
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Even though there is no way to know what actually happened, blaming the providers needs to stop. Maybe it did look like she was into it and wanted it to happen but it's very easy to manipulate video through editing to make it look a certain way. She obviously isn't consenting to have the video released.

I'll say this. If it's true and he did even a fraction of what she said then he is showing predatory behavior and is a danger to the community. This is what makes it so dangerous. There is no for sure way to know what happened.
I personally have no need to share this kind of stuff... In fact I don't understand the need to defile a woman in order to prove my masculinity or defile her so that others wont see her. Shit, maybe it's for some other reason that is beyond me.
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
Even though there is no way to know what actually happened, blaming the providers needs to stop. Maybe it did look like she was into it and wanted it to happen but it's very easy to manipulate video through editing to make it look a certain way. She obviously isn't consenting to have the video released. Originally Posted by Mr. Rogers
Why should we stop blaming them? They chose to be here. If they didn't want this shit to happen, she should have considered another path in life. If she just had to pick this path, she shouldn't have let the guy take videos of the activities. Sorry. Don't really feel sorry for her.
Why should we stop blaming them? They chose to be here. If they didn't want this shit to happen, she should have considered another path in life. If she just had to pick this path, she shouldn't have let the guy take videos of the activities. Sorry. Don't really feel sorry for her. Originally Posted by FuzzyMcDice55
You created your account yesterday....and already participating in controversial coed duscussions...yea....i would take anything you say with a grain of salt...

Edit: who were you previously....thats a better question!
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Why should we stop blaming them? They chose to be here. If they didn't want this shit to happen, she should have considered another path in life. If she just had to pick this path, she shouldn't have let the guy take videos of the activities. Sorry. Don't really feel sorry for her. Originally Posted by FuzzyMcDice55
I'll remember that if we come in one day to you posting about how you were robbed by some pimp. Just because you are paying a woman for sex, it doesn't give someone else the right to rob you. Just because you leave your front door unlocked does not give some asshole the right to walk through it and steal your shit. Just because this woman decided to fuck for a living does not give some asshole the right to blackmail her, nor does it give some other asshole the right to judge her.

I hate going down these rabbit holes because no one ever wins but enough is enough. I can't sit back and be an active hobbyiest and use these boards but stay silent when this kind of shit goes on.
he started to brag about this vid around 6 weeks ago.. he even posted that anyone could contact him and he would send it out to them.. well apparently he never sent it out these past 6 weeks.. which brings us to today..

she stated below that he used said vid to blackmail her.. it now makes sense that he didn't distribute the vid back when he first advertised it - yes he had it - but it seems he was in fact using the vid as leverage over her..

i believe her

After this session I saw him two more times. The third time I was blackmailed into it by him holding the video over my head telling me don't blame him for what he posts. He says come see me & I'll stop. Shouldn't of gone but I did. At this point I knew he was a complete fucking psycho. Originally Posted by xomadison6
Madison did the right thing here by saying her piece.. that's for sure!!
This is a brutal and dark side of this business when it turns into forced activities or coercion.. if it was a willing act by both parties than so be it.. providers need to be aware that photos and videos once they are made- its out there. There is no room for either a hobbyist or a provider to blackmail; coerce or hold anything over either parties head.. just bad business
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
I'll remember that if we come in one day to you posting about how you were robbed by some pimp. Just because you are paying a woman for sex, it doesn't give someone else the right to rob you. Just because you leave your front door unlocked does not give some asshole the right to walk through it and steal your shit. Just because this woman decided to fuck for a living does not give some asshole the right to blackmail her, Originally Posted by Mr. Rogers
Yawn....if I get robbed by a pimp, it means I was doing something I should not have been doing and God is punishing me for my sinful behavior. It is obvious God is working in mysterious ways to punish me for my wicked ways. And I accept the terms.

Since God's lost child chose a wicked path, his humble servant TronHorn356 is using blackmail as a way to punish her for her wicked ways. He is doing God's work. I applaud him.
Since God's lost child chose a wicked path, his humble servant TronHorn356 is using blackmail as a way to punish her for her wicked ways. He is doing God's work. I applaud him. Originally Posted by FuzzyMcDice55
almost sounds like you might be TronHorn356
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Yawn....if I get robbed by a pimp, it means I was doing something I should not have been doing and God is punishing me for my sinful behavior. It is obvious God is working in mysterious ways to punish me for my wicked ways. And I accept the terms.

Since God's lost child chose a wicked path, his humble servant TronHorn356 is using blackmail as a way to punish her for her wicked ways. He is doing God's work. I applaud him. Originally Posted by FuzzyMcDice55

You're dead to me. Go say three Hail Marys and slap yourself 100 times.
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar

You're dead to me. Go say three Hail Marys and slap yourself 100 times. Originally Posted by Mr. Rogers
What does football have to do with this?
Even though there is no way to know what actually happened, blaming the providers needs to stop. Maybe it did look like she was into it and wanted it to happen but it's very easy to manipulate video through editing to make it look a certain way. She obviously isn't consenting to have the video released.

I'll say this. If it's true and he did even a fraction of what she said then he is showing predatory behavior and is a danger to the community. This is what makes it so dangerous. There is no for sure way to know what happened. Originally Posted by Mr. Rogers
Adding on to that:
  • She's an 18 year old girl and he's a grown man. Manipulating her is about as easy as sitting there and asking her to do something firmly. Ask yourself if you have the mental advantage over a girl that age. (No disrespect to you or other 18 year olds, Madison.) I would love to know who says "no" to that. Certain things come with age and that happens to be one of them.
  • While this is a case of he said/she said, this isn't the first time we've seen what sounds like vindictive behavior from the reviewer. Look at his No review of Arianna Lust. I can't reveal much on that due to it being in ROS, but essentially you see a situation where he potentially gets upsold and then takes out his anger on her. Not violently so please don't misread that. There's just a reason a number of commenters asked what was wrong with him in that review.
  • The argument of "they're both there of their own free will" is also extremely narrow minded. Sure, they both showed up of their own free will, but they showed up for very different reasons. Business vs pleasure. One person is much more likely to feel like they need to be there.

For the record, I have never met Madison or even spoken her. Same with Tronhorn - I haven't spoken with him before either. This is just my view on the situation from the outside looking in. Also, Eccie seems to be drama city lately so I figured I'd join in for a post.
Stevemans407's Avatar
Hey Madison, I am very sorry that happened to you. Please be careful. I was not there and don't know the details... nor have not seen the videos... but the best advice I have is to just say no to whatever you are not comfortable with .... and walk away. I am not judging but knowing that he was blackmailing you ... you should have know he was going to post it. Anyway what's done its past please move on and enjoy the hobby and what positive attribute will have to your life.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Tronhorn, is fuzzy your new handle?
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar

Edit: who were you previously....thats a better question! Originally Posted by Analeese
No one. I just signed up yesterday....

Feel free to PM me with your guesses! They will all be wrong.

On Topic - OP find your true calling and get out of here before it is too late. You still have a chance to save yourself. You are so young and breathtakingly beautiful . Don't let predators like God's trusty Lieutenant TronHorn356 continue to defile your beautiful vessel.