So is it like the words of an admiral, is it a trap?

Sleepy363's Avatar
Make sure she gets a few shots in her system before, so she feels, frisky, relaxed and so she will be a bit oblivious to your reactions, and wont be watching you like a hawk! This could be really fun for the both of you, if you can make sure SHE has a great time. Originally Posted by Lolabrea01
This is a smart woman! Great advice.

Give her some shots so she feels at ease. Have some of the girls come by and dance for her or flirt with her. Let her feel like it's about her. Don't have her sit back watching you get dances. If you want a dance, have the dancer dance for both of you. She's involved, so no jealousy....and she'll likely be ready to go back very soon.

Do it and have fun!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-14-2013, 09:51 AM
Attachment 195758

Everything is a trap!
Sleepy363's Avatar

Everything is a trap! Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Does that mean that you telling us that everything is a trap is also a trap?
You have two routes you can go here:

1) Go hit happy hour one evening get her a little sauced up and then hit the Lodge. As long as you ARE NOT a regular there you should be fine. Dont act like your an SC hero or a total Newb either. Women aren't stupid. Just sit back, let her get comfortable with checking out the scenery, let her take the lead and go with the flow.

2) Take her to the most nasty club you can find and act like you are totally disgusted! Then take her to a nice club/bar/restaurant and say 'this is how I'd rather spend the evening with you.' Only do this if she thinks that you NEVER go to SC's.

Above all DO NOT take her to a place where the ladies know you! BAD BAD BAD mistake! Also dont take her to a spot where you can easily spot extras.

Good Luck!
EROS725's Avatar
Sounds like a great idea on the surface, but my spidey sense is tingling on this one. It has been my experience that if it seems to good to be true, it normally is. Maybe I am just envious and I am trying to steer you away from the night of your life, but something inside me says "Run Forest Run."
If you go through with it, let us know how it goes.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Take a six-pack with you and take her to the Fare Room; What can go wrong?
spyderco75's Avatar
Sounds like a great idea on the surface, but my spidey sense is tingling on this one. It has been my experience that if it seems to good to be true, it normally is. Maybe I am just envious and I am trying to steer you away from the night of your life, but something inside me says "Run Forest Run."
If you go through with it, let us know how it goes. Originally Posted by EROS725
Yeah spidey tingles here too. The way I see it is, its the sight that can't be unseen, if I the SC, it is line that has been crossed and may open some more interesting.doors or it.could.lead to endless comparisons of.herself to.the strippers and my percieved attraction to strippers. As its said before its a real crapshoot. If I decide to.take the plunge I will update this post with the results.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Go with the spidey senses here.

I'm a woman.

It's a trap.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Have her pick a girl out to give her a lap dance. I swore up and down and was ready to profess my love for the girl that gave me my first one.
jbravo_123's Avatar
As with most things in relationships, it's about managing expectations. What is she looking to get out of this experience? Is she interested / curious in women and is just wanting to look at pretty girls? Is she the type of girl who will get jealous if you tip a dancer or if one comes over to the table and talks to you?

It's also a large part a risk/benefit thing. Here's some general pros & cons:

- Women make better wingmen than any dude at a strip club
- If things work out right, you may find that your SO is into chicks and life can get much better for you

- You may end up being sad and frustrated at the club as your SO runs off any dancers that come by like a rabid mastiff.
- A bad night can make your future a living hell.

Just my $0.02 but it's really very important to make boundries clear between the two of you before you go to a club.
Go for it ... What is the worse thing that could happen? Originally Posted by pyramider
I had never been to strip club so my last boyfriend insisted we go, just once. He brought it up over and over but I'd always decline. After a few months I started to get mad when he asked so he stopped.

We had been together a little over a year when we decided to visit NOLA during his b-day weekend. I don’t know what I expected but I was completely disgusted the minute our car crossed in to Louisiana. On Saturday night we visited Bourbon Street…I started to get really anxious and the bottoms of my very expensive shoes had begun to stick to the ground (YUCK) - I had to get out of there. There was a never ending line-up of men/women coaxing us in to the clubs and at the next one, I grabbed his arm and drug him in.

