There are only a few good people left here...

justanolaguy's Avatar
Popping in and out...You are a true gem on here as well as in person.

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Thank you Babe! Likewise. I'm way overdue for a visit.
I don't see any issues, I come on here, find what I want, then get in contact with a lady.

It hasn't changed much for me.

But I don't spend all my time on here either.
Unfortunately the trolls and Mandle holders make many want to leave the boards, or they make good guys not want to write anything on here at all for fear of getting talked about like dogs.

It is a shame that life is designed that way to have the scales tipping a little more to the drama side versus having them tipped towards the good and valued people on here.

But to all the sweet and kind guys, who just come on here to "do business" I salute you...
I wish all of you a Happy Friday and blessings throughout the weekend...

I don't see any issues, I come on here, find what I want, then get in contact with a lady.

It hasn't changed much for me.

But I don't spend all my time on here either. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
You and Oldgent do seem to be the kings around here. Lots of good posts.
Yes there are several good gentleman on here, And then there are the few that ruin it for everyone else who comes on here to browse and enjoy and interact with like minded people.

Then there are those mandel's that everyone just pretends do not exist. They get on here and talk trash about everyone else as if they are perfect.

But O well life goes on, I'm sure...
Blessings on this Friday evening.

annie@christophers's Avatar
These guys want the little spinners so for the more mature and drama free ladies, there must be other forms of doing business. Originally Posted by SweetCougar
Thats the same people who ruin it. Most of the spinners too. Its their generation. They dont often learn the lesson of consequence for mistreating people because most of their interactions with humans are in this format. They have no couth. Their mommas gave birth to the lil bastards and they have a 1000 cell phone in their hand before they can wipe their own ass.

There are movies now where most of the show is you watching text messages sent and received. What the fuck??? I want a refund for the movie and this generation. I need to see the manager please!

The hobby seems to have an overly predatory and dark shadow over it these days. Drama seems to be the coin of the realm on most boards. I miss the days of Al Bundy. He made it funny and entertaining. There is an idiot trying to be him on Twitter and OH2. That's how much impact he had. The shake up made a lot of folks desperate and that breeds the worst traits in people.
I saw there was an al on oh2 but dont use that site enough to know it wasnt the same person

I guess that is high praise
For the record, FYI, It is Al Bundy on Twitter and OH2.

I know this because I talk to him, And I don't mean just on the hobby boards...

We have always interacted he and I on a personal level even though we have never met in person.
I too was skeptical when he 1st came to Twitter and on OH2, but after he and I talked for a while, And he brung up Something that we had in common from a long time ago I knew it was Really him.

Same guy, Al, He is just keeping a lower profile these days...

I hope this helps ease ya'all's minds.

For the record, FYI, It is Al Bundy on Twitter and OH2.

I know this because I talk to him, And I don't mean just on the hobby boards...

We have always interacted he and I on a personal level even though we have never met in person.
I too was skeptical when he 1st came to Twitter and on OH2, but after he and I talked for a while, And he brung up Something that we had in common from a long time ago I knew it was Really him.

Same guy, Al, He is just keeping a lower profile these days...

I hope this helps ease ya'all's minds.

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
I had to leave Twitter. Way too much drama for me. Might come back someday but doubtful. Twitter can bring out the worst in people.
What is OH2?
What is OH2? Originally Posted by Maleman
It is a site similar to Eccie, except it is the PG version with less action and drama..(at lease in the Nola forums)

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-26-2019, 12:22 PM
When I first started traveling outside of Houston into Louisiana it was a was a whole different world. Everyone was cool. I do thank Skeeter for helping me get my start. I have some great memories.
There are several great people on here, And many who were great that are no longer here...

I wish that some of the old time members of the board (long timers) would come back and make it fun again...

While we try to interact and engaged and do our thing, It's just like most say a place to do business these days.

I used to sit up late at night with other members and chop it up, Now I just go to bed and go to sleep get up in the morning and post my add or say what I got to say and then I'm off the board for most of the day...

Everyone have an awesome week!!

