To Whom It May Concern..

Fantastical's Avatar
I actually only took the pic after he posted the comments on my review hours after leaving because yes I felt that it was a problem & seen that he was apparently bothered coming in & had I asked him to leave simply because he was drinking it would have still been an issue, so I tried to give it a chance again for the sake of avoiding a conflict.. I have no problem with ppl drinking on their own time & understand that we all go thru things in life so I figured maybe he was just having a bad day, but to my surprise as kaylee said, this is appears to be a normal thing & that is why I am putting it all out in the open being that I don't want any confusion. While I was scrolling thru various forums that night, I seen his comments in review section & thought to myself, the nerve of this drunktard for insulting me because he couldn't successfully manipulate me & I happen to look up & see his cup still left on the counter so of course I took what I felt was a necessary pic because it goes to show I'm stating truth & not just venting & bitching for nothing as he was.
Sure most of you weren't even aware of this a week or so ago but there are a number of ppl who were & hundreds more who seen what was said but have never seen me in person to know better, whether they comment or not. Had he not posted the bs he did on a previous review on my showcase for all who may want to see me in the future to see, i may not have responded the way I did & I know that I may not have gone about it the right way but this is my livelihood & name being trashed so I felt the need to express the situation "to whom it may concern" as the title says & if it does not concern you then please pay it no mind.
TinMan's Avatar
I wrote the following specifically for agencies and studios, but the same could apply here:

This is from a customer's perspective, but in my years of hobbying I've rarely seen a woman's business suffer long-term from one bad review (or in this case, a single post to another guy's review). It's the dredging up of the topic again, and the drama that results therefrom that tends to stick in guys' minds and make them have second thoughts about seeing someone.

Most of the time it's better to "let sleeping dogs lie" and not comment on a negative post, even if it's false. Maybe that's not the way it should be, but that's the way it is.
Boltfan's Avatar
You let a drunk hobbyist into your incall session, that's an invitation for trouble and you kinda brought it on yourself however I would like to know why on earth and what possessed you to take a picture of his cup? Did you sense he was going to be trouble and then did so and is your picture taking limited to drunken fools or everyone. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Tell you what smart guy. You let someone into your personal space, someone that is likely larger and stronger than you, and when you sense something is wrong you go ahead and confront them and potentially exacerbate the issue.

Of all your comments, this has to be the most idiotic and I have ever seen. I don't know her or the issue (and agree with Tinman that she probably just made more people aware of something they would have otherwise overlooked) but regardless of her actions your response shows how oblivious you are to potential safety issues.
LazurusLong's Avatar
To me, the biggest favor she did was to post what amounts to be an alert about a client who needs some extra attention when scheduling, IF a provider chooses to schedule him ever.

More threads than I care to look for dealing with drunk clients have been posted over the years both here and on ASPD and as Boltfan just noted so well, confronting a drunk person who most likely is larger and stronger in one's incall is never a good idea.

Alcohol consumption, especially excessive alcohol consumption can many times make it very difficult for a provider who does choose to see someone in that state to get him "there" and what happens if the client gets upset and blames the provider and not the whiskey dick?

Many providers have it right on their ads and showcases that they don't see guys who on any substance like alcohol or other taboo things and now providers can make a note to check this client more carefully and be upfront about what won't happen if he shows up blasted at their place.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... cup still left on the counter so of course I took what I felt was a necessary pic because it goes to show I'm stating truth ... Originally Posted by Fantastical
How exactly does posting a picture of a glass with some liquid in it prove that you are "stating truth"? It's a picture. Of a glass. Nothing more.

You would be better served to get that camera phone busy shooting pictures of yourself to post. To show evidence contrary to his comment of a "mommy pouch" and your being "much bigger" than your showcase.

Assuming, of course, that what he said isn't the truth.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Tell you what smart guy. You let someone into your personal space, someone that is likely larger and stronger than you, and when you sense something is wrong you go ahead and confront them and potentially exacerbate the issue.

Of all your comments, this has to be the most idiotic and I have ever seen. I don't know her or the issue (and agree with Tinman that she probably just made more people aware of something they would have otherwise overlooked) but regardless of her actions your response shows how oblivious you are to potential safety issues. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I won't dignify your ignorant rant with a direct response, since you are unable to read what was originally written by the OP and draw a logical and wise conclusion. Stay frosty.
I have seen jet lanes for the past three years regularly not once had he ever asked me for a discount, show up with a drop of alcohol in his system or be anything alert worthy. He is a great guy with his own opinions on your photos.

Being in this business putting your pictures out there, are always going to be scrutinized it's part of the business. Not everyone is going to think you are the best or the prettiest. He stated his own opinion just like several hobbyists do everyday the good with the bad, in this business you have to learn to deal with criticizing.

