Democraps in senate impeachment circus getting desperate

HedonistForever's Avatar
not to get off point

but it is in keeping with the thread's title

when schiff or any of the dims quote something a founding father wrote in desperate attempt to support some "point" they are trying to make

its invariably a half quote taken out of context and devoid of its real meaning Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

The point most obvious to me is Hamilton saying that if they are going to put impeachment into the Constitution, they must ensure that it is not a partisan affair with one party using it to overturn an election. What could be more obvious with all Republicans and two Democrats with one abstention, voting against even having an impeachment inquiry?

I got a good laugh from Tucker Carlson last night showing a clip from the Senator from Hawaii laughing and saying how silly it was, a silly conspiracy theory to suggest that any Democrat wanted Trump impeached from the time he was elected and then Tucker plays a clip of Al Green saying he was talking about impeaching Trump during Trump's campaign.

Then there is the fact that very early in the Trump Presidency, 60 Democrats were on record wanting to impeach Trump for things like calling people names on Twitter, very UN-Presidential and that number ( in the House ) grew to over 100 before the Ukraine matter ever came up. Face it, the Dem's and their supporters like the 3 Constitutional scholars in the impeachment inquiry, thought Trump did any number of things beyond the Mueller investigation that deserved impeachment. This is merely the latest and in their opinion, best hope of achieving that all the while knowing it will never happen but they believe it will serve a purpose come 2020.
The point most obvious to me is Hamilton saying that if they are going to put impeachment into the Constitution, they must ensure that it is not a partisan affair with one party using it to overturn an election. What could be more obvious with all Republicans and two Democrats with one abstention, voting against even having an impeachment inquiry?

I got a good laugh from Tucker Carlson last night showing a clip from the Senator from Hawaii laughing and saying how silly it was, a silly conspiracy theory to suggest that any Democrat wanted Trump impeached from the time he was elected and then Tucker plays a clip of Al Green saying he was talking about impeaching Trump during Trump's campaign.

Then there is the fact that very early in the Trump Presidency, 60 Democrats were on record wanting to impeach Trump for things like calling people names on Twitter, very UN-Presidential and that number ( in the House ) grew to over 100 before the Ukraine matter ever came up. Face it, the Dem's and their supporters like the 3 Constitutional scholars in the impeachment inquiry, thought Trump did any number of things beyond the Mueller investigation that deserved impeachment. This is merely the latest and in their opinion, best hope of achieving that all the while knowing it will never happen but they believe it will serve a purpose come 2020. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
dimocrats have filed articles of impeachment against every single elected republican president since ike eisenhower
Wtf....we have no mods on this political forum to keep the low white trash ignorant wanna be middle class orange dic sukers on topic????)
Unless it isn’t really Day One, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You outta know ASSUP!!
You average 13 post a day since your "DAY ONE" HoseHummer.
Wtf....we have no mods on this political forum to keep the low white trash ignorant wanna be middle class orange dic sukers on topic????) Originally Posted by Tsmokies
So says the Trump Dick Sucker...
What's your take on the desperation of the democraps in the Senate??
If we did have a mod ASSUP AKA "HoseHummer" wouldn't be here
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wtf....we have no mods on this political forum to keep the low white trash ignorant wanna be middle class orange dic sukers on topic????) Originally Posted by Tsmokies

That's what they taught you in PolySci on how to make a political argument?

Political science
is the study of government, public policies and political behavior. ... As a
political science major
, you will hone the writing, communications, analytical and computer skills that are critical to a liberal arts education.

You couldn't make a coherent political argument if your life depended on it. All you've got is to insult what you can't comprehend.
bambino's Avatar
That's what they taught you in PolySci on how to make a political argument?

You couldn't make a coherent political argument if your life depended on it. All you've got is to insult what you can't comprehend.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Is it just me, or is it obvious that the libtards in this forum are exploding in unison? HoeDummer, WTFF, ELoser9500, Munchies, Jax, SC. They’re all going ballistic. Fucking hilarious.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is it just me, or is it obvious that the libtards in this forum are exploding in unison? HoeDummer, WTFF, ELoser9500, Munchies, Jax, SC. They’re all going ballistic. Fucking hilarious. Originally Posted by bambino

it's obvious. and sadly amusing. i mean .. watching them bash what little brains they have out in every post in some fervent belief that they know the truth when in fact the truth is beyond their grasp.

bambino's Avatar
it's obvious. and sadly amusing. i mean .. watching them bash what little brains they have out in every post in some fervent belief that they know the truth when in fact the truth is beyond their grasp.

BAHHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Could be the biggest simultaneous orgasm in ECCIE history!!!!! Full with cocksucking, anal sex, tranny love. Foot fetishes. It’s all there. They can’t get enough!!!!!!!

Could be the biggest simultaneous orgasm in ECCIE history!!!!! Full with cocksucking, anal sex, tranny love. Foot fetishes. It’s all there. They can’t get enough!!!!!!!

BAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Dont forget about knuckle bangin bums
bambino's Avatar
Dont forget about knuckle bangin bums Originally Posted by claudefive
It seems like anal sex is their addiction.

Maybe they’ll all vote for Mayor Pete?
It seems like anal sex is their addiction.

Maybe they’ll all vote for Mayor Pete? Originally Posted by bambino
Got it! Mayor booty plug
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dimocrats have filed articles of impeachment against every single elected republican president since ike eisenhower Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
actually, it goes back a little further.

Long Before Trump, Impeachment Loomed Over Multiple Presidents

While only three previous presidents faced serious threat of removal, one out of four confronted formal accusations in the House.

By Peter Baker

Nov. 30, 2019

WASHINGTON — As President George Bush prepared to order American troops into war to eject Iraqi invaders from Kuwait, he feared it could end his presidency. “If it drags out,” he dictated to his diary on Dec. 20, 1990, “not only will I take the blame, but I will probably have impeachment proceedings filed against me.”

Eleven days later, in a letter to his children, he quoted a Democratic senator telling him that “if it is drawn out,” he should “be prepared for some in Congress to file impeachment papers.” On the day the war began, a Democratic congressman did just that, introducing a resolution of impeachment accusing him of “conspiring to commit crimes against the peace."

Fortunately for Mr. Bush, the war was relatively brief and efforts to impeach him fizzled. But he was hardly the only president to worry. While President Trump is just the fourth commander in chief in American history to confront a serious threat of impeachment, the prospect hung over many of his predecessors, a nagging worry in the back of the mind for some, a constitutional sword of Damocles for others.

Impeachment has served not just as a means for removing a corrupt president from office, as outlined in the Constitution — in fact, it has never actually accomplished that purpose. Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were both impeached by the House but acquitted after Senate trials, while President Richard M. Nixon resigned before the full House could vote. But impeachment has served as a deterrent, a consequence that presidents had to consider when making decisions that crossed into questionable territory.

Presidents have been accused of high crimes and misdemeanors for misconduct and for disputed policy choices. They have been targeted for impeachment for abusing their power, withholding information from Congress and providing poor moral leadership. They have been threatened with removal for violating court orders, statutory law, the Constitution and even the United Nations Charter.

Beyond Johnson, Nixon, Mr. Clinton and now Mr. Trump, lawmakers have filed formal impeachment resolutions against at least seven other presidents, meaning that one out of every four occupants of the White House has faced accusations of high crimes and misdemeanors, while others were threatened. Most of the time, the effort posed no serious jeopardy. But as with Mr. Bush, it could weigh on them nonetheless.

“Every president’s concerned about his legacy and that leads them to be concerned about whether impeachment is a possibility,” said Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional law professor at the University of North Carolina. “Oftentimes, that leads them to be very vigilant to monitor misconduct — and sometimes they are and sometimes they’re not.”

As conceived by the framers of the Constitution, impeachment was never meant to remedy incompetence or policy differences, akin to a vote of no confidence in a parliamentary system, reserving it for larger offenses against the republic. But the framers never explained precisely what they meant and so each generation has, in effect, redefined it.

The first formal impeachment effort against a president came in 1843 when a House member introduced a resolution calling for an inquiry against President John Tyler for “arbitrary, despotic and corrupt abuse of the veto power” after he rejected two tariff bills favored by his own Whig Party.

The clash was a test of Tyler’s legitimacy. He was the first vice president to succeed to the presidency after President William Henry Harrison died a month into his term and Tyler had no strong support in either political party. The matter came to a vote by the full House, which rejected the resolution 127 to 83.

In the years that followed, other presidents were threatened with impeachment. After President James K. Polk took the country to war with Mexico on misleading terms, opponents raised the prospect of impeachment. “In my judgment, it is an impeachable offense,” Daniel Webster declared at a rally in Boston’s Faneuil Hall.

A committee held hearings on impeaching President James Buchanan, widely considered the worst American commander in chief. Opponents talked about impeaching President Ulysses S. Grant amid corruption allegations against his administration. Even the sainted President Abraham Lincoln was warned by an adviser weeks into his administration that he might be impeached if he abandoned Fort Sumter.

