The Bill and Hillary Show. Is This Some Kind Of Joke??

Tonight on Fox, Tucker looked at the humorous side.

Before November 2016, everybody in the Saudi Royal Familly were giving millions to the Clinton Foundation in order to "see" the Clinton's.

Now, the dynamic duo can't even get people to pay $8.00 Canadian to see them.
bigwill832's Avatar
Tickets for their stop here in Houston are as low as $9. I may go. It was supposed to be tomorrow night, but they've postponed it until later this next year.
themystic's Avatar
Tonight on Fox, Tucker looked at the humorous side.

Before November 2016, everybody in the Saudi Royal Familly were giving millions to the Clinton Foundation in order to "see" the Clinton's.

Now, the dynamic duo can't even get people to pay $8.00 Canadian to see them. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That Tucker is a hoot. LMAO. He is so funny. The Saudis were paying Millions to see the Clintons and now they are killing journalists for free. And get this Tucker our President & New Secretary of State believe the Saudis denial over the American CIA and say so publicly. Lol funny. That is some funny shit Jackie. And now the dynamic duo, ( Trump & Pompeo) are making sure the arms deal for the Saudis isn't fucked up over some dumb shit like murdering a journalist. You Republicans are a laugh a minute Jackie. And we Americans don't even have to pay $ 8.00. All we have to do is turn on Fox and watch Tucker Carlson. Hes just so funny! This is so hilarious I cant barley see straight. Why I don't recognize the Republican party at all
TheDaliLama's Avatar
People watched the Apprentice!

I wasn't one of them...but people did watch that shit. Originally Posted by WTF were on episode 12

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i have read every post in this thread (that i do not have on ignore) and i declare Billary Rodham Blythe are a CLOWN SHOW!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2018, 09:09 AM
Tickets for their stop here in Houston are as low as $9. I may go. It was supposed to be tomorrow night, but they've postponed it until later this next year. Originally Posted by bigwill832
They were supposed to be at the Smart Center tonight but are in DC for the Bush funeral.

I saw the cheapest tickets for $79 and up to a couple of thousand.

themystic's Avatar
They were supposed to be at the Smart Center tonight but are in DC for the Bush funeral.

I saw the cheapest tickets for $79 and up to a couple of thousand.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Where are the $ 8 dollar tickets Jackie and others are talking about?
Tonight on Fox, Tucker looked at the humorous side.

Before November 2016, everybody in the Saudi Royal Familly were giving millions to the Clinton Foundation in order to "see" the Clinton's.

Now, the dynamic duo can't even get people to pay $8.00 Canadian to see them. Originally Posted by Jackie S

They don't deserve having me pay 8$ to go see them.
  • Tiny
  • 12-05-2018, 05:46 AM
We need to get back to our roots as a hooker board. How much would you pay for a night of passion with Hillary Clinton? I’d pay $50. Or $100 if she’d allow photos so I could prove I did her.
themystic's Avatar
Id pay $ 8.00. Jackie where are the $ 8.00 tickets or is that some more Trump propaganda?
That Tucker is a hoot. LMAO. He is so funny. The Saudis were paying Millions to see the Clintons and now they are killing journalists for free. And get this Tucker our President & New Secretary of State believe the Saudis denial over the American CIA and say so publicly. Lol funny. That is some funny shit Jackie. And now the dynamic duo, ( Trump & Pompeo) are making sure the arms deal for the Saudis isn't fucked up over some dumb shit like murdering a journalist. You Republicans are a laugh a minute Jackie. And we Americans don't even have to pay $ 8.00. All we have to do is turn on Fox and watch Tucker Carlson. Hes just so funny! This is so hilarious I cant barley see straight. Why I don't recognize the Republican party at all Originally Posted by themystic
the mystic - you are a smart man so please help me to understand - why does the world care that the Saudi's killed another person?

We have always known that they wack people on a regular basis - what is the big deal here? They toss homos off buildings, they give public whippings to political enemies as a warning, they no doubt have honor killings to compensate for shame, etc.

Why now? To get at Trump? That makes sense but why the fake moral outrage?
We need to get back to our roots as a hooker board. How much would you pay for a night of passion with Hillary Clinton? I’d pay $50. Or $100 if she’d allow photos so I could prove I did her. Originally Posted by Tiny

Holy shiiiiiit! But, you know, you do have a good point.

Tell you what. I'd pay a hell of a lot more than that for a paid tryst with the hildebeest. Upper end of the HDH range, for sure! (That is, as long as she would allow a graphic SHMB review.)

WTF?!? Why the hell would I do that? Simple. What better way to establish my virility bona fides with my friends!?

For if I can maintain a hard dick in the presence of a nude Hillary Clinton, I can credibly claim that, even at age 65, I'm one of the most potent SOBs walking the planet!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-05-2018, 06:50 AM
the mystic - you are a smart man so please help me to understand - why does the world care that the Saudi's killed another person?

We have always known that they wack people on a regular basis - what is the big deal here? They toss homos off buildings, they give public whippings to political enemies as a warning, they no doubt have honor killings to compensate for shame, etc.

Why now? To get at Trump? That makes sense but why the fake moral outrage? Originally Posted by friendly fred

ff, why do you love the Saudis so?
  • Tiny
  • 12-05-2018, 06:53 AM
WTF?!? Why the hell would I do that? Simple. What better way to establish my virility bona fides with my friends!?

For if I can maintain a hard dick in the presence of a nude Hillary Clinton, I can credibly claim that, even at age 65, I'm one of the most potent SOBs walking the planet! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Hilarious! A confession, I actually had the hots when I was a teenager for Margaret Thatcher. It was a combination of honestly admiring her and too much testosterone.
Where are the $ 8 dollar tickets Jackie and others are talking about? Originally Posted by themystic