I have a question on time keeping in a session. I had a session recently and within the room there is no clock and the curtains are closed and dark. I do not wear a watch. The session went well and we just went along. I had brought funds for and planed for an hour. When the session ended I was informed we ran over an hour. I had no idea nor did I have funds with me for the additional time. She was gracious and we came to an agreement that did include additional funds.Yes, I believe she was out of line or at the very least, tacky.
This begs the question. Who is responsible for time keeping in a session?
Was she out of line to bring it up as we are packing to leave? It made for an awkward situation and an extra cost I had not prepared for. Originally Posted by diddleman
I don't look at it in terms of who is responsible for watching the clock. It sounds like she is on the right tack in terms of creating a pleasant atmosphere: lights down low, curtains drawn etc. But frankly, this could also be a good strategy to squeeze some extra bucks out of guy by deliberately letting the time run over, then holding out her hand and saying "pay me for the extra time". If she is going to be that precise in her expectations, then she should make sure there is a highly visible clock for you to see so that you can wrap things up on time without any prompting from her.
Note: I am NOT saying that running over the time was deliberate on her part. Only making the point that we damned women can be some tricky bitches, and somewhere out there is a female who wouldn't think twice about employing such a strategy to run up the bill on a guy.
However, that runs contrary to what GFE should be. If I am doing my job correctly, you SHOULD lose track of time. You are supposed to forget that this is a service. You are supposed to be enjoying yourself so completely that silly details like time just lose all meaning.
So yes, I think the provider should be the one gently prompting the gent that it is time to wrap things up. Myself, I also keep my incall a clock free zone. I find it more conducive to the GFE atmosphere. However, I always play music which has the double benefit of creating a nice mood, while at the same time making it easier for me to have an idea of how much time has passed. So, even if I don't know down the precise minute when the time is nearly up, I generally have a pretty good idea of how long we've been romping and rolling.
What it boils down to is, she allowed the session to run over. If she expects to be compensated after the fact for unintended additional time spent, then it is her responsibility to see to it that the session ends in precisely one hour, OR mention to you that your hour is up, and offer to continue if you have both the desire and the funds to continue.