Thoughts about us on D&T

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I B Hankering's Avatar
Herding cats, it's all the same. Originally Posted by SR Only
That's the phrase that came to my mind. I have only known D&T for what it is today. Honestly, it's what drew me here. My reference point here antedates the Herfacechair affair maybe by just hours or maybe a day or two at most - a veritable trial by fire. I've heard the Houston board is lively also.
For you Charles
Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Dammit! According to Board Rules, you're not supposed to out me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dammit! According to Board Rules, you're not supposed to out me. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
London Rayne's Avatar
This is getting bizarre.
Iaintliein's Avatar
This is getting bizarre. Originally Posted by London Rayne
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-27-2011, 01:59 PM
Sh!t I should ban you and give you points for that pic. My eyes are hurting again. Where are the pencils I can jab in them? Originally Posted by SR Only
Let me be the first to usher in the kinder D&T ......

That's the phrase that came to my mind. I have only known D&T for what it is today. Honestly, it's what drew me here. My reference point here antedates the Herfacechair affair maybe by just hours or maybe a day or two at most - a veritable trial by fire. I've heard the Houston board is lively also. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

That is an interesting case in point. Herfaceinchair. I tried to be nice to the guy and lead by example but all I got was a bunch of pm's asking me to ignore him. How is that being nice to someone? He started a thread and the folks that did not want to participate were free not to. The guy was smart, not to tolerant but then neither were we by ignoring him (or asking me to ignore him). I hope I am not the only one that justs ignores threads that do not interest me or that bug me. I ignore them. Isn't that a kinder way to operate? What we are striving for in the forum? Uniformity?

SR, was this thread started to maybe fix a problem or to pose for the home team? If we are just posing I will gladly bow out....but I see a multifaceted picture that you are trying paint as if on canvas
Even though I sometimes participate (guilty as charged), I do think it's a shame that politics dominates D&T. More hobby related and aethetically pleasing threads (ie partially clothed or unclothed (Women SA Artman!)) would be a welcomed evolutionary change. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I agree. I often find myself browsing the thread titles in this forum, and then leaving 10 seconds later to another part of the site. Everyone has different reasons for visiting and participating on this board. Nothing wrong with discussing politics or general interest topics, but that's not really why I come to a place like this.

SR, was this thread started to maybe fix a problem or to pose for the home team? If we are just posing I will gladly bow out....but I see a multifaceted picture that you are trying paint as if on canvas Originally Posted by WTF
Herfacechair is the only person I ever put on ignore. He seems to be gone. I do ignore some threads that don't even begin to interest me, like London's fantasy Texas ad.

WTF, I don't want to speak for SR, but I think the thread was started at the request of a board member that was wanting some guidance as to what the new mods expected in the forum in the way of behavior. But, I'll let SR answer for himself.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hey now!! That was in National not here, and it was funny!!
But, I'll let SR answer for himself. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It was from my heart/head. I would have probably posted whether I was a mod or not. It was from the gut. I wasn't asking for massive change from anyone but as I said before, turn it down a notch (the venom that is). Let's get back to talking about hotties of varying financial strata. That was my message.
I do agree with SR, the politics gets a little too heavy.
Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Political threads are very top heavy in here but I guess everyone is aware of that by now. It does get a little intense though at times...

SR and MA, we owe you a pint a piece.I think. Maybe.

C x
Well now I am really not quite that easy to get rid of:tra mpoline:
SR, you are very sweet, and I most definitely do understand where you are coming from. I get the feeling that we both started posting in the HDH forum around the same time. I agree with you that the last year of HDH, and the first year of D&T were very similar in that for the most part it was a kindler gentler place to hang out, and argue with each other. but I am also fairly certain from what I gathered from reading some of the indexed threads on HDH that HDH was not always the warm, and fuzzy place that we late comers remembered it to be. I am almost certain that if I had started lurking there a few years earlier I would have never posted a single thread because I would have felt too intimidated by it all. I do like to think that these things do go in cycles, and just like now I may prefer to lay low for a little while to avoid some of the drama that certainly does not mean that I will ever be done torturing you people with pictures of my non smelly dog

I am sure that we all post here for different reasons, and we all come, and go at various times .I know for myself I do prefer the fluffier version of this board, but I would never announce that I am going to take my ball,or balls ( that one was for you WTF) and go home just because I am not as happy with the more drama driven version of it. I am perfectly happy to let things run their course over time. I do understand that what I am sensitive to may not bother others, and just as I may not enjoy the jabs that people take at each other I am also fairly certain that not everyone wants to read my 600 plus posts on how much I love my dog Hang in there SR, and just keep in mind that you really cannot force people to change, but things do have a way of running their course over time.Plus I like many of you too much to ever stop torturing you here with many of my mindless posts
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2011, 04:20 PM
Herfacechair is the only person I ever put on ignore. He seems to be gone. I do ignore some threads that don't even begin to interest me, like London's fantasy Texas ad.
. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
And that was my point Charles.

Personally ignore it but why send pm's asking others to ignore it?

London's thread may not interest you but why should you pm me trying to get me to be like you? Follow that?

It was from my heart/head. I would have probably posted whether I was a mod or not. It was from the gut. I wasn't asking for massive change from anyone but as I said before, turn it down a notch (the venom that is). Let's get back to talking about hotties of varying financial strata. That was my message. Originally Posted by SR Only
SR, that is a two way street IMHO. You can not have on one hand people accusing others of being racist or ant-Semitic or murders and your focus seems to be in the tone of what is IMHO the wrongly accused rebuttal.

Should folks that have had abortions be labeled murders? Should folks that discuss the history of the Bible be accused of anti Semitism?

I understand that things get said in the heat of battle but when one side never acknowledges their inapproaitness then you wind up at this point.

SR very well said from your first post in this thread and the same SHOULD go for all forums...somewhere the meaning of respect and agree to disagree has been lost or misplaced...could it be egos? could it be the need to one up someone? could if be to make oneself feel better by being rude? could be all...the important thing is to learn and treat others the way you want to be treated and more important to have fun and learn something or just laugh....
It was from my heart/head. I would have probably posted whether I was a mod or not. It was from the gut. I wasn't asking for massive change from anyone but as I said before, turn it down a notch (the venom that is). Let's get back to talking about hotties of varying financial strata. That was my message. Originally Posted by SR Only