. Prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and prevent their diversion;

For the Purpose of—Contributing to international and regional peace, stability and security; Reducing human suffering; Promoting cooperation, transparency and responsible action by States Parties in the international trade in conventional arms, thereby building confidence among States Parties.

The question is whether the signature of Barack Obama or his agent John Kerry binds the United States by International Law “to not defeat the object and purpose” of the Arms Trade Treaty?

If so, could this entail a calculated scheme by which Obama might claim to be “compelled” to implement the terms of the treaty so as to avoid defeating the treaty’s object and purpose? For example, could Obama bring into play the treaty term calling for a national arms registry, claiming it was absolutely necessary to avoid doing harm to the purpose of the treaty?

I don’t know the legal answer to question. But I do know that, as the most corrupt president in the nation’s history, Barack Obama is capable of implementing any underhanded or illegal scheme he believes he might get away with. And he would undoubtedly go to any lengths to manufacture a method by which he could undermine the 2nd Amendment.

Will this administration spend the next months working to impose terms of an unconstitutional treaty on the American public?
rioseco's Avatar
Straight to hell with the UN, Kerry and Obama ! That document does not mean jack shit to free men in America !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you're saying Coach is right? How about Kim Jong Un, Rioseco? Do YOU stand with the Korean communist dictator against POTUS when he called him a monkey?
rioseco's Avatar
So you're saying Coach is right? How about Kim Jong Un, Rioseco? Do YOU stand with the Korean communist dictator against POTUS when he called him a monkey? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am saying that patriots that believe in and uphold the U.S.Constitution will not let a piece of paper or a decree from anyone steal our freedoms. The Second Amendment was created to prevent this very thing, a corrupt out of control government. No free people will accept such a tyrannical move. You may use your own imaginative ability to decide how an oppressed free people will fight against such tyranny. I will tell you this much. None of my ilk owe the United Nations any allegiance whatsoever. Infact I do not recognize or accept it. U.N. law has no bearing on American patriots. Nor does any government that would sell out it's own citizenry to such an institution.

Fuck North Korea. No I do not abide by him calling Obama a monkey.
I wonder why you would ask me such a question. No one needs to result to such tactics. Obama can be called out on many legitimate failures, lies and offenses without resorting to that.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you're saying Coach is right? How about Kim Jong Un, Rioseco? Do YOU stand with the Korean communist dictator against POTUS when he called him a monkey? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think KJU was just trying to say "Buffoon" .....

...... and got it mixed up with "Baboon" .... that's all.

I'm sure Obaminable will forgive him, since KJU is a victim.
rioseco's Avatar
Fuck North Korea. No I do not abide by him calling Obama a monkey.
I wonder why you would ask me such a question. No one needs to result to such tactics. Obama can be called out on many legitimate failures, lies and offenses without resorting to that.


Again I say fuck N. Korea and Kravin Sumyong Guy !
Still waiting for your answer. I answered your question, so why the ducking and dodging Yssup ?
Unhappy that your race baiting failed ? What a miserable lonely loser you are !
Regardless of how big of a narcissistic, demagoguing, race baiting, self centered, egotistical little twerp President Obama is, he is still the President of The United States.
rioseco's Avatar
Regardless of how big of a narcissistic, demagoguing, race baiting, self centered, egotistical little twerp President Obama is, he is still the President of The United States. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes JS, unfortunately you are correct on all six accounts.
LexusLover's Avatar
Regardless of how big of a narcissistic, demagoguing, race baiting, self centered, egotistical little twerp President Obama is, he is still the President of The United States. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And please ... let's keep him that way for the next couple of years:

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
How's it working so far in the U.S.:

............................Fi rearm Homicides per ........... Avg. firearms
............................10 0,000 people ........................ per 100 people

U.S. ....................2.97...... .............................. ............. 88.8
Australia ...........0 .14........................... ..................... 15.0
Germany............0 .19........................... ................... 30 .3
Japan................... .01 .............................. .....................0.6
Norway................. .05 .............................. .................. 31.3
Switz....................0 .77 .............................. ................. 45.7
England...............0 .07........................... ....................... 6.2

The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people

rioseco's Avatar
How's it working so far in the U.S.:

............................Fi rearm Homicides per ........... Avg. firearms
............................10 0,000 people ........................ per 100 people

U.S. ....................2.97...... .............................. ............. 88.8
Australia ...........0 .14........................... ..................... 15.0
Germany............0 .19........................... ................... 30 .3
Japan................... .01 .............................. .....................0.6
Norway................. .05 .............................. .................. 31.3
Switz....................0 .77 .............................. ................. 45.7
England...............0 .07........................... ....................... 6.2

The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Ok now, let us post one showing how claw hammers, knives, and baseball bats are used to kill people in the USA. every year.

Do we want to see the numbers on auto deaths or should we just cherry pick here as usual.
Firearms, cars, bats, knives,and hammers do not mame or kill people.
CRIMINALS and bad drivers do !

How about knives,bats, and hammers ? More restrictions anyone ?
See link below.

How about all the traffic fatalities in the USA ?
Over 30,000 traffic deaths in the USA last year alone. Should we further restrict access to autos as well ?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ok now, let us post one showing how claw hammers, knives, and baseball bats are used to kill people in the USA. every year.

Do we want to see the numbers on auto deaths or should we just cherry pick here as usual.
Firearms, cars, bats, knives,and hammers do not mame or kill people.
CRIMINALS and bad drivers do !

How about knives,bats, and hammers ? More restrictions anyone ?
See link below.

How about all the traffic fatalities in the USA ?
Over 30,000 traffic deaths in the USA last year alone. Should we further restrict access to autos as well ? Originally Posted by rioseco
This was a thread on an ARMS TREATY. The post to which I was responding was on GUN CONTROL and how, in the opinion of Iffy, it works.

Since you are fairly new to this forum, at least your handle is new, I have been pointing out for years that if anyone is REALLY interested in protecting their lives, stop driving and worry less about owning a handgun.

If you are interested in opening a thread on other ways people are killed, feel free to do so and don't hijack this thread.
rioseco's Avatar
This was a thread about the U.N. and evil enemies of freedom here in the U.S.A. trying to auction off our Second Amemndment freedoms cheaply.
Didn't hijack yout thread. I made some simple points about the many ways to die in America. Obviously the facts support that cars are more dangerous than guns.
Point extended and unrefutably.
I commend you for giving up driving to save lives.
I own guns to save lives, both mine and my family.
Different strokes for different folks they say..............
Have a nice day !