WTF were you thinking?!

  • g1102
  • 03-24-2014, 06:04 PM
Look sugarslit, yer always gonna have sum fellers not keepin' stuff private. Ah know cuz Ah dun a sim'ler thang a while back in my Senate race. Ah toldt folks Ah wuz in tha CIA.

Well, them bozos in Langley got thar panties in a wad, tellin' meh, "WTF! Why yew tellin' e'erybody about workin' fer us an' a-blowin' yer cover?"

So, Ah sez, "How the hell tha voters gonna know how much uva bad-ass secret agent Ah am if'n Ah don't tell'em thet I'm a goldurn bad-ass secret fuckin' agent, muthafucka!"

Ah reckon Ah pissed 'em off real bad. Thet's why Ah'm figger they rigged tha 'lection to let that muthafuckin' Cuban-commie jizz-guzzlin' sleeper-agent Ted Cruz win. SONUVABITCH! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Fucking Ted Cruz!

sixxbach's Avatar
Fucking Ted Cruz!

Originally Posted by g1102

  • g1102
  • 03-24-2014, 06:54 PM
I think the past actions of your local moderator staff clearly shows we have done the same things in those cases as well.

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by ztonk
Unfortunately you are not MY local mod staff. So how the hell would I know?

Yes. I am a total Dusche pussy for even using private crap. I only justify it because it will go away in about a week. The CBC has it nailed for how to get VIP prievleges without spending money.
Beagle's Avatar
Sorry to hear, Claire. Poor discretion on the part of the guy. All it takes is one.....
I was about to ask the same question that Whispers asked: how do you know it is in the ML and/or has private tags around it? And if you know exactly who did it, why are broadcasting it here and not PMing the perp? Now we all know about it.
  • g1102
  • 03-24-2014, 10:13 PM
I was about to ask the same question that Whispers asked: how do you know it is in the ML and/or has private tags around it? And if you know exactly who did it, why are broadcasting it here and not PMing the perp? Now we all know about it. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
Better yet why not trust YOUR local mod staff to handle I appropriate shit?????
What time does the Second Act start???
  • g1102
  • 03-24-2014, 11:07 PM
Check the fucking ML.
fun2come's Avatar
I was about to ask the same question that Whispers asked: how do you know it is in the ML and/or has private tags around it? And if you know exactly who did it, why are broadcasting it here and not PMing the perp? Now we all know about it. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
All good questions....

As for broadcasting: It's also called marketing and advertising.
how do you know it is in the ML and/or has private tags around it? Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
Because when it happens, a handful of my clients blow up my phone with texts/calls telling me, because they care enough about me to not want anything bad to happen to me.

I posted this not as another threAD, but as a message to everyone: THINK before you type. What you post can ruin someone's RW life.
I hope you have a prescription for that XANAX.... Because

a) you are in a child custody battle and are providing.....
b) you openly admit knowledge of the video and that it is you.
c)Admitting it is you , all dependability is lost
d)You then allude to taking a medication that is highly abused.

3rd time?

I can't imagine why you insist on posting and being the subject of conversation with so much to lose. I think this post does more damage to you that the may of.
Originally Posted by Whispers
I have never met this gal, and admit that sharing anything from private life might be at risk for other to share publicly, but cmon, she has a right to be upset. You sound not concerned about getting her banned than finding the pricks sharing ML post (if it is in the ML).


Xanax is addictive not highly abusive and it's legal with a prescription. You're making it out as if she is (staff edit; forbidden subject; ztonk)

Being a provider doesn't make her a bad mother, does it give the ex leverage? Yes.
Whispers's Avatar
I have never met this gal, and admit that sharing anything from private life might be at risk for other to share publicly, but cmon, she has a right to be upset. You sound not concerned about getting her banned than finding the pricks sharing ML post (if it is in the ML).


Xanax is addictive not highly abusive and it's legal with a prescription. You're making it out as if she is (staff edit; forbidden subject; ztonk)

Being a provider doesn't make her a bad mother, does it give the ex leverage? Yes. Originally Posted by cruzer
Actually XANAX is considered to be one of the most abused prescribed medications as well as highly addictive.

You are right though.

Being a provider doesn't make her a bad mother.

But being a provider and having her actions AS a provider and on this board come back in to AFFECT her custody issues not once... not twice.... but THREE times now....well.... those are NOT qualities of a GOOD mother are they?

I know a number of providers that are moms and have had custody issues...... Most knew to keep a low profile while resolving those kind of issues.....

Here was have an example of someone regularly increasing the risk of issues as a result of her high profile as a poster.

It is hard to be sympathetic.

And yes. I raised the question over her posting what she knew of private information. No sympathy points for that from me.
I follow your message Claire but some of these guys are not going to get it and some just really don't care anyway. Your not going to win this one. If the dude is to stupid to know better then your not going to be able to teach the moron anyway. You made your point to those who probably know better anyway. My advise...

Furget bout iiiitt. !!
Actually XANAX is considered to be one of the most abused prescribed medications as well as highly addictive.

You are right though.

Being a provider doesn't make her a bad mother.

But being a provider and having her actions AS a provider and on this board come back in to AFFECT her custody issues not once... not twice.... but THREE times now....well.... those are NOT qualities of a GOOD mother are they?

I know a number of providers that are moms and have had custody issues...... Most knew to keep a low profile while resolving those kind of issues.....

Here was have an example of someone regularly increasing the risk of issues as a result of her high profile as a poster.

It is hard to be sympathetic.

And yes. I raised the question over her posting what she knew of private information. No sympathy points for that from me. Originally Posted by Whispers
I didn't know about the 1-2-3 times. (staff edit; forbidden subject; ztonk) I see your point about no sympathy, but I would much rarer break the balls of all the white knights sharing info.
Whispers's Avatar
I didn't know about the 1-2-3 times. (staff edit; forbidden subject; ztonk) I see your point about no sympathy, but I would much rarer break the balls of all the white knights sharing info. Originally Posted by cruzer
Her original post proclaimed this was the third time.....

I agree regarding knowing who those guys were....

Read her post

Because when it happens, a handful of my clients blow up my phone with texts/calls telling me, because they care enough about me to not want anything bad to happen to me. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Not one..... or a couple.... but a handful..... OK.. with some guys that might be one.... But no issue whatsoever in telling us that she gets informed.....

These cases are usually resolved with the provider being given a choice of outing the guy and a lesser punishment or taking the fall on their own with a stronger punishment.... typically the length of a ban is affected...

We should know soon....