Once in, we found a table and just as I began to complain about my shoes being ruined we were greeted by the waitress. He insisted I get a shot and a drink - as he thought I needed to “relax and enjoy myself” - I had those two drinks, possibly two more as he sat happily with his arm around me. At one point, he leaned over and said “look at that one” … the lady wiping down the pole (the next gal up) was wearing a leg cast on one leg and flip flop on the other.

I needed to use the restroom and when I walked in I found her sitting on the sink. She explained to me that she wasn’t allowed to sit down and her leg was killing her. She told me all about how she broke it in 2 places, etc and as I was walking out she said “I’ll be okay, I only need one special private and then I’m outta here.”

At one point I noticed it was midnight and when the manager approached our table I yelled out “It’s his birthday!” - he leaned in to my ear and asked if I wanted to get him a “special private” - I handed him my credit card and told him I’d like the lady in the cast. My boyfriend knowing what I was doing was smiling ear to ear.

We were ushered to the back of the club, out the door and up a flight of stairs where it looked like a row of outdoor motel rooms. We were guided to one, sat down and immediately were served champagne….then the girl walks in. My boyfriend put his glass down and I don’t remember much except this:

I drank the entire bottle of champagne. He kept trying to decline the dance, as she couldn’t get her leg to cooperate and straddle him. I remember dragging various articles of furniture towards her and saying SIT DOWN, DANCE ON THIS. I remember him standing beside me trying to get me to stop moving the furniture. She was pulling his arm back towards her as he was pulling me. I passed out in a chair. I kept hearing him say SHE’S GOING TO BE SICK. Opening my eyes to her trying to open his zipper. Opening my eyes to him pushing her hand away from his zipper. And finally, him saying LET’S GO NOW!

When I came to, she was half naked and upset. He was asking for the bill and she was saying the manager would be back when the time was up. He left to get the manager and she started to explain to me that the fee was for the room only and she worked on the tips, blah blah blah. I don’t remember much except when the bill came my card was declined (apparently my bank thought it was fraud and had put a hold on it earlier in the day) - he pulled out his card and I remember yelling several times GIVE HER $150 FOR HER TIP.

Time lapse, I don’t remember anything that followed but apparently there’s a 24 hour McDonalds in the area. My next memory was of me eating McNuggets on the trolley and saying over and over WELL THAT WAS FUN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Time lapse, we are laying in bed and as I reach for him he pushed my hand away and said WHAT THE FUCK…..time lapse, I am sitting on the bathroom floor crying and accusing him of having sex with the stripper. I pass out.

We had early morning plans to do the Plantation Tour before heading out. We both got up in a rush to pack and dress - I was too hung over to be mad or care if he was mad at me and thought nothing of the dead silence as we drove to the plantation. He ruined the day by asking me to HURRY when I stopped to take a picture, or he would show irritation when I asked him to take one of me and appeared mad when I asked him to pose next to me while someone else took our photo.

By the time we left there we were both pissed off. Near the Texas border I pulled out the camera and started looking through the pictures, he ruined them with a sour face. I confronted him, he confronted me on the WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT LAST NIGHT …I accused him of having sex with the stripper while I was in the same room and at one point tossed his new camera out the window and cried the entire ride back to Plano.

He swore he wanted to leave and didn’t do anything. I believed him and eventually we got over it EXCEPT - whenever I found myself at the losing end of an argument I’d yell out.......
followed by (burst in to tears)
Inaudible tears and endless crying.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Holy shit this sounds like a disaster, I was going to comment +1 on the lodge until I read that!!! Geeze Louise!!! Sounds like something that would happen to me lol

I had never been to strip club so my last boyfriend insisted we go, just once. He brought it up over and over but I'd always decline. After a few months I started to get mad when he asked so he stopped.

We had been together a little over a year when we decided to visit NOLA during his b-day weekend. I don’t know what I expected but I was completely disgusted the minute our car crossed in to Louisiana. On Saturday night we visited Bourbon Street…I started to get really anxious and the bottoms of my very expensive shoes had begun to stick to the ground (YUCK) - I had to get out of there. There was a never ending line-up of men/women coaxing us in to the clubs and at the next one, I grabbed his arm and drug him in.

