
chicagoboy's Avatar
Jayhawker you definitely earned those points, starting around post #86. Live and learn.
This appears to be the basis of your national thread. Yes the basis is the infraction. I wanted others who could give unbiased opinions.

Unless you can verify the assumption above, learn from the infraction about your own behavior and move forward. Originally Posted by emptywallet
The reason why I took it as if they didn't receive an infraction is because they continued with the attacks. You are right and I tried that before. They gave me warnings after being attacked and me responding so I let my premium access expire and I stopped posting. I responded this time because after 24 hours I saw the mods were not going to take any action so I took action.

How in the world do you not have the ability to send PM's? I know several lurkers who communicate with me via PM. They don't have PA. I let my premium access expire because of my distrust of the mods and certain gents. My mailbox is full so I cannot send messages.Does that clear that up?

I called the entire exercise a waste of my time...I found your posts in all their glory and a thread that in my opinion shouldn't be in co-ed. Originally Posted by SAangel27
Basically your reply is not unbiased it is truly after reading my other post that you formed your opinion. So you read my post including on that you feel should not have been in co-ed and now you have your opinion about what I wrote here today.
Jayhawker you definitely earned those points, starting around post #86. Live and learn. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Even if they came at me with total negativity I should have let them continue the attack and not responded?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Jayhawker you definitely earned those points, starting around post #86. Live and learn. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Even if they came at me with total negativity I should have let them continue the attack and not responded? Originally Posted by Jayhawker
It's not a question of if you respond; it's how you respond. Scorpio31 was right:

I am also encouraging (warning) you to stop the gay slurs, name calling and disrespect of others not only in this thread but other threads also.

Actually, that goes for everyone. We can have civil discussions of facts and opinions without resulting in name calling and disrespectful language, regardless of our personal feelings toward or opinions of any member or members. Thank you. Originally Posted by scorpio31
The reason why I took it as if they didn't receive an infraction is because they continued with the attacks. You are right and I tried that before. They gave me warnings after being attacked and me responding so I let my premium access expire and I stopped posting. I responded this time because after 24 hours I saw the mods were not going to take any action so I took action. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
First, the mods move at their own pace. Next, you don't know if the others were given warnings or points, etc. If you were waiting for them to get banned, that can take a while. It can also happen very quickly, but usually not for not playing nice. Some folks get warnings, etc. and don't stop until they are banned. Assuming the mods did nothing because the posts continued may be a false assumption.

No, you don't have to "roll over," but eventually, you can't un-douche someone by being a bigger douche. After a while, just tell everyone they're not worth you getting banned, say you're leaving the conversation, and whatever is said afterwards is not your concern. If you absolutely have to have the last word, keep at it, get your points, get banned, and don't learn from the experience.
It's not a question of if you respond; it's how you respond. Scorpio31 was right: Originally Posted by chicagoboy
So wait we are on a hooker board but we have to be politically correct. I thought the purpose of this board was so we could express ourselves without having to worry about big brother slapping us on the wrist and saying please watch what language you sue here.

I mean aren't we supposed to be able to speak freely and not worry about political correct talk.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2014, 11:28 AM

You are not helping your case or your reputation by the way you respond to a respected poster like SAangel. She gave you some sound advice/commentary (as did others) but you seem to be on a quest more than actually seeking feedback. You may think you are the baddest SOB in the valley--and maybe you are, but I doubt it--however it is disingenuous to act like a bully-wannabe and then complain that you are treated that way. The bruises would be far worse had you responded that way to Wakeup or WTF or any of numerous others.

But to your original points:

1. Essentially no one on here has any idea if the other posters did or did not get reprimanded, so why did you raise the question here?

2. From looking at the KC threads I don't see anything over the top. The reality is board moderators are human, and humans are almost never completely impartial. I'm not saying that is right, but it is part of the human condition. What I saw there is mild compared to many other boards on this subject matter or otherwise. Were you around in the ugly last days of ASPD? Or the Elms era of TER? Those were some seriously messed up issues with some of the modding. I speak as a long term mod on several other boards on different subjects: there is no unbiased mod no matter how hard mods try.
First, the mods move at their own pace. Next, you don't know if the others were given warnings or points, etc. If you were waiting for them to get banned, that can take a while. It can also happen very quickly, but usually not for not playing nice. Some folks get warnings, etc. and don't stop until they are banned. Assuming the mods did nothing because the posts continued may be a false assumption.