Johnson’s impeachment by the House in 1868 followed previous attempts to impeach him on other charges. The House voted the year before to authorize an investigation of his conduct and the House Judiciary Committee reported an impeachment resolution but the full House defeated it 108 to 57. Only after he fired Edwin Stanton, the war secretary allied with the Radical Republicans in Congress, did the House vote to impeach Johnson.

His acquittal by a single vote in his Senate trial did not discourage future lawmakers from turning to impeachment. In 1896, a congressman introduced a resolution to impeach President Grover Cleveland in a dispute over the sale of bonds. During the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover faced an impeachment resolution for increasing unemployment and taxes, a tad belated since it was submitted in December 1932, a month after he lost re-election.

In April 1952, the House debated impeaching President Harry S. Truman three days in a row after he seized the nation’s steel mills to thwart a worker strike during the Korean War. The resolution also charged him for sending troops to Korea under United Nations command without congressional approval and firing Gen. Douglas MacArthur. In the end, it never came to a vote but the Supreme Court invalidated the steel plant seizure.

Like Johnson, Nixon faced down impeachment before Watergate. Three resolutions were introduced against him in 1972 charging him, among other things, with breaking off peace talks to end the Vietnam War and escalating the air war. None were acted on and Nixon was re-elected.

But 17 more resolutions were introduced over the next year focused on his secret war in Cambodia, the firing of the Watergate prosecutor and illegal wiretapping of journalists and critics. Twenty more resolutions were later introduced. Yet when the House Judiciary Committee ultimately approved three articles against him, lawmakers kept them focused on Watergate.

President Ronald Reagan was threatened with impeachment twice. Eight House members introduced a resolution to impeach him in 1983 over his invasion of Grenada, which was referred to committee and never acted on. Four years later, Representative Henry B. Gonzalez of Texas introduced six articles of impeachment stemming from the Iran-contra scandal. The White House feared impeachment was a real danger, but Democratic congressional leaders decided not to proceed to avoid a divisive fight.

The same Mr. Gonzalez introduced the impeachment resolution against Mr. Bush on Jan. 16, 1991, as the Persian Gulf war opened, then proposed a second one a month later. Neither was acted on.

Mr. Clinton, like Johnson and Nixon before him, was targeted for impeachment more than once. Eighteen House members offered a resolution calling for an inquiry in 1997, a year before the independent counsel Ken Starr filed his report leading to Mr. Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up an affair with a former White House intern.

President George W. Bush faced impeachment efforts by backbench Democrats over the invasion of Iraq on what turned out to be false reports that Baghdad had unconventional weapons. By Mr. Bush’s last year in office, one Democratic opponent had collected so many complaints that he submitted 35 articles of impeachment, including for failing to adequately respond to Hurricane Katrina; they were sent to committee and not acted on.

Some conservative Republicans talked about impeaching President Barack Obama over everything from the Benghazi attack to the birther conspiracy theory without following through. But Mr. Obama took the possibility more seriously in 2013 when he considered a military strike against Syria to retaliate for a chemical weapons attack on civilians, a factor that influenced his decision to abort the plan. A few months later the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing in which Republicans discussed impeaching Mr. Obama, although it went nowhere.

Few if any elected presidents faced talk of impeachment as early as Mr. Trump. Days after his election in 2016, speculation began because of his many ethical issues. Mr. Trump now complains that Democrats have been out to get him from the start and are only using the Ukraine matter as an excuse; his opponents say that Mr. Trump has violated standards so many times that he brought this on himself.

Either way, this moment might resonate for many of his predecessors. “Any time you have a president who pushes the boundaries — and Trump has been pushing them since day one — he’s going to push too far and there’s going to be pushback,” Mr. Gerhardt said. “And impeachment is the core of any pushback.”

Peter Baker is the chief White House correspondent and has covered the last four presidents for The Times and The Washington Post. He also is the author of five books, most recently “Impeachment: An American History.” @peterbakernyt • Facebook

A version of this article appears in print on Dec. 1, 2019, Section A, Page 20 of the New York edition with the headline: Long Before Trump, Impeachment Loomed Over Many Presidents.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Is it just me, or is it obvious that the libtards in this forum are exploding in unison? HoeDummer, WTFF, ELoser9500, Munchies, Jax, SC. They’re all going ballistic. Fucking hilarious. Originally Posted by bambino

It's just you Peggy. Projection 101.
It's just you Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Why wouldn't it be the left continuing to explode.

Rand Paul pretty much verified that 45 Senators are ready to put a stop to the circus and dismiss already.

And last I checked 45 Senators is enough to prevent the conviction and removal of 45 (see what I did there?)