I see where Democrats talk about how cumbersome it is to vote.

Grace Preston's Avatar
All I know is-- my sister got the joy of waiting in line for 4 hours in Jefferson County back in 2020... The googlie is wrong-- those are polling locations for the next election AFTER all the bullshit that went down in 2020. Hence, the article I posted above.

I don't have an issue voting-- I can literally walk to my polling location. However, I also understand that it isn't the case in some places.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
All I know is-- my sister got the joy of waiting in line for 4 hours in Jefferson County back in 2020... The googlie is wrong-- those are polling locations for the next election AFTER all the bullshit that went down in 2020. Hence, the article I posted above.

I don't have an issue voting-- I can literally walk to my polling location. However, I also understand that it isn't the case in some places. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That was for a primary in June, with a catered dinner even. AmIrite? There are other headlines and articles of merit to consider. Kentucky was only one out of 37 states that changed their voting laws in 2020, many extra-judicially. But in Kentucky specifically:

Changes to absentee/mail-in voting procedures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020

Documenting Kentucky's path to recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020-2021

Changes to election dates, procedures, and administration in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020


81 Millions votes my ass!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Interesting article in the DC-ist on an initiative to introduce ranked choice voting in Washington DC. Personally, I'm not a fan of Ranked Choice voting, but then -- I'm not a rayyyycist either. But this coddling and imaginary voter suppression crud, dumbing down and striving to the lowest common(?) denominator needs to stop.

The article is an interesting read overall, but I really just want to highlight a single paragraph regarding voter "suppression" of a particular demographic.
D.C. Democratic Party Sues To Keep Ranked Choice Voting And Open Primaries Off The Ballot
Martin Austermuhle

...Barnes also says the ballot initiative would unlawfully require the city to spend money implementing ranked choice voting (ballot initiatives can’t force the city to spend any money), and would additionally violate the city’s Human Rights Act because it would discriminate against Black and low-income voters who could be confused by ranked choice voting...
ICU 812's Avatar
In 2020 and 2022 there was a lot made of the early or absentee voting that took place. We will see these voting methods be widely implemented again in 2024.

If you are one of us who" work for a living" as I was before retiring, then early voting is the way to go. Where I live here in Texas, there is an early voting place located where the County does license and tax business. It is open for voting foe several weeks before election day.

But if you cannot make early voting in person work for some reason, again I say, call a party HQ and they will send you a ballot. Fill it out and mail it back.

What is the big deal here?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If one is too dumb to figure out how to vote, should they be voting in the first ding-dang place?
  • Tiny
  • 08-10-2023, 04:50 PM
If one is too dumb to figure out how to vote, should they be voting in the first ding-dang place? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Or if he's not motivated enough to go to a polling place to cast his vote maybe he shouldn't be either, except for the elderly, infirm, military and the like. However ICU is correct. As long as there is mail in voting, Republicans should use it.
Or if he's not motivated enough to go to a polling place to cast his vote maybe he shouldn't be either, except for the elderly, infirm, military and the like. However ICU is correct. As long as there is mail in voting, Republicans should use it. Originally Posted by Tiny
Long with ballot harvesting, nd just good old fraud.

It’s time the Republicans tarted plying by the same rules.
... Problem with voting machines over Ohio-way.
Just like Arizona last year...

... America is surely falling apart right before yer very eyes.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...However ICU is correct. As long as there is mail in voting, Republicans should use it. Originally Posted by Tiny
Most of the discussion on mail-in voting is not about the infirm etc. Those provisions were long established and codified in to law years ago. But the excuse of the covid in 2020 changed it all, leastwise in 37 states in the blink of an eye and often against established procedural authorization. In other words, they were EMERGENCY orders by power hungry partisans.

Just say NO!
Precious_b's Avatar
Have a problem?

Call the local or county party headquarters of your choice.

Someone there will see to it that you can get registered properly. Are you housebound, have a disability or your car just has a flat? Call again and someone will see to it that you can get to a polling place to vote. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I agree that whoever shows up should have ID to show they are on the voting rolls. The conservatives work too hard on limiting access to the polls instead of waking up and helping their constituents to the polls.

Don't be afraid if you don't have the votes. donny proved you can get into office with a minority of the voting public.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The conservatives work too hard on limiting access to the polls instead of waking up and helping their constituents to the polls... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Tragically missed opportunity for you to provide supporting documentation on how anybody is "limiting access to the polls" and who is being limited.

In the Kentucky discussion above for example:
  • Oct. 5 (at 4 p.m.) — The deadline to register to vote
  • Oct. 9 (at 11:59 p.m.) — The deadline to request an absentee ballot
  • Oct. 13 — Early in-person voting commences and runs Monday-Saturday up to Election Day.
  • Nov. 3 — Election Day. All absentee ballots must be postmarked by this day
  • Nov. 6 — The day by which all absentee ballots must be recevied= by county clerk, in order for them to count
Certainly not seeing the savagery of "limiting access to the polls". I know my state is somewhat similar, especially on the early voting opportunities. Could you supply the names of the people that experienced "limited access to the polls"?