
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I don't expect a provider to thank me for my business. I don't even expect them to acknowledge a tip. They don't do either, anyway, so why get my expectations up?

When I give a Christmas or birthday gift to a provider, the occasion is unlike any other in my civilian life. In almost every instance in the real world, I give not only because I want to, but because I have to, with the ratio of have-to to want-to varying from recipient to recipient. When I give a gift to a provider, it's entirely because I want to. I don't expect a free session, or for her to be overwhelming in her gratitude. But a thank-you would be nice.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
It is rare indeed to receive acknowledgement more than 5 minutes after your time, and therefore those very few who have made the effort distinguish themselves far more effectively.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I don't expect a provider to thank me for my business. I don't even expect them to acknowledge a tip. They don't do either, anyway, so why get my expectations up?

When I give a Christmas or birthday gift to a provider, the occasion is unlike any other in my civilian life. In almost every instance in the real world, I give not only because I want to, but because I have to, with the ratio of have-to to want-to varying from recipient to recipient. When I give a gift to a provider, it's entirely because I want to. I don't expect a free session, or for her to be overwhelming in her gratitude. But a thank-you would be nice. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Yet it seldom if ever gets a thank you or appreciative comment other than the original 5 minutes later. Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie
He gets a thank you, he wants the provider to keep thanking him after thanking him once.

When I did charity, some people weren't appreciate of the work being done. Some of the people with no money to buy food didn't like the free food provided. Getting appreciation is not why you do charity. You do it because you want to or you feel like it's the right thing to do. It's the same with giving gifts. Even though DDT say he wants nothing in return, he wants continuing adulation. That's called an ulterior motive.

When I was in my teens and early 20's, I used to be a "nice guy". I told myself that I was doing things for girls because I was a good guy and just helping them because I could. The truth is, I did want something in return; affection, gratitude, a boost to my ego for being the hero, and pussy. You can't buy people's affection or gratitude. Trying do so is just a form of low self-esteem. If someone really cares about you, you don't have to do or buy things for them to make them care about you or respect you. I used to get mad at girls when they wouldn't cave to the nice guy manipulation. You have to grow out of that.

Women that really care about you require nothing but your time and attention. They go out of their way to make you happy and they never break dates. You won't get that from someone you have to pay to see, nor should you try. If a provider wants to brush off clients to spend time with you, fine. But that doesn't seem like the case.
Sir Lancehernot and Gentleman Rendezvous you guys get it. It's not about anything but the human side of taking time to say thank you when it's not wanted or needed. It's never about expecting free service or a personal ego boost. I have helped with school or providers who have gotten out of the business because I support their efforts and want them to succeed and I will continue to do so until they graduate. All I was trying to understand is why n that situation they seldom if ever just pick up the phone to say "hey how you doing?" Thank you for making this just a tad easier for me. I don't think this is a syndrome or weakness, I think it is one thing people do for other people. It mostly is to let me know it is making a difference in their life and they recognize it, which is a big part of being successful. It does change my position in
Life one way or the other and I never stop if it is never recognized. When I make a gift it is truly because I want to and only because I want I am just making an observation from multilevel experiences.
  • Caleb
  • 02-24-2013, 08:24 PM
I have found that the ladies I like best always say thank you. Sometimes it is in person, sometimes by email or text. At times it is exactly the words "thank you". At others times it is a sincere expression of gratitude for the time we spent together. Either way, it is any inviting expression to return. When I feel a relationship building, I return. My professional life works much the same way. When people I do business with express their gratitude, I am much more likely to bring them additional business. Just seems well mannered and professional.
Even have helped pay for school, traffic ticket, personal issues, etc. with no strings, no extras and no returns asked. Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Sir Lancehernot and Gentleman Rendezvous you guys get it. It's not about anything but the human side of taking time to say thank you when it's not wanted or needed. It's never about expecting free service or a personal ego boost. I have helped with school or providers who have gotten out of the business because I support their efforts and want them to succeed and I will continue to do so until they graduate. All I was trying to understand is why n that situation they seldom if ever just pick up the phone to say "hey how you doing?" Thank you for making this just a tad easier for me. I don't think this is a syndrome or weakness, I think it is one thing people do for other people. It mostly is to let me know it is making a difference in their life and they recognize it, which is a big part of being successful. It does change my position in
Life one way or the other and I never stop if it is never recognized. When I make a gift it is truly because I want to and only because I want I am just making an observation from multilevel experiences. Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie
That's a shame. You were used and you don't even see it. If they're not even calling you after what you did for them, you got played. When people play you, they're not going to send a Thank You card. You've also contradicted yourself about not wanting anything. You want their attention, adulation, and your ego stroked. You said you wanted them to call you and ask "How are you doing?" That's not a "thank you", that's a long conversation with a John they don't care about. If they're out of the business, they may have decided to cut ties. As a customer you have to accept that.