No, you don't have to "roll over," but eventually, you can't un-douche someone by being a bigger douche. After a while, just tell everyone they're not worth you getting banned, say you're leaving the conversation, and whatever is said afterwards is not your concern. If you absolutely have to have the last word, keep at it, get your points, get banned, and don't learn from the experience. Originally Posted by emptywallet
See to me it seems like you are saying I should let people attack me and take it up the arse. I don't get that soft approach because that is how people get taken advantage of.

Make no mistake I respect your opinion and I think you have a point but it is a hard point to swallow but trust I get what you are saying.
Agree the mods aren't sitting around the computer just waiting for someone to fuck up. Looks to me they knew what buttons to push and they set you up and as soon as you fucked up they hit the RTM button.

You could always ask them nicely to join you in the political form where it's no holds bar.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2014, 11:34 AM
So wait we are on a hooker board but we have to be politically correct. I thought the purpose of this board was so we could express ourselves without having to worry about big brother slapping us on the wrist and saying please watch what language you sue here.

I mean aren't we supposed to be able to speak freely and not worry about political correct talk. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Actually, I feel very confident saying that you are wrong. This is indeed a community that encourages honest discussion most the time, but in a civil manner. It is not a forum for juvenile slurs, insults, lies, and attacks. It's a 40 year old thought but the medium is still very much part of the message. Express yourself like an adult instead of a pre-pubescent highschooler and you likely won't get slapped near as hard or often.
See to me it seems like you are saying I should let people attack me and take it up the arse. I don't get that soft approach because that is how people get taken advantage of.

Make no mistake I respect your opinion and I think you have a point but it is a hard point to swallow but trust I get what you are saying. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Nope. You misunderstood what I wrote.

Well, good luck.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Learn how to make, and defend, an argument and most people will magically stop fucking with you.

Your posts smell of a juvenile insecurity that is unbecoming of a gent on an adult message board.

the way you respond to a respected poster like SAangel I have no clue who she is and she told me she wasted her life by reading what I wrote. My only point to her was why respond if she felt it was a waste of time. Is that really so bad to ask. . you seem to be on a quest more than actually seeking feedback. No, I do want feedback but I do want feeback that is helpful and not after reading my past post and telling me they shouldn't have even been in certain forums. You may think you are the baddest SOB in the valley--and maybe you are, but I doubt it--however it is disingenuous to act like a bully-wannabe and then complain that you are treated that way. Not complaining about getting attacked...that makes my day...I love the back and forth and want them to bring it. However, what I am complaining about is the infraction for responding to the attacks. hence why I titled the thread infractions

But to your original points:

1. Essentially no one on here has any idea if the other posters did or did not get reprimanded, so why did you raise the question here? To get others thoughts as I stated from the beginning. Originally Posted by Old-T
Actually, I feel very confident saying that you are wrong. This is indeed a community that encourages honest discussion most the time, but in a civil manner. It is not a forum for juvenile slurs, insults, lies, and attacks. It's a 40 year old thought but the medium is still very much part of the message. Express yourself like an adult instead of a pre-pubescent highschooler and you likely won't get slapped near as hard or often. Originally Posted by Old-T
So you are saying grown men in the real world don't use this type of language. You are saying that only kids use this type of language. It seems to me you have a double standard.
Learn how to make, and defend, an argument and most people will magically stop fucking with you.

Your posts smell of a juvenile insecurity that is unbecoming of a gent on an adult message board. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
THIS IS A HOOKER BOARD! IT is not some nice fine everyday gentlemans club. This is a board in which people are in fear the feds may shut it down like redbook. Why pretend as if we have to play nice.

You say the post smell of juvenile insecurity but give nothing to back up your point.

Wait never mind I just have 1 review and joined last month. Carry on
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Welcome to the big leagues Jayhawker.
Seriously consider comments from the folks on this thread as I believe this is first time some have met you. Perhaps the concept of 1st impressions being valid is applicable.
SAangel27 is being very nice, but blunt, and I agree with her take. Others are also blunt.
As you're aware of which board I normally frequent, you're also aware that I've seen all the posts on that thread, and I've seen other threads. Please take my following comment as constructive, as that's the sole intent.
You are simply doing yourself a disservice with your choice of verbiage, and your presentation mechanics. This is why some of the folks on that local board go after you (and there's a bit in this thread ftom folks that just met you). I assume that some of the verbiage and presentation is what got a mod involved, whether it was open board or a PM.
I have no idea why I'm presenting a bit of advice to someone that went to that school, and, btw, I took the entire pot on the Tues eve game, from 5 guys I work with, that went to that same school, but perhaps you will just accept this as non-inflammatory advisory comment to think about.