How can review specials ever result in honest reviews?

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
All of my reviews are bullshit. I force every guy to write it at gunpoint before he ever even disrobes. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Ah herd yew pulled yer gat out ta make fellers keep on a-fuckin' an' a-eatin' yew until yew got yer rocks off. Ah stands currected.

Reviews are bought and paid for? How about the advertisements we put up? Yes we advertise and sometimes that costs money. A review is just another form of advertisement. Originally Posted by Miss Scarlet
But when yew git down to it, it's not an advermahtizemint fer yew. It's really an addy fer tha feller ta brag on how grate a luvver he is an' how hard he fukked yer brains out. An' he gits paid in "attaboys" frum all tha utha fellas whut gives 'im an' even bigger boner than yer pussy did. But not in a gay, take-it-up-tha-butt-wif-a-big-veiny-curved-ta-one-side-strap-on-dildough kinda way. Not thet thar's enny thang wrong wif thet!
redbeard42's Avatar
All of my reviews are bullshit. I force every guy to write it at gunpoint before he ever even disrobes. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I refused to write a review and she shot and killed me. I'm writing this from my new wireless iOuiji board.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-22-2015, 02:15 PM
I refused to write a review and she shot and killed me. I'm writing this from my new wireless iOuiji board. Originally Posted by redbeard42
Bravo! Worth a big laugh on a Friday afternoon.
I refused to write a review and she shot and killed me. I'm writing this from my new wireless iOuiji board. Originally Posted by redbeard42
Dammit, I only meant to maim, not kill. Who wants to take me back to the range? (The gun range, that is - not the range as in putting me out to pasture.)
If I may add my two cents... I see nothing wrong with a lady offering a review special. After all, its the reviews that are at the core of this board, so by all means, lets keep them coming. If it takes a 'special' rate to encourage a gent to take the time to write a review, so be it. I do take pause with the concept that every man will write a 'good' review simply because of the discount (although it does offer a bit of incentive and anyone reading that review might want to read it with that in mind.) After all, its only a review special, not a GOOD review special, lol.
I think there is another factor that no one has yet mentioned regarding the mass of 'yes' reviews that generate from specials... If a lady is willing to discount her rate for a review, it is implied that (at least in her opinion) she truly needs the review to enhance her business. So with that in mind, I would expect her to up her game and be at her best for that session. So even for a provider who is typically ymmv, perhaps in this scenario a 'yes' review would be legitimately earned...
I think there is another factor that no one has yet mentioned regarding the mass of 'yes' reviews that generate from specials... If a lady is willing to discount her rate for a review, it is implied that (at least in her opinion) she truly needs the review to enhance her business. So with that in mind, I would expect her to up her game and be at her best for that session. So even for a provider who is typically ymmv, perhaps in this scenario a 'yes' review would be legitimately earned... Originally Posted by VegasJen

Unless some lady is a robot every session she has will be different. How much she brings to the table is always up to her. If she knows a review will be written, any lady with a modicum of common sense will preform her best.

I do see another way good reviews written from a review special might be suspect. It's not that the the gents are bought. It's that the gent fears the repercussions from a "No" review. A woman scorned and all that jazz.
Whispers's Avatar

Unless some lady is a robot every session she has will be different. How much she brings to the table is always up to her. If she knows a review will be written, any lady with a modicum of common sense will preform her best.

I do see another way good reviews written from a review special might be suspect. It's not that the the gents are bought. It's that the gent fears the repercussions from a "No" review. A woman scorned and all that jazz. Originally Posted by SA Angel
That's something I'll never really understand... The concept that a man that pays for sex is afraid of being "scorned".... Yet there is many a wuss that is exactly as you describe.....
Review specials are not enforceable in ANY way. I have yet to give a guy one that actually resulted in a review. Noob mistake and not even a good one....