Amnesty International. It's a start ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
...To decriminalize is to legalize.

But criminally earned income is taxable. So in the total the thought is not a contradiction and an accurate response to Eng's comment.

However once legal, there will be less opportunity to cheat on taxes. Which goes to the point Eng makes. Originally Posted by doug_dfw
I disagree. And I'm not sure that Eng is mentally capable of making ANY good points in any discussion.

But to decriminalize is to NOT legalize. Not really.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Maybe it can get in line behind weed. Originally Posted by johnclark
My thoughts as well.
If it is decriminalized, then it should be taxed. It isn't a church, or non-tax entity. Similar to the decriminalization of Mary Jane, collect taxes. Sin Taxes. Hell there is so much money being made in this arena, we could reduce the National Debt, by all the stuff YOU voted for, and all the Pols YOU try to convince other people are the right Pols to have in there, heck, why not ?
  • grean
  • 08-17-2015, 12:08 PM
Adrienne & Elizabeth,

Fear not. As a professional service, sales tax won't likely be collected, similar to doctors & lawyers.[Plus Im sure the hobby will habe amazing lobbiest to help] It will be easier to file income taxes and therefore prove income for credit purposes.
That will allow alot of the girls to come out of the shadows.

Also, I doubt it will cause the rates to plummet. There are a billion men who want to see you naked. Alot, simply because of legal ramifications don't partake. Without legal consequences, many many many men will enter the market. However, while a number of additional women may enter the market as providers, I do not believe the supply will overrun demand. Prices wil stay constant or even increase even above inflation.
James1588's Avatar
If it is decriminalized, then it should be taxed. It isn't a church, or non-tax entity. Similar to the decriminalization of Mary Jane, collect taxes. Sin Taxes. Hell there is so much money being made in this arena, we could reduce the National Debt, by all the stuff YOU voted for, and all the Pols YOU try to convince other people are the right Pols to have in there, heck, why not ? Originally Posted by crashkopf

It damn sure should be decriminalized, and as far as "sin taxation" is concerned, for pity's sake, why?

Are you anxious to pay a whole lot more, every time you see a provider, so that Our Glorious Supervisors can kick off a bunch more optional wars? Or maybe we clients can continue to pay the same, and let the goobermint squeeze the sex workers -- who, by the way, are very, very far from being wealthy -- for the same "worthy" ends?

In a sane world, the accumulated national debt would simply be repudiated. Yes, that would make it very hard for the government to be able to borrow money in the future ... this is a bad thing? A government that only does things the constitution specifically and explicitly authorizes would be very small, very cheap, and could easily be financed by very modest tariffs on imports, which is what the founders had in mind to start with. And decriminalization, as Elisabeth wrote, would simply mean that we'd go on doing exactly what we're doing now, except that no one, neither the sex worker nor her client, would have to fear arrest for simply making a voluntary sex-for-money, money-for-sex exchange. And to hell with the lawfakers and the rest of the apparatus of "government." To hell with them all.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Personally, I pay income tax on a portion of what I make in the hobby. Spending habits need to match reported income.......ijs. Some of the greatest criminals in our history were only brought down because they failed to report to the IRS

IMO, decriminalization won't happen without the government getting a cut. Like ladies would have to get licensed or hold a permit
And I'm not sure that Eng is mentally capable of making ANY good points in any discussion. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
haha that made me laugh really hard