LE question for the providers...?

gimme_that's Avatar
A substantial percentage of my clients (rough estimate, 35-45%) claimed that they were busted by a vice cop who'd seen them as a client 1 to 3 times before making the bust. Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Probably so. But what if a provider he saw was busted, and to gain lienenacy she told the right people a well known cop was hobbying as well. This could go either way as no one knows for sure what they might do in a situation that might arise.

That action would take the heat off her, be a media frensy, and might conviently dismiss charges......far fetched, or just as possible.

Exposing work info and being discreet and honest would hinder him more than help Im sure.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Probably so. But what if a provider he saw was busted, and to gain lienenacy she told the right people a well known cop was hobbying as well. This could go either way as no one knows for sure what they might do in a situation that might arise.

That action would take the heat off her, be a media frensy, and might conviently dismiss charges......far fetched, or just as possible.

Exposing work info and being discreet and honest would hinder him more than help Im sure. Originally Posted by gimme_that
That's certainly possible... but it never happened with my clients in the whole time that I was so employed.

I can't say though... did it not happen because a girl(s) tried to go to Internal Affairs or the media, and it just wasn't picked up on? Or did they just never bother to report to someone? I'll never know.

All I can say is that knowing the St. Louis TV stations as well as I did back then... if any of these girls had gone to the media with their accusations, they would have gotten significant airtime with them... though the stations probably would have sat on the story until the next sweeps week. (St. Louis TV stations were so goddamn predictable... every sweeps week they'd do an expose on either street prostitution or the strip clubs on the east side... either series complete with plenty of titillating footage, though for the street prostitution series they had to run stock footage of Washington, DC hookers walking the (?) Dupont Circle stroll, because St. Louis street hookers simply don't dress sexy when they're at work--go figger.)

FWIW, while I applaud his honesty I can't imagine that Bradly has done himself a favor by identifying himself as a prospective Uncle Leo. I'm not management here (I hear the collective sigh of relief all the way here in Memphis), but I wouldn't be surprised if management here does blackball him in some way, just to be safe. And I definitely appreciate the sentiments Wildcat has expressed.


fejac_lovr's Avatar
Honestly, are you seriously considering becoming LE and STILL hobbying? That would seriously f**k with my head if I were in your shoes. And how do you decide when & where 2play good cop/bad cop? Sorry sir, but you have to decide which hat you're gonna wear, white or black. You can't expect to have your cake and eat it too. But, just going by my own personal experiences with LE, who's gonna stop you? We have LE to police the people, but I've always wondered, who's around to police THE POLICE? Just sayn.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
We have LE to police the people, but I've always wondered, who's around to police THE POLICE? Just sayn. Originally Posted by fejac_lovr
You are far from the first to ask that question. "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" ("Who watches the watchmen?") was originally asked in Latin, back in the days of ancient Rome, and Plato himself posed the same question in The Republic before that.


vicinms's Avatar
btw... If I do loose my teaching job and take this one, would that mean I would be banned from this site? Originally Posted by bradly
I haven't seen any rules on ECCIE that would ban guys just because they work for LE and in fact there are a lot of LE jobs that have nothing to do with making arrests, like administrative positions or maybe traffic cops. My guess is there are quite a few ECCIE members who work in some aspect of LE, but we don't know about it because they enjoy the hobby just the rest of us and don't tell anyone.

I've met several providers who told me they had some very loyal regulars, who were LE and had no problems because they didn't mix business and pleasure. Keeping it separate isn't really that much different than the majority of both hobbyists & providers whose SOs have no idea of what we do with others.

Unfortunately, LE is in direct conflict with the hobby so my guess is that other than the possible exception of ladies you've seen before, I doubt you'll be getting any action, if they know you work for LE.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
I don't know about banning you,but i do admire your honesty about you being straight up about it and hold nothing against you as a person but i have had my experence with LE and don't trust them and wish you the best of luck on whatever you decide to do.
If you were ever busted, you'd be expected to set up every girl you ever saw, plus the ones you hadn't seen by using the others as references. So please don't just think about yourself. Think of the ladies as well. Maybe have a regular thing with ONE girl and give her a code word that you can say if you happen to be calling her for a bust.

With all that being said though, hypocrisy is not sexy.
If you still want to play in the hobby I wouldn't mention I was LE to anyone, what they don't know won't hurt them. But you'll run a huge risk of losing your job if you get caught one way or the other. I have several LE friends that are street cops and never are told about upcoming sting ops from the detectives. As for getting banned on here you could just create a new handle, it's been done before.
Good luck with the idea of retiring at 42, the feds will keep you working till 70 to pay off the debt for them. LOL
LOL i'm a big boy and can take what i've asked for here. I appreciate the honesty. and quite frankly cant blame the girl for HATING LE.. i have run into good and bad ones myself. but at the end of the day i'll do what i gotta do.. but right now i'm not affiliated with them in any way except for the friends i have on the force. so i might should get busy meeting more ladies while i still can
More is always better
get1bj's Avatar
What if he get gets mad at a paticular provider or wants brownie points by telling the LE who is doing what ? not good... but he is being honest up front. Just can't figure out how this is going to help him in the long run . It would scare me off if I were a provider. As one of the girls mentioned-he will save his ass in the long run if something goes down.
AKA Wayne's Avatar
I'm not very bright, but isn't soliciting a prostitute a misdemeanor? A $250 fine and the possiblity of 6 months in the county jail, which would never happen. Why would someone "give up" a provider for that, and on top of that, the provider would have to agree to commit an illegal act. I don't get this rationale, at all.
If LE gets busted getting some on the side they will be fired from the force. Lose all the pension and benefits they have.They are held to a higher standard. Most civilians won't lose all that. I'd bet there are a lot of LE in the hobby but don't tell. The one's I know talk about stepping out on there SO's with some chick they meet on the job or in a bar, so why not. Still don't think the ladies will see him if he tells them upfront.
I agree with most of the others here. I think Lily's idea is best.. find one girl and stick with her. Perhaps more of a girlfriend who you give gifts to rather than a provider. Someone low volume might be interested. Not sure they'd do it if they know you're LE. You'd have to know them very well before you became LE. I'd definitely be wary of anyone who is LE.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I'd bet there are a lot of LE in the hobby but don't tell. The one's I know talk about stepping out on there SO's with some chick they meet on the job or in a bar, so why not. Originally Posted by rpmsouth
Absofuckin'lutely. In my experience there are "cop groupies" out there, just like there are music groupies, athlete groupies, firefighter groupies, military groupies, and so on.

So of course, what does bcg do with his life but choose probably the two most groupie free professions on the planet: first law ("What does a lawyer use for birth control?" "His personality." ) and then database/systems administration . And he wonders why he's such a loser he has to pay for it...

Still don't think the ladies will see him if he tells them upfront. Originally Posted by rpmsouth
Absent some sort of friendship/personal relationship that would make the provider confident she won't get busted, probably not. Unless he's just so far out of his jurisdiction that its clear he's only out for recreation and wouldn't think of making a collar for a mere misdemeanor... e.g., a NY cop on vacation in Miami and arranging for a little adult playtime.

