TheDaliLama's Avatar
We are about ready to hear someone pick up a turd from the clean end.
We all long for the good old days when Saddam and his two upstanding Sons ruled Iraq.

It seems many middle eastern counties are doomed to either live under reprehensible dictatorships ruled by Stalinistic Thugs or under reprehensible dictatorships ruled by Islamic Thugs.

Take your pick. Either will put you against the wall, or in the stoning pit, for not toeing the line. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How is that our business? If they don't like it, they should do something about it.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are truly a moron. ISIS used to be al qaeda in iraq you dingleberry. That would make them Bush's fault, just like your buddy odumbo said. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Actually, using your logic "they are Carter's fault"! Operation Cyclone.
rioseco's Avatar
The forever poser of a president, never wanting responsibility for his own decisions and failed policies.............

http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015/03/17...george-w-bush/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama is a liar. The whole world knows it. Only stupid sheep and other liars know it and still defend his spin.
Bush warned ALL that the war in Iraq would not be easy, he warned that it would not be brief.
Then years later he warned of the dangers of pulling out too soon and the vacuum such action would create.

Did Bush pull our troops out of Iraq ? No he did not.
Did Obama pull out of Iraq ? Yes he did.
Did Obama's stupid decision leave a state void of power, in which islamic scum could escalate terror ?
Yes it surely did.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have an idea. It's a crazy one, I know. But here it is: Why don't we resolve the issue, and then argue about where to assign blame?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not the Pluto you live on, that's for sure.

We wouldn't be having to leave behind any troops in Iraq if there had never been an invasion of Iraq courtesy of Shrub, your boy Cheney and all his neo-con advisors. No invasion of Iraq = No ISIS.

Obama is 100% correct. Originally Posted by timpage
Yep, Timmie works for Obama. That is EXACTLY what the White House said. They went on to say that when Bush invaded (actually it was the United States voted for by the US Congress) Iraq he created ISIS from the remains of Al Qaeda....except that the left has always maintained that Al Qaeda was never in Iraq. So which is it? Was Iraq working with Al Qaeda making them a legitimate target for Bush or they were not in Iraq and Obama is totally lying...again.

Since you say Obama is 100% correct then the invasion was justified (good news for Hillary, Kerry, Edwards, Biden, and the rest)
Al Qaeda was not there when Saddam was in power, they showed up to fight the American military after the invasion. Wasn't ISIL formed in Syria?
  • shanm
  • 03-19-2015, 10:04 AM
Yep, Timmie works for Obama. That is EXACTLY what the White House said. They went on to say that when Bush invaded (actually it was the United States voted for by the US Congress) Iraq he created ISIS from the remains of Al Qaeda....except that the left has always maintained that Al Qaeda was never in Iraq. So which is it? Was Iraq working with Al Qaeda making them a legitimate target for Bush or they were not in Iraq and Obama is totally lying...again.

Since you say Obama is 100% correct then the invasion was justified (good news for Hillary, Kerry, Edwards, Biden, and the rest) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
For a "history" major, you are remarkably ignorant. Pity, I was hoping that that might be the one redeeming thing about you.

Iraq used to be controlled by Sunni Muslim prior to the invasion of 2003. It was the remnant of almost 4 centuries of Ottoman rule, followed by British rule starting in 1920. Both the Ottoman Turks and the British had maintained control by keeping the Sunni faction as the aristocracy and ruling power; that was tradition.

After the invasion of Iraq, however, and for the first time in centuries, the control was given to Iraqi Shi-ites. The U.S has previously maintained stability in the region by receiving support from Sunni countries like Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Without the Sunni faction in Iraq, there was nothing to stop Iran's shi-te influence from spreading to Iraq. Pretty much created the militant groups Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel. You love to cry about Israel, don't you? So what is it? Your shit don't stink? Let's all blame Obama?
