Poor Quality of Reviews????

Guest022210's Avatar
Reviews are very important,both the ones I write and the ones I read. A certain amount of detail is useful to a hobbyist in order to address the skill level of the provider. The rest of the story is all about attitude.If you are doing a half hour drive by with a girl who is all about getting you off and getting you gone,and I mean that in the best possible sense, sometimes a snack is what you want and not a full meal,a technical review is all you need.On the other hand, a review of a provider like Lily or Dana or Sidney is incomplete without addressing the attitude and interaction on a level above the pelvis. What you walk(or limp away)with is more than technical skill. These type of providers put more into their work than a technical review can express and speak more to the way you feel about them, and about yourself after the session
I read the rules for good reviews and sort of disregarded them awhile back. Let the reader take what they will from what I write. And if they don't like it f$$k em if they can't take a joke.I will read your review gladly, and find something that helps if it is only the information that at the conclusion of the date I am not wearing handcuffs I did not request. The best way to learn to write reviews is to write them, and a little helpful constructive critique from the learned is not bad.W
My only peeve is when the only thing I remember about a review is how long your penis(especially if longer than mine)and how many times you made them come,always open to conjecture since if every provider really came as often as we think they would be working for free. Just my two cents adjusted for inflation.
Guest022210's Avatar
I forgot to mention in regards to the enthusiastic reviewer,if it enthused you, and especially if it enthused several others, I have reason to believe it may very well enthuse me.If it feels good to you tell it brother, I would like it to feel good to me too.
just find it funny that yet again in the review section some still don't "get it"..

and hell the one that doesn't "get it" has 7 reviews and all of the same person.. wk? "quack"? surely not reviewing just push to keep a providers name out there? we know that never happens.. but when you couple it with the recent accusation of "lack of details" kinda makes you wonder I guess..

kinda makes you realize i guess to why guys are complaining about the reviews.. review a girl once, maybe twice.. lol..but geez.. seriously.. and then no details ...

oh well..i guess there is a legit complaint if their is no details to give about an experience one has had 7 times

couple that with someone having 30 some odd post on the board and all but 2 or 3 are of that very same person..

kinda ruins the credibility of the reviews and the reviewer.. i mean to claim not to provide details because its the "same date" then why review a person that much? its either to stroke ones own ego and chest thump or put the girl in the review section as often as possible..

sad that things have to be that way..
jon5150's Avatar
And I find it funny that"some people" apparently are so bitter about life that the only time they post, it's to bitch and complain about everyone else. Sounds to me like "those people" should try to find some inner peace. Just my opinion
  • sadie
  • 02-02-2010, 03:38 PM
As much as it pains me, I have to agree with Deanna on this one.

Writing a poor review every other day NOT ONLY makes you look like an obsessed moran, it's NOT helping the provider either!! There is such a thing as OVEREXPOSER. You REALLY LIKE HER. WE GET IT...WE GET IT....WE GET IT....WE GET IT
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-02-2010, 05:12 PM
And the choir sang, "AaaaaMennnnnn"
Guest022210's Avatar
I have made it a practice never to review the same provider twice. I will make an exception to that rule if something completely different were to transpire during the appointment that would make me say, "Oh my God,I have never had that done to me, before , I gotta tell somebody." I look forward to that day. Ladies, if I have reviewed you before, show me whatcha workin' with.:{)
  • sadie
  • 02-02-2010, 09:17 PM
Well..glad that is cleared up.

On to a more pressing question. "If one keeps getting the hiccups...does that mean they are drunk??"
Well..glad that is cleared up.

On to a more pressing question. "If one keeps getting the hiccups...does that mean they are drunk??" Originally Posted by sadie
No, not necessarily, but posting that question on the forum is probably a good indicator
  • sadie
  • 02-03-2010, 01:22 AM
THANKS LILY. I was concerned for a second.
Sydney Pure's Avatar

a-l-e-l-i-uah......sss amething..........
its Early GGGGGOOOOO d nIIte

p.s.smilies are my friends

  • MrGiz
  • 02-03-2010, 07:42 AM
What are the chances , that someone might catch a hint, here? Initial response says SLIM!

The Arkansas Hobby has a lot to offer , these days.... there is no need to artificially inflate anyone. Let's all just be thankful , get nekkid , and enjoy!!


P.S. - I haven't written a review in over two years, due to agreements made in my personal world. Taking all the crashes into account... I probably had over 100 on ASPD! Whenever I did review in the past.... I made sure to give a very clear "vision" of time spent with my chosen playmate. I tried to be as descriptive as possible... including as many of the five senses as my writing ability could offer. I would encourage all to be as creative as possible.... a fine playmate deserves it! So does a crappy one!
Bimboknocker's Avatar
When a hobbyist writes reviews for a provider that he has a personal affinity for, it sets a bad precedent that, in the long run won't benefit anyone.