Whether you see it or not, you're wallowing in self-pity about how your "good" deeds aren't praised enough. Too many guys use to hobby for companionship and then are surprised when that affection isn't returned.

You paid their traffic tickets and tuition. Have you done this for guys, or women you didn't pay to sleep with? Do you spend money to keep friends? I would wager no.
Tip a provider like you would a taxi driver in mexico! they are billing you the same way as one!
Crimson32's Avatar
That's a shame. You were used and you don't even see it. If they're not even calling you after you did that for them, you got played. When people play you, they're not going to send a Thank You card. You've also contradicted yourself about not wanting anything. You want their attention, adulation, and your ego stroked. You said you wanted them to call you and ask "How are you doing?" That's not a "thank you", that's a long conversation with a John they don't care about. If they're out of the business, they may have decided to cut ties. As a customer you have to accept that.

Whether you see it or not, you're wallowing in self-pity about how your "good" deeds aren't praised enough. Too many guys use to hobby to for companionship and then are surprised when that affection isn't returned.

You paid their traffic tickets and tuition. Have you done this for guys, or women you didn't pay to sleep with? Do you spend money to keep friends? I would wager no. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Fucking Dead On!! Nothing more to argue about.... +1 on this ^^ right there
That's a shame. You were used and you don't even see it. If they're not even calling you after you did that for them, you got played. When people play you, they're not going to send a Thank You card. You've also contradicted yourself about not wanting anything. You want their attention, adulation, and your ego stroked. You said you wanted them to call you and ask "How are you doing?" That's not a "thank you", that's a long conversation with a John they don't care about. If they're out of the business, they may have decided to cut ties. As a customer you have to accept that.

Whether you see it or not, you're wallowing in self-pity about how your "good" deeds aren't praised enough. Too many guys use to hobby to for companionship and then are surprised when that affection isn't returned.

You paid their traffic tickets and tuition. Have you done this for guys, or women you didn't pay to sleep with? Do you spend money to keep friends? I would wager no. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Knowledge is power.
You're not paying for Thank You's. You're paying for her to leave, lol.
The best Thank You I get is if they say: Can't wait to see you again!
Well Roger and Crimon. You have helped me give some serious thought to my comments and feelings and I'm better for it. You are however way off on who I am as a person. I have done lots for men and women that i would never expect favors or view as a provider. I have helped pay for a heart transplant for a newborn,, chemo for women with cancer, college for kids not related to me. Idid this for me, your correct because it is morally and ethically the thing to do. And they have all at later times reached back to stay in touch and let me know how they are doing and to say it made a difference. That was why I wasn't saying well previously about providers, it would be nice to know that a little help made a difference and truly helped. Many of you have made comments and private responses that ou understand and get it. I never n tend this to be for everyone nor was I looking for praise. Just comments
End of this thread for me. Thanks to all, keep on hobbying and providing and pleas do so with respect and safety for all.
That is really sweet of you! I love it and it turns me on when someone brings a little something extra EX. a card or flowers. It makes me so appreciative and really shows me that your a gentlemen.

I am sorry the girls you have done that for did not show any kind of emotion, For me its just refreshing!

Safire Sweet
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I think some girls weren't raised to be appreciative and look at people in a manner of "what can they do for me", what's in it for me or how far can I take this free ride.

I generally always thank my friends for coming to visit me. I truly appreciate that they picked me to spend their time with when there so many other ladies in the area. I never expect extras, but they are truly appreciated.

Out of respect for my friends and their private lives, rarely do I message them first. However, should someone linger on my mind, I may drop an email or pm just to make sure they are doing OK. There's nothing wrong with being friendly and treating someone like they matter.
Altruism is supposed to be it's own reward. Maybe all the wimmin who don't say "thanks" more than once are paying it forward some way in their own lives. Which is way more important in the overall scheme of things than getting a warm and fuzzy for being a decent person.