Just thinking about Ashlee Summers.

Iaintliein's Avatar
60 percent of all rapes go unreported. So don't be surprised if there is more of this going on in a risky behavior we call the hobby. I would bet that the unreported rate within the hobby is higher than 60%.
As much as we hate management and drivers. I think that a driver in an outcall situation would go along way to prevent this. At the very least the girl should have a co-worker or trusted girlfriend that can take a check in phone call every 2 hours. I don't do outcalls to my place so no need to worry about the drivers sitting outside my house. These girls need to do something to protect themselves and if you guys want outcalls to your place you'll have to give up on some of your privacy issues. Originally Posted by Sawyer
It is something those of us on the extreme fringe of the hobby don't think much about which is probably why so much is being written about this tragedy. I reviewed pretty much everyone I met back on the old board, 13 as I recall, and sure enough one of them told me about being raped (not by a client though). So, statistically, that means that probably at least two other ladies I've known in the hobby had a similar experience. A sobering realization. Those of us who live otherwise sheltered lives need to be grateful for it I guess. And everyone needs to be more careful.
motocrossman39's Avatar
Guys, I have talked with some girls recently and it seems many hobbyists are reluctant to reveal their eccie handle.

I asked why it was important and the response was, they can be held accountable by everyone on the board if they misbehave.

Have you ever noticed that most of the alerts, the gal doesn't know his handle? He never gave it to her.

It is an anonymous handle anyway. Why don't guys want to give thatup during screening? My only reason to think of not giving a gal my handle is so I can either be a dick on the board and hide it from her, or I can hide my bad behavior from the board by not giving my handle. Another instance is a mod not wanting her to know her is a mod. Believe it or not, sometimes you don't want one more chick calling you about her personal issued and want a mod to do something about it.

So what gives?

Why don't guys like to give their eccie handle? The PM verification is also one more step in making a gal feel comfortable, especially if someone is saying they are me! Originally Posted by cpi3000
How can a Girl adequetly screen the Hobbyist if she doesn't have his handle, either P411 or Here?
How else will she verify him?....
Guys, I have talked with some girls recently and it seems many hobbyists are reluctant to reveal their eccie handle.

I asked why it was important and the response was, they can be held accountable by everyone on the board if they misbehave.

Have you ever noticed that most of the alerts, the gal doesn't know his handle? He never gave it to her.

It is an anonymous handle anyway. Why don't guys want to give thatup during screening? My only reason to think of not giving a gal my handle is so I can either be a dick on the board and hide it from her, or I can hide my bad behavior from the board by not giving my handle. Another instance is a mod not wanting her to know her is a mod. Believe it or not, sometimes you don't want one more chick calling you about her personal issued and want a mod to do something about it.

So what gives?

Why don't guys like to give their eccie handle? The PM verification is also one more step in making a gal feel comfortable, especially if someone is saying they are me! Originally Posted by cpi3000
I think the reason I have no problem is that the first thing I give is my board handle, and I don't care if anybody knows it... if I screw up I deserve to be exhiled from the hobby world.

Providers should demand and verify a real handle that has been around a while and posted. Newbies are especially dangerous IMHO.

People should just take responsibility for their own actions.

On the other side of the argument, I would like to see how much of Ashlee's story can be verified. I for one have seen Ashlee and based on how she is.. I can see how she might make up such a story. Not saying she is, saying it's plausible.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I hope this is not inappropriate, this and other like situations prompts a question. If there is LE elements among us here in fantasy land, what do you think their reaction is when they read of such atrocities outside of normal human outrage?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, the guy did tell Ashlee that he was in a suicidal frame of mind and who knows whether or not that was a ruse or if he actually went ahead and did the deed. He had one hell of a bad day if he raped her and then offed himself.

This whole situation is very serious and not one of us has enough of the facts. Ashlee did need to post the alert but, sh*t, all of this is some pretty heavy duty stuff that we need to be very careful about handling.

