Are we being invaded???????

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1. Biden admin gets caught allowing a Chinese balloon fly across America to gather intelligence
2. Biden admin did not shoot it down until the Chinese mission was complete
3. Strange objects appear all over the country and they don’t know what they are
4. They now have the ability to shoot them down
5. They can’t explain what they are, what propulsion system they are using, allowing the people to fill in gaps
6. They can’t rule out aliens , allowing the people to fill in the gaps
7. So aliens who travelled light years are easily shot out of the sky
8. Conclusion, psyop, distraction, nice try the people aren’t buying it
Well, if I was an unfriendly country, I think the first thing I'd want to know about the USA is, whats the response times to a perceived threat? What capabilities do they have that I don't know about? How good is their detection system?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, if I was an unfriendly country, I think the first thing I'd want to know about the USA is, whats the response times to a perceived threat? What capabilities do they have that I don't know about? How good is their detection system? Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay

exactly. and guess what they found out? with all that NORAD gear that is supposedly the most sophisticated in the world is apparently so poorly designed it can't detect a 200ft fucking balloon towing a surveillance array as big as a school bus. it wasn't spotted on radar approaching Alaska, crossing Alaska (don't we have regular patrols anymore??) and into Canada and not until Tuesday when civilians in Montana spotted it and reported it.

i've read articles citing several "military experts" (for whatever that's worth these days) claiming radar wasn't really designed to detect slow moving objects. yet civilian radar can detect a Cessna going 120 mph? is it possible China designed this balloon with radar absorbing material? certainly. but aren't we supposed to be the experts on this? you'd think we would have some insight on detecting what we developed.

it appears the only mistake China made was not making the balloon's fabric sky blue instead of white to make it basically invisible to the naked eye against the blue sky.

don't believe two things about this. first don't believe a word of this nonsense Biden ordered "increased capability". yet that "increased capability" failed to detect this balloon until it was over Montana? reported by civilians? right! and certainly don't believe any of this "review" of prior data detected other "incursions" during Trump's term? nonsense and a lame attempt to deflect from this happening on Biden's watch.

Pentagon says object spotted over Montana was Chinese spy balloon

By: MTN News , CBS News
Posted at 4:11 PM, Feb 02, 2023 and last updated 11:35 AM, Feb 03, 2023

The Defense Department is "confident" a balloon spotted over Billings Wednesday is a surveillance balloon from China, a senior defense official said Thursday.

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Mark Milley and vice chairman Gen. Christopher Grady recommended against taking "kinetic action" because of possible danger from falling debris, the defense official said.

President Joe Biden has been briefed on the situation.

Several people in the Billings area reported seeing the object in the sky Tuesday.
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'OK, Take Us To A Different Leader,' Say Exasperated Aliens After Trying To Communicate With Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, DC — An envoy of extraterrestrial beings stifled their frustration and asked to be taken to a different leader after their initial meeting with President Joe Biden left them confused and exasperated, sources say.

"I guess he's not the leader they were expecting," said an insider who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It was the classic sci-fi movie scenario, with the aliens arriving and telling us, ‘Take us to your leader.' We quickly set up a meeting with President Biden, and things went downhill from there."

"The aliens were already asking why we kept shooting down their peace offering balloons containing Hickory Farms cheese and sausage gift baskets," disclosed another source present at the meeting. "But I guess it really started to get bad when the lead alien put out his hand to greet the President, and Joe bent down and bit the creature's finger."

Reports indicate that relations between the two sides only grew worse after the President began speaking. "The best we can tell, Joe had one of his typical verbal gaffes," the source said. "He said something that was totally unintelligible to us, but apparently, it sounded like some sort of horrible slur in the aliens' language. The aliens were offended, voices were raised, Joe may have messed his pants…it was a train wreck. Err, sorry, poor choice of words."

At publishing time, the aliens were reportedly already asking to be taken to a third leader after only spending 5 minutes trying to talk to Kamala Harris.