offshoredrilling's Avatar
I stopped giving consideration to what you post ever since you made a veiled accusation against me, and refused to even inform me of the details of that accusation.

So you need to shut up about asking me for links or proof of anything. Originally Posted by Doove
you only have a few things in common with Wakeup
being male and liking hookers

Speaking of beating a dead horse....

And what the heck are you even talking about with this? Originally Posted by Doove
So I take it you only read enough of the thread and op to take a shot at CC
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-08-2015, 06:27 AM
you only have a few things in common with Wakeup
being male and liking hookers Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Is that supposed to be an insult?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Is that supposed to be an insult? Originally Posted by Doove

next line you did not quote could be seen that way, but is not. Was just answering

So if you're not going to pay for PA being a cheap bastard like me but with a added chip on your shoulder. Go for a review.
BTW there is one I think worthy of you or even I review in ROC. Not far from Mirage strip club. You remember how to drive to Brockport right, its only a bit farther down the road. And get the 6 weeks.
shhhhh I find the 6 weeks gives you a extra day. Rather than shorting ya like paying. SHHHHHHH Just looking out for a brother cheap bastard so don't tell CC.

I'm sure not the op. He doesn't post much. But Doove, you didn't get any infractions when you had PA did ya. As they can take PA as part of that infraction. If paid or if by review/s.
I stopped giving consideration to what you post ever since you made a veiled accusation against me, and refused to even inform me of the details of that accusation. Originally Posted by Doove
Ironic , at least to me.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-08-2015, 09:31 AM
Ironic , at least to me. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Nope. I've never accused anyone, including yourself, of anything negative that they couldn't address because they didn't know what they were being accused of. The general membership may have been oblivious on occasion, but never the person whom i was pointing the finger at.

Compare that to this:

See the difference?
Guest042416's Avatar
yes I do


doove can do a review, or I pm you what u want on my lady friend u can fuck. let me know
Nope. I've never accused anyone, including yourself, of anything negative that they couldn't address because they didn't know what they were being accused of. The general membership may have been oblivious on occasion, but never the person whom i was pointing the finger at.

Compare that to this:

See the difference? Originally Posted by Doove
I do see a difference. That post is overly vague by OSD (not that surprising from him). However, a veiled accusation with a hint of detail , only enough to have a general idea as to what is being referenced with no detail/proof behind that is not much better -- especially when it can not even be addressed as addressing it would require outing personal info, discussing topics that can't be discussed openly, and the impossible task of proving a negative. As such, the overly vague reference from OSD with absolutely nothing behind it may be less damaging.

Anyway, to the topic of ROS gone missing, buy Lifetime PA and then it is something one never needs to worry about again.
Guest042416's Avatar
I do see a difference. That post is overly vague by OSD (not that surprising from him). However, a veiled accusation with a hint of detail , only enough to have a general idea as to what is being referenced with no detail/proof behind that is not much better -- especially when it can not even be addressed as addressing it would require outing personal info, discussing topics that can't be discussed openly, and the impossible task of proving a negative. As such, the overly vague reference from OSD with absolutely nothing behind it may be less damaging.

Anyway, to the topic of ROS gone missing, buy Lifetime PA and then it is something one never needs to worry about again. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Aint that the truth!!!!,

HOw much is the lifetime pa? or doove can review some of the ladies he sees, also easier.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Elite VIP Member Upgrade $250

but can be taken away
2nd handle, outing etc whatever in the guidelines
they may not take PA
but they can
paid or by reviewing
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I do see a difference. That post is overly vague by OSD (not that surprising from him). However, a veiled accusation with a hint of detail , only enough to have a general idea as to what is being referenced with no detail/proof behind that is not much better -- especially when it can not even be addressed as addressing it would require outing personal info, discussing topics that can't be discussed openly, and the impossible task of proving a negative. As such, the overly vague reference from OSD with absolutely nothing behind it may be less damaging.

Anyway, to the topic of ROS gone missing, buy Lifetime PA and then it is something one never needs to worry about again. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
why would I state a rumor right out that not sure if true
Then add in if guideline problem or not

so Doove was the rumor of a 2nd handle true or not
as I did not want to say then what i was not sure of
I still have no idea if it was true or not, just a rumor

so Doove was the rumor of a 2nd handle true or not
as I did not want to say then what i was not sure of
I still have no idea if it was true or not, just a rumor Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Posts 52 and 53 (and others) in that thread may shed some light....
But why beat a dead horse?

Do the crime, serve the time.
I lost 90 days of PA once. Part of the price.
But that price also got a rogue modtard perma(?) banned.
Looking back, I got quite a bargain.

But why beat a dead horse as it were.
Oh Brother.
That's rich.
elghund's Avatar
Doove has had his answer for months, and he's well aware of it. He just doesn't like the answer he got. But he has a lot fun bringing it up periodically to take a swipe at me and bring attention to himself. Thats cool. He can tell you the story if he wants. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Looks like the answer has materialized!

If I read between all the lines, you can lose your PA when you get banned, right?

Looks like the answer has materialized!

If I read between all the lines, you can lose your PA when you get banned, right?

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
You don't really lose it.
In fact, the PA continues while one is banned.
It's just hard to take advantage of it... because... you can't log in...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Looks like the answer has materialized!

If I read between all the lines, you can lose your PA when you get banned, right?

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
The PA clock does not stop ticking while banned. You don't lose it, it simply expires as it normally would.
elghund's Avatar
The PA clock does not stop ticking while banned. You don't lose it, it simply expires as it normally would. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

The penalty for being an ass, in other words! Lol!