I'm sure that it will all work itself out, though maybe not to the complete satisfaction of anyone but Ashlee will make the moves she decides to make and I hope it works out for her.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Of course they don't want to tell the ladies their handle, because they know deep down they're creeps up to no good. They want to reserve the right to shortchange, no show, assault, and rape the ladies whenever the mood or opportunity strikes them. The same characters will villify ME and make me public enemy #1 to try to look good in front of the same ladies that they have bad intentions for. It's a puzzle. Put it together. Let's badmouth RC and get cool points with the ladies (who'll put him on a DNS list) by ganging up on him. Later on, after playing hero to the damsels they pick an opportunity to strike. Oh, but he doesn't use his ECCIE handle. Instead, he uses handles from other boards or none at all...or maybe they have multiple handles here. Then again, maybe they don't use a handle at all, capitalizing a on providers' lack of screening. However they go about it, they figure it out, do the [wrong] do, and then probably come back in here acting all in a [false] fit of rage.

Many moons ago and even on another board, I pointed out how 'anonymous handles' might be peopLE we don't want lurking around, asking silly questions that could be answered by a simple search, for all of 10 seconds. Folks jumped in my shit about THAT, claiming I was messing with the newbies and being an ass. Seemed outlandish of me to think that back then...or did it?

Valentine Michael's Avatar
Of course they don't want to tell the ladies their handle, because they know deep down they're creeps up to no good. They want to reserve the right to shortchange, no show, assault, and rape the ladies whenever the mood or opportunity strikes them. The same characters will villify ME and make me public enemy #1 to try to look good in front of the same ladies that they have bad intentions for. It's a puzzle. Put it together. Let's badmouth RC and get cool points with the ladies (who'll put him on a DNS list) by ganging up on him. Later on, after playing hero to the damsels they pick an opportunity to strike. Oh, but he doesn't use his ECCIE handle. Instead, he uses handles from other boards or none at all...or maybe they have multiple handles here. Then again, maybe they don't use a handle at all, capitalizing a on providers' lack of screening. However they go about it, they figure it out, do the [wrong] do, and then probably come back in here acting all in a [false] fit of rage.

Many moons ago and even on another board, I pointed out how 'anonymous handles' might be peopLE we don't want lurking around, asking silly questions that could be answered by a simple search, for all of 10 seconds. Folks jumped in my shit about THAT, claiming I was messing with the newbies and being an ass. Seemed outlandish of me to think that back then...or did it?

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I hereby dub thee Ramble Creed.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Sure. Whatever works for you.

Either way, I stand behind my handle. I have nothing to hide, unlike some. Even when I use other means of contacting ladies, I still let them know I'm indeed Rambro Creed. One or two have rejected me because of it, which is fine. I can live with it. Others won't use their handle because they know either it would get them rejected or they may be up to no good and wouldn't want the provider to have a source to inform others about them.

Some of the ones that reject me see these kind of clowns. Needless to say, it doesn't always work out for them.
I hereby dub thee Ramble Creed. Originally Posted by Valentine Michael
VM, are You part of the vast texas conspiracy to mess with Rambro's hobby life?

Glad You could take a thread about a lady getting assaulted and make it about You....kudos.Rambro...or Wahhmbro?
TexTushHog's Avatar
I use my handle and my hobby e-mail address is textushhog@[internetserviceprovider].com
ya know another thing is ...? none of us seem to be hearing from that perp! He haven't responded to anything saying that he didn't do it!....... Originally Posted by roxy28

He is probably sitting in jail as Ashlee knows where he lives and called the cops on his sorry ass.
He is probably sitting in jail as Ashlee knows where he lives and called the cops on his sorry ass. Originally Posted by bigdog0311

I so hope so !!
TinMan's Avatar
Or maybe he really did off himself. The world would be better off if that were the case.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I met up with Ashlee the night before last. There is NO doubt in my mind that her story is true. What more, she shared details with me that she did not talk about on the board. When I left, I was very shaken up over the whole thing. She really went through hell....
This whole drama is very disturbing. I guess I've always worn my blinders and considered the Hobby to be something for fun; taking some time to enjoy a lady I've never met before and then going on about my business. I think we've been getting a larger dose of the whole Street Walker/Pimp/Criminal/Lunatic element that we might have been somewhat insulated from previously. With the demise of CL, the undesirables seem to have migrated over to our side of the street.

It appears we have several sources validating the story and I sincerely hope Ashlee is okay. I know she's already been through more than one rough episode in the Hobby. I hope she comes through this intact and that rat bastard gets what's coming to him.