Encounter: Becky pure PSE

lilylivered's Avatar
Not putting Becky down, I never met her
but there are a couple options anyways lol
Plastic Man's Avatar
Originally Posted by Kevinc
aw jesus drivin a rusty zamboni!
rooster's Avatar
Fuck. I can't bear it any more. You boyz are just too nice sometimes....

Dudes. This gal is faakin ugly. Jeezis.

4 bills for that? Good Gawd....

  • man76
  • 05-22-2023, 05:56 AM
Fuck. I can't bear it any more. You boyz are just too nice sometimes....

Dudes. This gal is faakin ugly. Jeezis.

4 bills for that? Good Gawd....

. Originally Posted by rooster
Then by all means Rooster, please share with us some of your super model providers.
Then by all means Rooster, please share with us some of your super model providers. Originally Posted by man76
shit. No reviews since 2016....just reams of comments and general nastiness.
Rooster ole bean, as I stated, ‘‘twas the worms eye view I was so enamored with. As Confucius tells us: “Beauty is in the eye of beer holder” . Besides with an ass like hers dose she even need a face?
  • man76
  • 05-22-2023, 07:56 PM
shit. No reviews since 2016....just reams of comments and general nastiness. Originally Posted by sexguy45
Last time I checked, this wasn't a forum for Christian bible studies. And I don't need to put a review up for providers that have already been reviewed numerous times, Mr. 3 review glass house.
Last time I checked, this wasn't a forum for Christian bible studies. And I don't need to put a review up for providers that have already been reviewed numerous times, Mr. 3 review glass house. Originally Posted by man76
I was referring to rooster. Take a midol for fuck sake
rooster's Avatar
Whew. At least stiffchicken can take a punch. I like that guy (he has a point about her ass, too)

But the rest o' y'all....inflictin yer cancel culture on poor ol' roo....that's just despicable.

(then again....I ain't expectin anything profound from someone what calls theirselves "sexguy"...must be "pussylover" wuz taken...)

Roo, I knew you’d appreciate my perspective . Now: in the words of the late great philosopher Rodney King, “ Kin we all jus git along?”