[quote=Exotic Beauty;2277372]Yes! Lol! Kinda "sucks"(Ooops!) There are ALOT more important things in the world that might make more sense to worry about like the crimes of killings and robbery and awful stuff on daily news then having fun...If everyone "Released stress"...Might be less horrific crime rate,Just a thought...
But on another note,You may be able to ask in the mens private area or pms about any news on specific providers that may be helpful to alert you from harm,drama and a date that went wrong.[/quote/]
If I get put on LusciousLacy's DNS list because a provider I have seen got busted 6 months ago.So be it. Hell I forgot to research in all 49 states if she had ever been busted. I did not find out till afterglow hobby chat
that she got busted in Ks. The whole Ks. vs Mo. hobby debate.
I know providers share DNS list in the powder room are reasons given would be my concern.
Just so I do not get put on Beauty"s DNS list!!!!!!!!!!
Now that would "suck "(Ooops!)
I totally agree that with all the shady providers, cash and dash, no touching and getting robbed by her pimp etc, just to ask for a hour of bliss is not a world changer. But every once in awhile.......................