If you must use CL/BP here are a few of suggestions:

  • MrGiz
  • 06-01-2010, 11:51 AM
Okay.... edits always help to clear up things I didn't see any difference between unknown, unverified, unreviewed visitors or locals

If I had a stack of someone else's money and 'Get out of Jail-Free' cards.... I'd be all over a lot of that CL/BP stuff!!

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-01-2010, 03:13 PM
If I had a stack of someone else's money and 'Get out of Jail-Free' cards.... I'd be all over a lot of that CL/BP stuff!!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Add to that list a shitload of "Don't put anything in the Media" cards and I'm with ya that I'd be all over CL/BP poontangy.....
Caligula's Avatar
OK, let's try to bring this discussion back on track. The title of the thread is "If you MUST use CL/BP." I think it goes without saying that visiting verified or well-reviewed providers is probably safer than the CL/BP route. The purpose of this thread was not to discuss the relative merits, quality, security, etc. of ECCIE or other more trusted systems, and that discourse is redundant.

We know that gents use CL/BP for a variety of reasons, including budget, convenience, variety, screening hastles, etc. Again, a dead end to the purpose of the thread.

Lastly, this thread is not about my individual idiosyncrasies. Perhaps I am paranoid. I won't dispute that. I value my security and privacy in all situations, not just when indulging in the hobby, and that won't change whether or not you agree with my perspective.

The intent of the thread is to discuss safety practices when one choses to go the BP/CL route for whatever reason. I want to know what people have learned through experience, observation, how they engage with the escorts, and what specific methods they use to complete the transaction safely and sucessfully.
Caligula's Avatar
For instance, I think the most valuable thing that Babee included in her evaluation of my opening points (besides that she thinks I am weird), is lock the damn door.

In other words, make sure that the chain and bar are fixed immediately after entering the room, thus making it more difficult for the lurking assailant to bum rush the show. It may buy you time to talk your way out of the situation, call the police, defend yourself, or whatever . . . Sounds simple, right? Did you check the last time you met a provider?
MacTheKnife's Avatar
For instance, I think the most valuable thing that Babee included in her evaluation of my opening points (besides that she thinks I am weird), is lock the damn door.

. . . Sounds simple, right? Did you check the last time you met a provider? Originally Posted by Caligula
Hell, I never do that to keep anyone from coming into the room.

I do it to keep the provider from running OUT of the room after she sees how ugly I am.
  • MrGiz
  • 06-02-2010, 12:15 PM
OK, let's try to bring this discussion back on track..... The intent of the thread is to discuss safety practices when one choses to go the BP/CL route for whatever reason. . . . . Originally Posted by Caligula
#2 is ridiculous.... trust me!! (but then again... you are talking about CL/BP so maybe, sometimes)

#6 is probably your best advice!!

#3 , #4 , #5 , and #7 are too paranoid for me! If I was that nervous, I wouldn't be there in the first place.... wouldn't be able to enjoy myself!!

I rarely make first contact with a new girl over the phone. I prefer email or PM for initial contact. Why? Her written answer often tells me a little bit about her. However.... eventual phone conversation is a must before meeting!

Hell, I never do that to keep anyone from coming into the room.

I do it to keep the provider from running OUT of the room after she sees how ugly I am.
Originally Posted by Mac92451
Have you considered bondage equipment?

Fun and practicality, all rolled into one!
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Have you considered bondage equipment?

Fun and practicality, all rolled into one! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I have considered it many times.

But, I am terribly afraid of Madam Sasha and her strap-on.

My people have heard rumors.
  • MrGiz
  • 06-02-2010, 05:19 PM
3) Meet the provider outside. Have her, and only her, approach your vehicle or meet you in the parking lot. Don’t go into the room until you know it is empty. Leave the door open until you know the room is empty. Originally Posted by Caligula
ahhhhhhh... I can see it now.........
Young girl leaves her room every couple of hours... goes out to the parking lot... goes up to an older man's car... takes older man back to her room... man looks nervously around motel room with door open... they finally enter and close the door. 30 minutes to an hour later, man leaves......... repeat process all day/night....

I think a little more thought needs to put to #3

MacTheKnife's Avatar
ahhhhhhh... I can see it now.........
Young girl leaves her room every couple of hours... goes out to the parking lot... goes up to an older man's car... takes older man back to her room... man looks nervously around motel room with door open... they finally enter and close the door. 30 minutes to an hour later, man leaves......... repeat process all day/night....

I think a little more thought needs to put to #3

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Is #3 the only one that needs additionql thought?
Caligula's Avatar
ahhhhhhh... I can see it now.........
Young girl leaves her room every couple of hours... goes out to the parking lot... goes up to an older man's car... takes older man back to her room... man looks nervously around motel room with door open... they finally enter and close the door. 30 minutes to an hour later, man leaves......... repeat process all day/night....

