Coming in next the next week or so and need helpful advice, can anyone help a sweet innocent girl out ???

DallasRain's Avatar
lol oops got a lil crazy there....thanks babe.....guess I need to hit the sack! lol

I meant Galleria is great! I use priceline and get a 3 to 4 star for well under 90 bucks!

also good shopping and eating!
{Try the Tin Star Gourmet Taco Bar}
Grace Preston's Avatar
With Priceline in Dallas Galleria, you can get a 3 star for 35-50 bucks and a 4 star for 50-70 bucks... just gotta bid right and come during the week (not the weekend).
Got something and will be in town in a few. Thanks ya'll I am very appreciative and cant wait to make some new friends
Ok first of all ya'll are crazy drivers lol second I made it alive barely lol drove here so with all the texts and calls I dont answer phone while going 80 mph, maybe 50 or 60 but not 80 sorry lol
Then I got lost, which I cant stand and I get all anxiety ridden, then dropped my computer on my foot lol goodness you all better make it worth this lol jk

On second note for you gents asking donations, tisk, tisk I dont advertise over phones I have an ad and all donations are in there, and I DO NOT SEE NEWBIES OR TAKE REFS FROM BP OR SPA/MASSAGE AGENICES, I am sure you have seen some of these freaking stunning and hot girls here that you can give me....

I am only taking up to 4 appts a day so please gents play nice and dont fight, I will take care of you, remember sharing is caring.....
So with that Im alive, well and happy fucking everyone....