Trump Nails It On SNL

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How, exactly, are they cashing in? Even illegals get their income taxed. You act like these people are driving Bentleys and taking milk baths. They aren't 'cashing in' as you say. You or I wouldn't live like they do. Originally Posted by WombRaider
there you go with that "illegals get their income taxed" argument again. does an illegal pay state or federal income tax? nope .. how can they? they don't have a valid social security number. oh they might have a fraudulently obtained one but that doesn't really count does it?

how many illegals actually own a home? probably not many, they typically can't afford one. so how are they going to pay property taxes living in rentals or apartments? they don't. next you'll claim your usual argument they pay sales taxes, which is true of course, on their beer and white bread and baloney. so what? Japanese tourists pay sales tax on their souvenirs.

so as usual your argument is false. an illegal by definition, CANNOT have a valid social security number to file a federal return. they do not file state taxes either which in Texas is a moot point but most states have state income tax. and finally many illegals get paid cash to avoid the need to have such documents as a social security card to begin with.

so smartass, besides sales tax on consumption items like beer and food and clothes, what do illegals contribute in taxes? federal income tax? nope. state income tax? nope. property tax? nope. and even the few illegals who actually could buy a home avoid it for the obvious reasons they are illegal. and not to mention they typically don't want to own property because it reduces their mobility, to move where the work is. or to leave in the middle of the night and get out of the country.

why do you continue to defend the "rights" and "contributions" of criminals? they have no rights, nor can they truly contribute to society. idiot.
there you go with that "illegals get their income taxed" argument again. does an illegal pay state or federal income tax? nope .. how can they? they don't have a valid social security number. oh they might have a fraudulently obtained one but that doesn't really count does it?

how many illegals actually own a home? probably not many, they typically can't afford one. so how are they going to pay property taxes living in rentals or apartments? they don't. next you'll claim your usual argument they pay sales taxes, which is true of course, on their beer and white bread and baloney. so what? Japanese tourists pay sales tax on their souvenirs.

so as usual your argument is false. an illegal by definition, CANNOT have a valid social security number to file a federal return. they do not file state taxes either which in Texas is a moot point but most states have state income tax. and finally many illegals get paid cash to avoid the need to have such documents as a social security card to begin with.

so smartass, besides sales tax on consumption items like beer and food and clothes, what do illegals contribute in taxes? federal income tax? nope. state income tax? nope. property tax? nope. and even the few illegals who actually could buy a home avoid it for the obvious reasons they are illegal. and not to mention they typically don't want to own property because it reduces their mobility, to move where the work is. or to leave in the middle of the night and get out of the country.

why do you continue to defend the "rights" and "contributions" of criminals? they have no rights, nor can they truly contribute to society. idiot. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ahh WaKKKo, you dumbfuck. You are truly a retrograde shitstain on the underwear that is the universe.

Immigrants pay taxes. As for false SS numbers, go look up 'suspense file' and get back to me. It's for SS numbers that can't be matched with people, like you lied about above. What you do, without knowing or realizing it, is make the case for getting these people documented and on the rolls. The tax contribution they are already making would only increase. In 2012, California illegals, of which there are an estimated 3.1 million, paid $3.2 Billion in taxes. Instead of sending these people home, as you and your racist shitstains would like, they need to be made fully contributing members of society and that amount would only go up.

We are confronted with an issue and the two sides are clearly illustrated. You, a republitard, want to throw out the baby with the bath water, kick these people out and lose the contributions they ARE making and lose out on the increase in taxes that would come from making them legal. I would rather welcome these people, who are already here with their families and working, and increase the money they put in the coffers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ahh WaKKKo, you dumbfuck. You are truly a retrograde shitstain on the underwear that is the universe.

Immigrants pay taxes. As for false SS numbers, go look up 'suspense file' and get back to me. It's for SS numbers that can't be matched with people, like you lied about above. What you do, without knowing or realizing it, is make the case for getting these people documented and on the rolls. The tax contribution they are already making would only increase. In 2012, California illegals, of which there are an estimated 3.1 million, paid $3.2 Billion in taxes.

prove it. $3.2 billion in what type of taxes? sales tax on beer? yeah i'd believe that.

Instead of sending these people home, as you and your racist shitstains would like, they need to be made fully contributing members of society and that amount would only go up.

you fuckhead. in a law abiding nation you simply cannot grant citizenship without a penalty for the crime of illegal entry into this country. so your plan is what? just forgive them? there is no statue of limitation on being in this country illegally by the way.

because we'll get the taxes which you now have admitted we don't get? jeez you are fucking stupid.

