just clearing this up

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  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 01:23 PM
LOL, lets see how many RTM's that OSD can hammer in one day. And he always says he doesn't like hitting it LOL.
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02-27-2010, 07:37 AM #1 St. C
Patron Saint of Pussy

Join Date: Mar 7, 2009
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The RTM Button
Guys and gals,

I want to introduce you to the RTM Button. It's your friend. I see alot of remarks here in Houston about "bangin' the RTM" but surprisingly we get very few reports from this forum, when compared with the volume we receive in some of the other cities.

It's my conclusion that quite a few members do not know it's purpose, don't know we have the button, or haven't figured out how to use it.

Purpose of the RTM Button: The acronym stands for "Report this post to Moderator" On ASPD, it was fairly simple to find. (screenshot attached) and was pretty frequently used to alert the local mods of issues which needed staff attention.


Rule violations were primary, but RTMs are not used exclusively for personal attacks, rule-breaking, etc......quite a few members used it just to point out things they felt staff would want or need to see...OR topics where they wanted to see a staff opinion, ruling, or directive posted. In some cases, the RTM button can be abused. That happened at ASPD occasionally, when one member seemed to use the RTM to report anything and everything that caught their eye.......everything they didn't agree with. That is, of course, discouraged.

______________________________ ______________________________ ______

I'd like folks to become acquainted with and accustomed to using the RTM button here. Besides alerting us to issues at their onset, it helps us to keep a nice little record of these issues in the staff area. Often times, the impression is that a staff member is on hand 24/7 scanning each and ever post for acceptance. Not the case. We have a wide variety of responsibilities, and scanning forums, reading threads is but one of them. To be honest, you really shouldn't even assume that just because a staff member has posted to a thread it means he/she is right there reading all of the replies after his/hers. That would be the case in a perfect world, but let's face it.....we do have to step away from our PCs (or in my case, our Macs) every once in a while.

So let's just play it safe and assume that unless a post is reported by a member using the RTM button, a staff member might not see it, and therefore might not react as quickly to troublesome posts as we would all like to see. Let's see if we can put it to good use.

Thanks all, here's some screenshots for ya, as an example...

St. C



Just wanted another mods opinion by PM
maybe one needs say who not to answer

Its nice to know the few times I did not post I hit the RTM in a thread/s

Your right there to out me.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 04:03 PM
OSD, believe it or not, but you and one other person in upstate are probably tied for the most RTM's. The only difference being that his are usually sincere and on target. Yours are usually more lame and just looking to stir shit, even when there isn't shit to stir or just asking really stupid questions that most 3rd graders could easily answer. LOL

PS: You only RTM'd it once..... hammer that bitch LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
gee thanks, only glad to disappoint ya
i deserved the warning point...my only regret is that i gave staff work on a holiday.
Sorry gp. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
The warning POINT?????
POINT as in ONE???
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 09:43 PM
points? JB says I didn't do anything to her, so we should believe him since he is so smart. heh

right paul?
JB, do you really need to have this verified? Originally Posted by brutusbluto
lets review for you revisionists

this is GP's quote and accusation about me

#1. YOU are chasing Lexxxy around the board at every opportunity to make smart ass comments when you agreed in the past to stop.You have gone back on your word apparently. Not that it ever meant much in the first place.

for the intial accusation, you need to quote my correspondence to any mod that I agreed with your made up accusations through selective enforcement

then you need to quote me saying i "agreed to stop".. in some way

never would happen as i never agreed with any of your false accusations to begin with

so yes, untill you can produce ANY proof that can back up GPs statment

he is lying ..totally and cant proove otherwise..
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  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 09:52 PM
I do stand corrected. Since my belly is now full of turkey and I had some free time, I went a found the old PM's. Without posting the content and violating rules, I will say that it is true. JB never did agree to stop harassing Lexxxy even though he was directly told to stop. He used some colorful language telling ddarkness how he really felt. JB was made well aware that points will be issued for future indiscretions. I had to go all the way back to April to find this. LOL

I apologize JB. I thought you had agreed to actually stop harassing Lexxxy. My mistake. I know Lexxxy received the same pm, and she agreed to the conditions.
thank you for clearing up that point

i dont harass lexxy

watch all you want
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  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 09:58 PM
You can say you don't harass her all you want, but everyone else knows otherwise. Now you have been warned privately and publicly. What you do with it from this point forward is ALL ON YOU!

You make a single post in her direction that has even the slightest bit of foulness to it, and I invite every single member of this board to RTM your ass. I guarantee you will rack the points up so fast, you will be on vacation before Christmas. We tried the polite route, now we go this way.

What ya gonna do JB?
points? Originally Posted by GP
So is that a one pointer or a five pointer for F-bombing another member.
I have a couple of five pointers and didn't even use a "H E Double Hockey Sticks"?
Different point structure for providers and hobbyists??
Would VL have gotten a half a point???
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  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 10:13 PM
Sorry Paul, you will have to ask Dearhunter to dig up and give you the info. REAL staff members do not disclose points issued to other people.
Sorry Paul, you will have to ask Dearhunter to dig up and give you the info. REAL staff members do not disclose points issued to other people. Originally Posted by GP

DH might be too busy to answer me tonight....
Time for bed......
A couple of weeks ago I'd have scored 15 + tonight.....
What has changed???
I'll check tomorrow night if I can......
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  • GP
  • 11-28-2013, 10:26 PM
Awww, and you had you chance to hit a grand slam and join the big leagues kid. Maybe some other time slugger. Keep your chin up!
Just so I'm clear; the RTM button is the little red triangle under the avatar/info right?