MSNBC of all people call out Brain Damaged Fetterman

berryberry's Avatar
So the liberal MSNBC reporter who did this interview with brain damaged racist Fetterman has been attacked by a number of other reporters for, you know, actually doing her job and not just whitewashing Fetterman's brain damage.

These other reporters, who are bashing her and defending Brain Damaged Racist Fetterman have never actually met with him in person.
berryberry's Avatar
In a major breach of journalistic ethics it turns out that friendly “reporters” were conducting "interviews" with Racist Brain Damaged Fetterman through a computer stenographer without disclosing that, while he and his campaign were insisting he has no problem at all.
berryberry's Avatar
NBC's Dasha Burns hits back at liberal reporters attacking her for pointing out Fetterman can't engage in "small talk."

"Our team was the first to be in the room with Fetterman for an interview rather than via remote video conference."

berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald:

Dems and their media allies (most employees of corporate media) are so accustomed to journalists refusing to question or criticize Dem Party leaders that they are genuinely shocked and outraged on the rare occasion it happens. They believe it's immoral because it "helps fascism."

This was in response to libtard reporters, including these fucking morons, attacking Dasha Burns for actually telling the truth that Racist Fetterman is brain damaged

"Sunny attacks NBC's Dasha Burns, says it was "inappropriate" for her to admit that Fetterman is struggling.

"Maybe she's bad at small talk! Maybe it's her!" Whoopi chides.

Sunny claims Burns broke journalistic ethics and defends Fetterman "
berryberry's Avatar
More Glenn Greenwald

For decades, examining the physical and mental health of politicians seeking high office is journalistically *required*. Of course the public should know Fetterman's post-stroke capabilities.

Nobody disputes this.

But to libtard reporters, his Senate win is vital and therefore questioning him is barred.

It's all about training journalists: you'll be punished if you criticize Dems.
berryberry's Avatar
It went from “there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Racist Brain Damaged Fetterman” to “how dare you attack the disabled” in a short period of time.

It’s amazing how quickly the media come up with bullshit talking points to cover for libtard politicians
berryberry's Avatar
Brain Damaged Racist Fetterman on May 15: “the doctors tell me I didn’t suffer any cognitive damage.“

The NY Times today: “John Fetterman is a disabled American”
berryberry's Avatar
Brain Damaged Racist Fetterman and his wife think an honest journalist should face consequences and convicted murderers shouldn’t.

Gisele Fetterman with harsh words for NBC's Dasha Burns, saying her description of "small talk" with her husband left her feeling close to "rage."

"I don't know how there were not consequences."

Indicated that she wants an apology, but it hasn't come.
berryberry's Avatar
Imagine what would happen if conservative called for consequences for a reporter for stating the obvious? Libtards think it’s fine to hide from the people of Pennsylvania that a potential senator was incapable of holding even a basic conversation.

eyecu2's Avatar
I'm betting that Fetterman will beat OZ handily. Despite the despairing comments, he is a better choice than OZ. And while I don't dislike OZ, he would be a GOP toadie who rubber stamps everything. No thanks
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Fetterman will get wheeled out and told how to vote on shit he doesn’t understand while the janitorial crew cleans the slobber off his desk.
berryberry's Avatar
I'm betting that Fetterman will beat OZ handily. Originally Posted by eyecu2
LOL, it's a dead heat. But this thread is about how NBC called out Racist Fetterman for being Brain Damaged and how all the other libtard reporters along with racist Fetterman's wife attacked the NBC reporter for simply doing her job.

Do you agree with Dasha Burns being attacked for doing actual journalism?

Why can't people like other libtard reporters handle the truth?
berryberry's Avatar

At a recent rally in Philadelphia, Fetterman stumbled through some applause lines in a short speech making it difficult for the audience to know what he was trying to say.

After the short speech, Brain Damaged Fetterman did not entertain questions from reporters and seemed unable to respond.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Everyone knows the guy is mentally kaput, some just don’t care. Fetterman is no different than a trained monkey, all he needs to be able to do is press whatever button Schumer tells him to.
eyecu2's Avatar
He'd vote about the same way OZ would vote- Just like he's told. These are mere tokens for either political party