I think a little more thought needs to put to #3
Is #3 the only one that needs additionql thought? Originally Posted by Mac92451
How about you offer your input? I don't claim that my suggestions couldn't use some refining. The whole reason for the list is to promote discussion. It is by no means complete or fully detailed.

RE: #3- On the surface, I can definately see how this might raise suspicion, especially attracting scrutiny towards the provider. Despite that, it is common practice. This is actually something providers have asked of me many times. It seems that there is so much in and out traffic at hotels, that people don't seem to notice.
Thought I'd chime in with some things that indicate a deceptive ad. Most of these are common sense but if it help even one newbie it's worth it.

--Too good to be true pictures
--Too good to be true rates
--constantly shifting names & numbers
--Pictures that look overly professional/glossy
--Ad copy that's too explicit/pictures that are too explicit
--Attempts to make phone numbers unsearchable (eg nine-one-seven-three-four-oh-52l8)
--ads that don't leads to reviews somewhere
--pushing hard for two-girl service
--promises of 24/7 service
--no phone number
--bad grammar/spelling/punctuation
--pictures that return tineye hits
--claims of first time in town & only here for a few days
MacTheKnife's Avatar
How about you offer your input? I don't claim that my suggestions couldn't use some refining. The whole reason for the list is to promote discussion. It is by no means complete or fully detailed.

RE: #3- On the surface, I can definately see how this might raise suspicion, especially attracting scrutiny towards the provider. Despite that, it is common practice. This is actually something providers have asked of me many times. It seems that there is so much in and out traffic at hotels, that people don't seem to notice. Originally Posted by Caligula
1) Make sure you don't book any appointment through a bp/cl provider. If you find that you have done so, RUN.

2) Never see a bp/cl girl. If you see one, RUN.

3) Never meet a bp/cl provider. If you meet one, RUN.

4) Don't ever stop to talk to a bp/cl provider. If you talk to one, RUN.

5) Don’t stop, don’t speak to a bp/cl provider. Just RUN.

6) Don’t take your wallet into the room where there is a bp/cl provider present. If there is one in the room, RUN.

7) Never conclude any business with a bp/cl provider. Instead, RUN.

These rules apply to ALL situations. With the BP/CL scene I highly recommend that you pay NOTHING. You control the environment, you control where your money is kept (in your wallet). You won't have to keep an item of self-defense hidden nearby.

*This post is not intended to spark yet another debate about why ECCIE and similar resources are superior or safer to BP/CL. Take it as a given. (Of all of the statements posted by Caligula, these 2 statements are the only ones I agree with.) This post is intended to produce ideas that promote safety and ways to mitigate risk.

The ONLY way to mitigate the risks Caligua has listed in his post is to follow the ones I have listed above.
Mac, if you're considering becoming a TV evangelist in your next life, I'll put my hand on the TV, write a check and say Amen!

Only one other word to say - RESEARCH.
  • MrGiz
  • 06-04-2010, 09:14 AM
Well.... like Babee.... I try to 'never say never' !! And yes... I will agree with Caligula that there is a variety of reasons why BP girls are not going away. The allure is there.

We are supposed to all be adults, here. Part of becoming a responsible, self-reliant adult usually means that one has acquired a healthy level of common sense. There is wisdom in most ‘truisms’…. such as “That looks too good to be true” !!

If someone asked me for my best CL/BP advice…. I would say ‘be an inverse cynic’ !! Instead of looking at a BP ad with a mindset of looking for what might be fake or bogus…. Try to find what ‘might’ look legit !! It probably takes a sixth sense…. acquired over years of playing the hobby… which makes most CL/BP ads doubly cruel for an inexperienced horn dawg with a raging hard-on!

#1 – This is not a poor man’s hobby! Don’t go for the cheapest thing out there.
#2 – Do some homework and read reviews… even if it means purchasing VIP access.
#3 – Not all of these girls are the losers you might think they are… many are smarter than you will ever be!
#4 – If the girl on the other end of the CL/BP phone sounds sleepy or difficult to understand clearly – Hang Up!!
#5 – If the same photos continue to match the same phone#’s… week after week after week… that ‘might’ be a good sign.
#6 – If the girl who answers the door isn’t a perfect match for the ad photo – turn around and leave… or shut the door in her face, if it’s your place.
#7 – Leave the wallet in the car/truck…. carry only as much money as you were prepared to spend on the appointment.
#8 – Try to stay clear of outside room entrance no-tels. I shouldn’t have to explain why.
#9 – If her place is someplace that you would never consider staying in yourself – leave.
#10 – If you get incredibly shitty service on your first date – it most likely, will ever improve!

Only ramblings from a bored mind.....

P.S. - If upon entering a girl's hotel room , you immediately turn and latch the deadbolt , chain , and hook thingy.......... what message does that immediately put into the girl's head? hmmmm