Once in, we found a table and just as I began to complain about my shoes being ruined we were greeted by the waitress. He insisted I get a shot and a drink - as he thought I needed to “relax and enjoy myself” - I had those two drinks, possibly two more as he sat happily with his arm around me. At one point, he leaned over and said “look at that one” … the lady wiping down the pole (the next gal up) was wearing a leg cast on one leg and flip flop on the other.

I needed to use the restroom and when I walked in I found her sitting on the sink. She explained to me that she wasn’t allowed to sit down and her leg was killing her. She told me all about how she broke it in 2 places, etc and as I was walking out she said “I’ll be okay, I only need one special private and then I’m outta here.”

At one point I noticed it was midnight and when the manager approached our table I yelled out “It’s his birthday!” - he leaned in to my ear and asked if I wanted to get him a “special private” - I handed him my credit card and told him I’d like the lady in the cast. My boyfriend knowing what I was doing was smiling ear to ear.

We were ushered to the back of the club, out the door and up a flight of stairs where it looked like a row of outdoor motel rooms. We were guided to one, sat down and immediately were served champagne….then the girl walks in. My boyfriend put his glass down and I don’t remember much except this:

I drank the entire bottle of champagne. He kept trying to decline the dance, as she couldn’t get her leg to cooperate and straddle him. I remember dragging various articles of furniture towards her and saying SIT DOWN, DANCE ON THIS. I remember him standing beside me trying to get me to stop moving the furniture. She was pulling his arm back towards her as he was pulling me. I passed out in a chair. I kept hearing him say SHE’S GOING TO BE SICK. Opening my eyes to her trying to open his zipper. Opening my eyes to him pushing her hand away from his zipper. And finally, him saying LET’S GO NOW!

When I came to, she was half naked and upset. He was asking for the bill and she was saying the manager would be back when the time was up. He left to get the manager and she started to explain to me that the fee was for the room only and she worked on the tips, blah blah blah. I don’t remember much except when the bill came my card was declined (apparently my bank thought it was fraud and had put a hold on it earlier in the day) - he pulled out his card and I remember yelling several times GIVE HER $150 FOR HER TIP.

Time lapse, I don’t remember anything that followed but apparently there’s a 24 hour McDonalds in the area. My next memory was of me eating McNuggets on the trolley and saying over and over WELL THAT WAS FUN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Time lapse, we are laying in bed and as I reach for him he pushed my hand away and said WHAT THE FUCK…..time lapse, I am sitting on the bathroom floor crying and accusing him of having sex with the stripper. I pass out.

We had early morning plans to do the Plantation Tour before heading out. We both got up in a rush to pack and dress - I was too hung over to be mad or care if he was mad at me and thought nothing of the dead silence as we drove to the plantation. He ruined the day by asking me to HURRY when I stopped to take a picture, or he would show irritation when I asked him to take one of me and appeared mad when I asked him to pose next to me while someone else took our photo.

By the time we left there we were both pissed off. Near the Texas border I pulled out the camera and started looking through the pictures, he ruined them with a sour face. I confronted him, he confronted me on the WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT LAST NIGHT …I accused him of having sex with the stripper while I was in the same room and at one point tossed his new camera out the window and cried the entire ride back to Plano.

He swore he wanted to leave and didn’t do anything. I believed him and eventually we got over it EXCEPT - whenever I found myself at the losing end of an argument I’d yell out.......
followed by (burst in to tears)
Inaudible tears and endless crying.
  Originally Posted by misspriss
My SO took me to a strip club shortly after we started dating. I'm sure it was a test. She didn't look at any of the ladies, but watched me the whole time we were there. I was too uncomfortable to enjoy the show.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Have her pick a girl out to give her a lap dance. I swore up and down and was ready to profess my love for the girl that gave me my first one. Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
I felt the same way!
KittyLamour's Avatar
Go with your gut instinct. 9 times out of 10 it is correct. So if your gut instinct tells you it is a trap... it more than likely is. You know your SO better than anybody here. Come on now.