Iphone 5 security

jframe2's Avatar
Look, a simple way to get your head around these type questions with smartphones is to browse through your App Store using search words that are appropriate.

People would be amazed at what can be added to your phone or phone service.

In the case of the OP, I would definitely stay with your Hobby phone until you are completely aware of where your Security weaknesses with the use of a smartphone.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 12-30-2013, 11:42 PM
King_Louie's Avatar
The purchaser of the iPhone can turn the Find My Phone on. So if you got the iPhone as a gift the purchaser may turn the feature on. Originally Posted by newalhobbyist

A ferriday cage...is that really necessary?
And the user can easily turn the "Find My Phone" setting off...this isn't some movie GPS. Allowing this setting tells where your at, for someone to see your direction of travel or how long you were somewhere they would have to continuously refresh each minute. They would ALSO have to know your Apple password. So why not just change it?

Look, there is some more unscrupulous software out there which someone pretty good with computers can install without you knowing, but for the average Joe, just turn off the aforementioned setting, don't google the hotel, and don't search the address in the map without knowing first knowing how to clear those search histories.

I'm sure your SO doesn't work for the CIA, so you should be cool.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
The 1st 2nd & 3rd question should be how much of an 'Investigator' is your SO?
Turn off GPS/Location Based Services.
Does your SO also have an iPhone &/or know about Find My Phone?
Does she have access to you cell phone account?
Change you lockscreen password.... OFTEN.
Turn your phone "OFF".

But once again if your SO is Inspector Gadget, if she suspects ANYTHING no amount of safeguards will be enough.
  • JROD
  • 01-02-2014, 05:29 AM
Wow...Thanks for all of the advice.
I don't know exactly how I am going to handle this, but now I have some ideas. It seems like all of these gadgets that we have just chip away at our abilities to move around freely in our own world. I guess the day is near when everybody will know everything about everybody.

I still have a few buddys that have no cell phone, no email, and no computers. They are starting to look smarter by the minute!

Thanks again for all of the helpful advice. I, obviously am not very savy about these things, and would like to cover my backside.

MrNaughty's Avatar
It will be obvious if your SO does use the find my Iphone tracker, it sends a message to the phone saying it has been activated.
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 01-03-2014, 03:06 PM
Wow...Thanks for all of the advice.
I don't know exactly how I am going to handle this, but now I have some ideas. It seems like all of these gadgets that we have just chip away at our abilities to move around freely in our own world. I guess the day is near when everybody will know everything about everybody.

I still have a few buddys that have no cell phone, no email, and no computers. They are starting to look smarter by the minute!

Thanks again for all of the helpful advice. I, obviously am not very savy about these things, and would like to cover my backside.

J Originally Posted by JROD