The best revenge is to do a new photo shoot with pics and video then place your own thread! ! If we all posted everyone a hobbyists hurt our feeling or didn't like us ....

Jet lanes has never been drunk in our almost weekly sessions for the past 3 years and is not a threat.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Just curious, are you seeing a decline in your business a week after Jet Lanes posted his one comment? I'm betting hardly anyone reading this was aware of his claim prior to this post. Now everyone is going to go back and find the thread just to see what the fuss is about. Originally Posted by TinMan
That's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I must confess that the Fantastical had never come to my attention before today, but now I'll go look at her pics and her other reviews. But the first one I'll read is the bad one. That may be bad or good for Fantastical. No idea yet. But providers should always be aware that most (but not all) replies to bad reviews probably don't help and many hurt their image. Just my $0.02.
macbeth1000's Avatar
I have seen jet lanes for the past three years regularly not once had he ever asked me for a discount, show up with a drop of alcohol in his system or be anything alert worthy. He is a great guy with his own opinions on your photos.

Being in this business putting your pictures out there, are always going to be scrutinized it's part of the business. Not everyone is going to think you are the best or the prettiest. He stated his own opinion just like several hobbyists do everyday the good with the bad, in this business you have to learn to deal with criticizing.

The best revenge is to do a new photo shoot with pics and video then place your own thread! ! If we all posted everyone a hobbyists hurt our feeling or didn't like us ....

Jet lanes has never been drunk in our almost weekly sessions for the past 3 years and is not a threat. Originally Posted by Lolabrea01
I haven't read this jet guys comments, now I am intrigued to read it. If this is all because of a photo shoot comment. Say it isn't so
Is his comment in a review or in a thread. Someone please provide link if possible.
Boltfan's Avatar
I won't dignify your ignorant rant with a direct response, since you are unable to read what was originally written by the OP and draw a logical and wise conclusion. Stay frosty. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Your post was pretty clear. She LET a drunk into her incall. So how should she have proceeded Mr Wizard?

And if you weren't going to dignify my comment with a response, you would have STFU and not responded. That's how that kinda thing works.
macbeth1000's Avatar
First off you seem to believe the words anyone says at face value which shows how much you use your skepticism when dealing with an issue and how short of a time period you probably have been in this game. Secondly even if someone is drunk and bigger than you, from your logic the provider should have sex with the person and not insist that they leave so as to not cause a scene hmm ok.
Now you see how I responded directly to you in the above situation, Now you know what a direct response sounds like.
And if you can't express yourself without using bad words, better take your drama episode and head elsewhere. Now that I broke my rule and directly responded to you, this here ends the lesson. No further comment.
Is it Friday yet? Grrrrrrr
Prime Time's Avatar
Boltfan's Avatar
First off you seem to believe the words anyone says at face value which shows how much you use your skepticism when dealing with an issue and how short of a time period you probably have been in this game. Secondly even if someone is drunk and bigger than you, from your logic the provider should have sex with the person and not insist that they leave so as to not cause a scene hmm ok.
Now you see how I responded directly to you in the above situation, Now you know what a direct response sounds like.
And if you can't express yourself without using bad words, better take your drama episode and head elsewhere. Now that I broke my rule and directly responded to you, this here ends the lesson. No further comment. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Maybe you have an issue with the English language, I am unsure.

My 1st comment was based 100% on your response to her. YOU made the statement that it was her fault she let a drunk in to her incall. That was where YOUR ignorance stepped forward.

Do you have any dealings with drunk and aggressive people in real world situations? Do you have any training? Do you have any self defense training for dealing with such people when they are bigger and stronger than you?

My guess is you don't or you ignored the training when you made that little response to her. I don't get passionate about much on here, but I do get passionate about the safety of those involved, especially the ladies who go through risks you and I can't possibly fathom.

So when YOU make statements like YOU did and I respond to YOUR postings with "bad words" because YOU are a bafoon try not to misinterprete my intentions to hold true anything she said.

And as always, own what you post. Your attempts to make this about anything but your own doing are pathetic.

BTW, bad words? You really went there.
Boltfan's Avatar
And for Mr. Jet. Dude, if you are going to troll reviews of ladies you have seen and post negative comments and be critical of guys who write said reviews of being inaccurate perhaps you should write a few reviews yourself.

I don't begrudge anyone who chooses not to write reviews but to troll them the way you have the last few months without then writing your own makes you worse that the worthless review writers. You come off much less credible. Comprende?

Fantastical, as many others have said, you likely did yourself a disservice by giving a bad comment on a good review more exposure. Whoever gave you the advice to challenge it gave some bad advice.