We are confronted with an issue and the two sides are clearly illustrated. You, a republitard, want to throw out the baby with the bath water, kick these people out and lose the contributions they ARE making and lose out on the increase in taxes that would come from making them legal. I would rather welcome these people, who are already here with their families and working, and increase the money they put in the coffers. Originally Posted by WombRaider

yep you admit illegals do not pay their fair share of taxes.

and what about the criminal element among illegals? do they stay too so they can pay more taxes, the taxes you have admitted they don't pay? ahaha. criminals do not care about taxes you stupid idiot. they deal in cash only. you know .. like dealers of "forbidden substances" .. right! like they are gonna file a 1040 every April. AHAHA.

you've lost this argument 1,000 times on this board gloryhole breath. like blacks who will not admit the majority of slaves brought to Europe and America were blacks captured in tribal wars by their own race and sold to slave traders to get rid of them, you will deny the illegal nature of 11 million people and whitewash it away for more taxes to give back to them in welfare.

you really should read what you post woomby. you contradict yourself at every turn. they do pay taxes but make them legal so they can pay more taxes? AHAHA. how many times can you validate the argument that illegals do not pay their fair share of taxes? and that they are criminals simply by being in this country?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
what did he make up?
your just pissed because no longer Dip Shit of the year Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Speaking of ignorant fucks...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Speaking of ignorant fucks... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes, he was, Assup. And you answered.

yep you admit illegals do not pay their fair share of taxes.

and what about the criminal element among illegals? do they stay too so they can pay more taxes, the taxes you have admitted they don't pay? ahaha. criminals do not care about taxes you stupid idiot. they deal in cash only. you know .. like dealers of "forbidden substances" .. right! like they are gonna file a 1040 every April. AHAHA.

you've lost this argument 1,000 times on this board gloryhole breath. like blacks who will not admit the majority of slaves brought to Europe and America were blacks captured in tribal wars by their own race and sold to slave traders to get rid of them, you will deny the illegal nature of 11 million people and whitewash it away for more taxes to give back to them in welfare.

you really should read what you post woomby. you contradict yourself at every turn. they do pay taxes but make them legal so they can pay more taxes? AHAHA. how many times can you validate the argument that illegals do not pay their fair share of taxes? and that they are criminals simply by being in this country?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Colombus started the modern slave trade, firstly. The atlantic slave trade wouldn't have been there if not for him. Get your shit right first.

What about the criminal element among the fucking CITIZENS in this country?Now you are labeling every illegal as a dealer in illegal substances. In your previous post you referenced white bread, bologna and beer. It's clear where you stand, racist. There is no 'losing' this argument. It's an opinion-based discussion. Opinions are not fact or fiction. You are late for the session at the Salinas bus station, though. If you don't hurry, Lusty will have eaten all the dingleberry pie. Just take the 'cream' straight to the face, like gay rey does.
You simply cannot grant citizenship to them? Says who? You? Try and round them up yourself then, you fucking dumbass. See how that works out for you.
Yes, he was, Assup. And you answered. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And here you came, right behind. Who is the bigger fool, assup, or you for pointing it out?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Colombus started the modern slave trade, firstly. The atlantic slave trade wouldn't have been there if not for him. Get your shit right first.

What about the criminal element among the fucking CITIZENS in this country?Now you are labeling every illegal as a dealer in illegal substances. In your previous post you referenced white bread, bologna and beer. It's clear where you stand, racist. There is no 'losing' this argument. It's an opinion-based discussion. Opinions are not fact or fiction. You are late for the session at the Salinas bus station, though. If you don't hurry, Lusty will have eaten all the dingleberry pie. Just take the 'cream' straight to the face, like gay rey does.
Originally Posted by WombRaider
Only in your twisted world can the 15th century be considered "modern", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Ahh WaKKKo, you dumbfuck. You are truly a retrograde shitstain on the underwear that is the universe.

Immigrants pay taxes. As for false SS numbers, go look up 'suspense file' and get back to me. It's for SS numbers that can't be matched with people, like you lied about above. What you do, without knowing or realizing it, is make the case for getting these people documented and on the rolls. The tax contribution they are already making would only increase. In 2012, California illegals, of which there are an estimated 3.1 million, paid $3.2 Billion in taxes. Instead of sending these people home, as you and your racist shitstains would like, they need to be made fully contributing members of society and that amount would only go up.

We are confronted with an issue and the two sides are clearly illustrated. You, a republitard, want to throw out the baby with the bath water, kick these people out and lose the contributions they ARE making and lose out on the increase in taxes that would come from making them legal. I would rather welcome these people, who are already here with their families and working, and increase the money they put in the coffers. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And to increase those " coffers " of YOUR'S down at the 'holes ! Keep defending those mojado gente of YOUR'S pobrecita puta ! Be sure to show all of YOUR mojado maricon buddies YOUR 2016 DOTY award ! :wo ot_jump:
Only in your twisted world can the 15th century be considered "modern", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Read 'em and weep, shitass.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Read 'em and weep, shitass.

Originally Posted by WombRaider
Without Columbus, there'd have been no Cortés, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Without Cortés, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, you cannibalistic Mexica would still be eating your enslaved cousins for breakfast. Your ancestors enslaved and ate each other less than 500 years ago, you miserable piece of shit.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now that the polling season is winding down, IBIdiot emerges from hiding. Again.

Should we create a new category for COWARD OF THE YEAR?

Someone let him know I'm thinking of him, will ya?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Now that the polling season is winding down, IBIdiot emerges from hiding. Again.

Should we create a new category for COWARD OF THE YEAR?

Someone let him know I'm thinking of him, will ya?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

In case you didn't notice, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, you placed second in the annual DOTY poll. Better luck next year, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
You have to admit. Before Columbus, The Native Americas were doing an excellent of enslaving and massacring each other.